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Travis Macha

Travis Macha. Preserving the Ogallala Aquifer: For Today and Tomorrow Texas Tech University. Thesis.

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Travis Macha

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  1. Travis Macha Preserving the Ogallala Aquifer: For Today and Tomorrow Texas Tech University

  2. Thesis • In the past, the Ogallala has been a seemingly infinite supply of water however, current research has put an end to that as indicators of declining water levels are prompting a reexamination of farming conditions as well as a range of irrigation strategies to meet conservation goals.

  3. Subtopic 1: Water Depletion • Take-away: However, depleting at rates that are still being disputed one thing for certain is water usage must slow to preserve the life of the aquifer for years to come. • Rate of decline • V.L. McGuire, Terrell and Johnson • Discussion on need for change in water usage • Terrell and Johnson, Hornbeck

  4. Subtopic 2: Irrigation Methods • Take-away: Modern irrigation techniques must be adopted as well as development of new ones for the overall goal of conserving the aquifer. • Need for adoption of modern methods, due to inefficient old technologies • Hornbeck, Keskin, Lamm and O’brian , • Call for development of technologies • Little, Lamm and O’brian , Verchick

  5. Subtopic 3: Farming techniques • Farming habits are also crucial to alter if conservation will succeed • Reliance on irrigation • Pfeiffer and Lin, Little • Using farming techniques to conserve water • Little, Castellazzi

  6. Conclusion • Current research indicates regardless of how fast, the Ogallala is depleting and it is the human responsibility to preserve it. • Not only must water efficient irrigation methods be used more wide spread but also farming methods must change. Low-tillage farming and crop rotations are excellent alternatives. • Continued research and adaption to the growing situation must continue to progress at a rapid pace to give the aquifer the best chance to be preserved.

  7. Works Cited • Castellazi, M.S. “A systematic representation of crop rotations.” Agricultural Systems 97. 2008: 26-33 Article. Web. 22 June 2014 • Keskin, Pinar and Hornbeck, Richard. “The Evolving Impact of the Ogallala Aquifer: Agricultural Adaptation to Groundwater and Climate.” NBER Working Papers Series 17625. (2011): 1-42 Article. Web. 22 June, 2014 • Little, J. 2009. “The Ogallala Aquifer: Saving a Vital U.S. Water Source.” Scientific American, (2009): 1-7 Article. Web. 17 June, 2014 • McGuire, V.L., Johnson. “2003, Water in storage and approaches to ground-water management,” High Plains aquifer 1243, (2000): 1-36. US Department of Commerce. Web. 22 June, 2014 • Pfeiffer, Lisa and Lin, Cynthia. “Groundwater pumping and spatial externalities in agriculture.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, (2012): 64. 16-30. 22 June, 2014 • O'Brien, Daniel and Lamm, Freddie. "Corn Yields and Profitability for Low-Capacity Irrigation Systems." ASAE, (2000): 1-37 Article. Web. 17 June, 2014 • Terrell, Bonnie and Segarra, Eduardo. “Ogallala aquifer depletion: economic impact on the Texas high plains.” Water Policy 4. (2001): 33-46 Article. Web. 18 June, 2014 • Verchick, Robert R. M. "Dust Bowl Blues: Saving And Sharing The Ogallala Aquifer." Journal Of Environmental Law & Litigation 14.1 (1999): 13-23. OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson). Web. 23 June 2014.

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