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Research Session 2: Urban and territorial innovation with Living Labs

Research Session 2: Urban and territorial innovation with Living Labs. Living labs for user-driven urban planning – Empirical findings regarding new ways to engage citizens in the development processes Lotta Haukipuro, Tommi Heikkinen & Anri Kivimäki University of Oulu, Finland.

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Research Session 2: Urban and territorial innovation with Living Labs

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  1. Research Session 2: Urban and territorial innovation with Living Labs Living labs for user-driven urban planning – Empirical findings regarding new ways to engage citizens in the development processes Lotta Haukipuro, Tommi Heikkinen & Anri Kivimäki University of Oulu, Finland The 4thENoLL Living Lab Summer School 27th-30 August 2013 Manchester School of Arts

  2. Pilot project: User-driven city planning • Hiukkavaara- the largest new city part to be built in Oulu, Finland (20,000 residents) • will be developed into a model neighbourhood of sustainable urban planning – with user-driven methods • Feedback for the development of Hiukkavaara will be collected from citizens in all phases of planning and implementation • The first study was conducted in April 2013 as a pilot project of MAINIO* *MAINIO (Methods and Innovation Networks in OULLabs) is a two-yearprojectfinancedbytheCouncil of Oulu Region and the European RegionalDevelopmentFund, University of Oulu (Center for Internet Excellence and Media Team Oulu), Oulu University of Applied Sciences, City of Oulu, and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. OULLabs has been further developed during the MAINIO project 2012-2014.

  3. Hiukkavaara Centre serves 40,000 citizens

  4. ”Sustainable and smart - forerunner of modelcities”

  5. ”Naturestarts at yourfrontdoor”

  6. ”Winter city of dreams”

  7. RQ: How can citizens be engaged in user-driven development processes with various methods in urban planning, especially in the development of a new city part? A variety of methods: • Online discussion at PATIO forum www.patiolla.fifor deeperinsights of citizens • A questionnaire at 15 largeinteractivepublicdisplays (UBI hotspots) • E-survey(ZEF) • A test group of PATIO users evaluated Hiukkavaara3D model in the 3D virtual laboratory (CAVE) • Immediate discussion & feedback • Post discussion at PATIO online forum

  8. Results • Altogether 200+ participants • Succesful implementation and combination of novel methods for involving citizens in the city planning processes: • Many ideas to support urban planning • The combination of the CAVE and PATIO online forum is a unique way to involve users • Comparable and liableresultsthroughmultiplesurveys (UBI + ZEF) • Engagement of usersthroughvariousmethods • New age group reached • Experience of theusage and integration of variousmethods • Creation of continuoususer-drivendevelopmentprocess in thecity planning

  9. Whatnext? • Second user-driven city planningphaseunderpreparation • Online discussion and e-surveys (PATIO, UBI, ZEF) • Evaluation of thefurtherdeveloped 3D model of Hiukkavaara city part in the 3D virtuallaboratory (CAVE) • New methods • Research • Theabstractwillbeextended and submitted to a journalorconference • Multi-disciplinaryresearchcollaborationwillcontinue

  10. ThankYou! Lotta Haukipuro Project Coordinator, Ph.Dstudent Center for Internet Excellence / OULLabs University of Oulu, Finland lotta.haukipuro@cie.fi

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