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A Division of Optimal Fusion

A Division of Optimal Fusion. o ur m ission. We enhance ad relevancy to be enjoyed by your site’s demographics while increasing your revenue upstream through the use of Native Advertising. And in doing so, assist you in driving incremental revenue and unique visitors to your site. .

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A Division of Optimal Fusion

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Division of Optimal Fusion

  2. our mission We enhance ad relevancy to be enjoyed by your site’s demographics while increasing your revenue upstream through the use of Native Advertising. And in doing so, assist you in driving incremental revenue and unique visitors to your site.

  3. why native ads? • Relevant Content drives Consumer Engagement (i.e. More Clicks!) • Users are 25% more likely to look at a native ad than a standard banner • Native ads are Viewed 53% more frequently then standard ads • On average, visitors will look at a Native unit 4.1 times per session, versus 2.7% for standard banners

  4. native ads (cont’d) Definitions of Native Advertising Source: #StateofNativeAdvertising2014, Hexagram and Spada

  5. how do we do it? There are a few options depending on your site layout, content, and preferences. Vertical Side-Rail Native Ad Unit Horizontal Footer Native Ad Unit Full Page Advertorial Native Ad All options have one thing in common: WEdo the work, and YOUcollect the checks!

  6. vertical side-rail native unit Packed with links to top quality content from our network of premium sites, these units “quietly” offer your readers additional content while at the same time offer revenue potential for YOU.

  7. horizontal footer native unit Turn “Below the Fold” intoGOLD! $$$$$

  8. full page advertorial • Our team of designers and programmers will create a customized content-based page which can easily be iframed and thereby inserted into your site. • This page will have unique content developed specifically for your site’s target audience (written by one of our 50 in-house writers) and automatically optimized in real time based on your traffic trends. • The content is surrounded by Native Ad Units which are also optimized in real time based on user behavior. Native units have an extremely high CTR based on their relevancy to the content they are supported by. • As a publisher, you are compensated on clicks. The more clicks, the more revenue you accrue. Sounds like AdSense™, right? Wrong! Unlike Google AdSense™, we are on YOUR team! We want you to accrue more revenue and more clicks, so we’re going to help you do that part also!

  9. not ready for the full suite of revenue generating tools just yet? That’s ok, we can start slow − how about trying one of the tools from our à la carte menu? • Video Unit – packed with exclusive content sandwiched with pre, mid, or post roll vide advertising. • Standard Banner Units – These units are paid out by the click or by the impression, but operate as standard display banner ads which can be placed in ad slots throughout your site. • Co-registration - place our simple optiLEAD code on your newsletter signup page, and create instant revenue by allowing visitors to opt-in to forms hosted directly on your site. Income is accrued without the visitor leaving your site.

  10. video unit

  11. stand alone display ads

  12. how do you make money? CLICKS! More clicks = more $$$ Our page has proven to outperform other media platforms as well as Google AdSense™. Unlike these other platforms we want to pay you what your click is really worth to an advertiser. We are offering a 80/20 revshare. 80% to you. As soon as you start your account you will already have earned $50. That is how confident we are of our product.

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