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Classification and Taxonomy: Grouping Organisms based on Characteristics

Learn about the classification and taxonomy of living organisms, including the father of modern classification, binomial nomenclature, and the different levels of classification. Discover the three domains and six kingdoms of life, and identify organisms based on their characteristics.

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Classification and Taxonomy: Grouping Organisms based on Characteristics

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  1. Chapter 9 Classification Review Game

  2. Sing the classification song

  3. Sing the dichotomous key song

  4. The division of organisms into groups or classes based on characteristics is _______________.

  5. The division of organisms into groups or classes based on characteristics is _______________. A: Classification

  6. What system based on shared characteristics is used to classify organisms? A: An ____-level system

  7. What system based on shared characteristics is used to classify organisms? A: An eight-level system

  8. Who is considered the father of the modern system of naming and classification?

  9. Who is considered the father of the modern system of naming and classification? A: Carolus Linneaus

  10. What is this 2-part naming system called?

  11. What is this 2-part naming system called? A: Binomial Nomenclature

  12. What are the two parts to a scientific name?

  13. What are the two parts to a scientific name? A: Genus and species

  14. What branch of science did Linneaus help develop?

  15. What branch of science did Linneaus help develop? A: Taxonomy

  16. Into which two groups did scientists originally classify all living things?

  17. Into which two groups did scientists originally classify all living things? A: Plants and Animals

  18. The jaguar (Panthera onca), the lion (Panthera leo), and the tiger (Panthera tigris) are different species, but they share the same _______.

  19. The jaguar (Panthera onca), the lion (Panthera leo), and the tiger (Panthera tigris) are different species, but they share the same _______. A: Genus

  20. Since the jaguar and the tiger are members of different species, what are they unable to do?

  21. Since the jaguar and the tiger are members of different species, what are they unable to do? A: Mate to produce fertile offspring

  22. Which animals have color vision?

  23. Which animals have color vision?

  24. Which animal has a much larger brain but is not bipedal?

  25. Which animal has a much larger brain but is not bipedal?

  26. How many levels of classification are there?

  27. How many levels of classification are there? A: 8

  28. List the 8 levels of classification in order from most general to most specific.

  29. List the 8 levels of classification in order from most general to most specific. A: Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

  30. How many domains are there today? List them.

  31. How many domains are there today? A: 3 List them. A: Archaea, Bacteria, Eukarya

  32. How many kingdoms are there today? List the kingdoms.

  33. How many kingdoms are there today? A: 6 List the kingdoms. A: Archaeabacteria, Eubacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plants, Animals

  34. To which kingdom would these organisms belong: Slime mold, paramecium, and amoeba

  35. To which kingdom would these organisms belong: Slime mold, paramecium, and amoeba A: Kingdom Protista

  36. To which kingdom would this organism belong: A complex multicellular organism that absorbs nutrients from its surroundings.

  37. To which kingdom would this organism belong: A complex multicellular organism that absorbs nutrients from its surroundings. A: Kingdom Fungi

  38. To which kingdom would this organism belong: A prokaryote that lives in extreme environments

  39. To which kingdom would this organism belong: A prokaryote that lives in extreme environments A: Kingdom Archaeabacteria

  40. To which kingdom would this organism belong: A prokaryote that can either be cocci, spirilla, or bacilli.

  41. To which kingdom would this organism belong: A prokaryote that can either be cocci, spirilla, or bacilli. A: Kingdom Eubacteria

  42. To which kingdom would this organism belong: A complex multicellular heterotroph that usually moves, responds to its environment using specialized sense organs, and reproduces sexually.

  43. To which kingdom would this organism belong: A complex multicellular heterotroph that usually moves, responds to its environment using specialized sense organs, and reproduces sexually. A: Kingdom Animalia

  44. Kingdom Animalia is subdivided into 2 phyla. Name the 2 phyla.

  45. Kingdom Animalia is subdivided into 2 phyla. Name the 2 phyla. A: invertebrates and vertebrates

  46. To which kingdom would this organism belong: A eukaryote that can perform photosynthesis and whose cells have cell walls.

  47. To which kingdom would this organism belong: A eukaryote that can perform photosynthesis and whose cells have cell walls. A: Kingdom Plantae

  48. Why are organisms in the Kingdom Fungi not classified as plants?

  49. Why are organisms in the Kingdom Fungi not classified as plants? A: They can’t do photosynthesis

  50. What tool would you use to help you identify an organism that you did not know?

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