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The Changing Landscape

The Changing Landscape. Change Coming: From 1 April 2013 PCTs abolished Commissioning role taken on by GP Consortia Responsibility for managing GPs performance will pass to the new National Commissioning Board.

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The Changing Landscape

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  1. The Changing Landscape

  2. Change Coming: • From 1 April 2013 • PCTs abolished • Commissioning role taken on by GP Consortia • Responsibility for managing GPs performance will pass to the new National Commissioning Board. • All providers - including Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust – expected to have gained Foundation Trust status. • LA statutory duties through Health and Wellbeing Boards

  3. Change Coming: March 2011 onwards – new management structures in parts of the PCT to deliver cost savings Follows consultation exercise, ‘slotting’ and interviews for new posts Should deliver in-year savings of c£850,000 Focus on commissioning management costs and therefore do not include: Walsall Community Health, health economy-wide IMT services or Public Health, although these areas will be subject to separate savings reviews. Further savings will be required for 2011/12

  4. Change Coming: • 1 April 2011 – Transforming Community Services (subject to Board approval) • Adult, children’s and lifestyle services to what will become Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust • Learning Disability services to Sandwell Mental Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust * • Community Dental Services to Birmingham NHS Community Foundation Trust

  5. Change Coming: March 2011 onwards – ‘Clustering of PCTs’ ‘Clustering’ PCTs to help ensure that commissioning organisations can continue to function effectively and resiliently during the transition to GP commissioning. Walsall is in the Black Country cluster, along with Dudley, Sandwell and Wolverhampton City PCTs. Interviews for a cluster Chief Executive to lead a single executive management team. Appointments for Finance, Medical and Nursing Directors to follow shortly after. Further details to follow about other posts.

  6. Change Coming: GP Commissioning Currently consulting on proposed management structure to support our local commissioning consortia Following consultation, ‘assignment’ of staff to posts – will require new ways of working, different lines of accountability Even after initial assignment, structure is likely to evolve and change significantly

  7. Change Coming: GP Commissioning From April 2011, the lead Walsall GP Commissioning Consortium (WGPCC) will exercise delegated powers to manage key parts of the commissioning process, reporting to the Board of NHS Walsall. As well as its Clinical Chair, Dr Gill, it will include GP and PCT management representatives, LMC, Public Health, Walsall council and a MyNHS Walsall public representative. (Also co-opted members, including Chair of Trans Walsall Independent Commissioning Consortium)

  8. Change Coming: Walsall MBC • Clarification of the relationship with cluster • Establishment of a Transition Board to oversee the PH transfer;no settled approach to future PH delivery • Relationship with GPC & existing partnership arrangements including JCU • Health & Wellbeing Board establishment • Healthwatch / LINKS / My NHS Walsall

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