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Energy-Water Nexus

Energy-Water Nexus. Vincent Tidwell and Mike Hightower Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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Energy-Water Nexus

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  1. Energy-Water Nexus Vincent Tidwell and Mike Hightower Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, New Mexico Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company,for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.

  2. Water for Energy Energy for Water Water production, processing, distribution, and end-use requires energy Energy and power production requires water • Thermoelectric Cooling • Energy Minerals Extraction/Mining • Fuel Processing (fossil fuels, H2,biofuels) • Emission Control • Pumping • Conveyance • Treatment • Distribution • Use Conditioning

  3. Industrial Public Supply 6% 14% 48% of total daily water withdrawals Livestock 2% Irrigation Note: Hydropower and saline water uses are not included here! 39% Thermoelectric 39% Source: USGS Circular 1268, March, 2004 Estimated Freshwater Withdrawals by Sector: 320 BGD

  4. U.S. Freshwater Consumption:100 BGD Source: Solley et al., 1998

  5. Thermoelectric Water Consumption in the Continental United States: 2004 MGD

  6. Total Water Consumption in the United States: 2004 MGD

  7. Energy for Water Today • 27% of non-agricultural water is consumed by the energy sector. • 3% of energy consumption is to lift, move and treat water. • At this level of demand energy-water nexus issues are realized.

  8. Projected Population Growth Projected Growth in Electric Power Generation Projected Growth in non-Ag Water Consumption 70 million more people by 2030 Source: EIA 2004 Energy and Water Tomorrow

  9. Electric Power Generation Cooling Options Once-Through Cooling Closed-Loop (Evaporative) Cooling Dry-Cooled Power Plant

  10. National Withdrawals/Consumption • Current mix has the highest water use, 236.1 BGD in 2030 and lowest water consumption, 4.3 BGD. • Recirculating cooling towers in all new construction and recommissioned plants has the lowest water use, 184.8 BGD but highest consumption,5.0BGD. Current Mix Current Mix

  11. Electric Power Water Demand

  12. National Withdrawals/Consumption • The GDP case (increase of 6% in electricity demand) yields the highest water consumption at 5.2 BGD. • RPS case yields the least at 4.6 BGD. • Shift toward a richer renewables mix is capable of reducing overall thermoelectric water consumption by 5% in 2030, or 23% in terms of total post 2004 water consumption.

  13. Projected Increase in Thermoelectric Water Consumption 2004-2030 MGD

  14. Supply GW Pumping 1-2 2-10 >10 Exploring the Nexus Ratio of Sustainable Recharge to Groundwater Pumping: 2004

  15. Future Siting at Risk Future thermoelectric consumption in watersheds prone to groundwater stress • 77 MGD consumption at risk MGD

  16. Supply Consumption 1-2 2-10 >10 Exploring the Nexus Ratio of Mean Stream Flow to Total Water Consumption:2004

  17. Future Siting at Risk Future thermoelectric consumption in watersheds prone to surface water stress • 180 MGD consumption at risk MGD

  18. Supply Consumption 1-2 2-10 >10 Exploring the Nexus Ratio of 5th Percentile Stream Flow (Low Flow) to Total Water Consumption: 2004

  19. Future Siting at Risk Future thermoelectric consumption in watersheds prone to drought stress • 1316 MGD consumption at risk MGD

  20. Impact of Carbon Capture and Sequestration on Water Consumption

  21. Future Siting at Risk Future thermoelectric consumption in watersheds prone to drought stress • 2224 MGD consumption at risk MGD

  22. Ratio of Mean Stream Flow to Environmental Flow Requirements: 2004 Mean Flow Env. Flow <1 1-1.25 >1.25 Environmental Controls

  23. Status of Adjudications Unadjudicated Adjudication in Progress Adjudicated Native American Nations Special Administration No Nations 10 Nations Normal Admin. Special Restrictions Compact Basins No Compact Interstate Compact Institutional Controls

  24. Projected Increase in Non-Thermoelectric Water Consumption 2004-2030 MGD

  25. Gas Shale Development • Water is used in drilling, completion, and fracturing • Up to 3 million gallons of water is needed per well • Water recovery can be 20% to 70% • Recovered water quality varies – from 10,000 ppm TDS to 100,000 ppm TDS • Recovered water is commonly injected into deep wells

  26. Water Demand for Transportation Fuels

  27. Oil Shale Development • Reserves are in areas of limited water resources • Water needed for retorting, steam flushing, and cooling up to 3 gallons per gallon of fuel • Concerns over in situ migration of retort by-products and impact on ground water quality

  28. 2030 land use 37 M acres cropland as pasture and idle cropland 37 M acres non-grazed forest land No land use change for residues equals 2006 corn ethanol acreage Biofuel Feedstock Impact on Cropland

  29. Biofuel Water Consumption 2030 Represents 5.6% of total United States consumption up from 3.7% in 2007

  30. Biofuel Water Demand

  31. Non-traditional Water Resource Availability Brackish Aquifers Oil and Gas Produced Water

  32. Today The Future Conventional Treatment Sea Water RO Brackish NF Brackish RO Non-traditional Water Requires Energy Power Requirements For Treating • Desal growing at 10% per year, waste water reuse at 15% per year • Reuse not accounted for in USGS assessments • Non-traditional water use is energy intensive (Einfeld 2007) (Modified from Water Reuse 2007, EPA 2004, Mickley 2003)

  33. Interconnection Wide Planning • Assist planners in the Western and Texas Interconnections to analyze the potential implications of water stress on transmission planning.

  34. Project Partners • Sandia National Laboratories • Vincent Tidwell • Len Malczynski • Peter Kobos • Elizabeth Richards • Argonne National Laboratory • John Gasper • John Veil • Tom Veselka • Electric Power Research Institute • Robert Goldstein • National Renewable Energy Laboratory • Jordan Macknick • Robin Newmark • Daniel Inman • Kathleen Hallett • Idaho National Laboratory • Gerald Sehlke • Randy Lee • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory • Mark Wigmosta • Richard Skaggs • Ruby Leung • University of Texas • Michael Webber • Carey King

  35. Contact: Vincent Tidwell Sandia National Laboratories PO Box 5800; MS 0735 Albuquerque, NM 87185 (505)844-6025 vctidwe@sandia.gov More Information at: www.sandia.gov/mission/energy/arra/energy-water.html

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