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Environmental Information Management Flanders region (Belgium)

Environmental Information Management Flanders region (Belgium). Dick van Straaten - Lode Nulens dvs@milieuinfo.be - l.nulens@vmm.be Flemish authority of Environment. Flanders: environmental policy.

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Environmental Information Management Flanders region (Belgium)

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  1. Environmental Information ManagementFlanders region (Belgium) Dick van Straaten - Lode Nulens dvs@milieuinfo.be - l.nulens@vmm.be Flemish authority of Environment

  2. Flanders: environmental policy • Most of the environmental issues and policy is the competence of the three regions (Flanders, Walloon and Brussels) in Belgium • Flanders has its own Environmental Policy Plan 2003-2007: formal planning process with public involvement/participation • Environmental Policy Plan is approved by the Flemish government and Parliament • Dissemination of environmental information and public involvement in decision-making is explicit part of the Environmental Policy Plan • Action force: Environmental Management Information System: linking all existing environmental information in one logical database easily accessible to all (governmental) organisations, policy-makers (management system) and the public.

  3. Channels of dissemination environmental information • Through the internet: different websites of existing (governmental) organisations. This information is scattered and not integrated. Environmental information is available service-minded (what is available) , not really question-based (what is needed) • Special task force on e-government during the last 3 years, supported by the Flemish government, for all the different policy domains: one portal site for the Flemish governmental organisations and an integrated backoffice. Organised through the different policy domains such as Environment. • Other channels: paper, telephone, the old-fashioned desk, digital television,…

  4. Public access to environmental information through the internet • The different governmental organisations concerning the environment (on the level the the Flemish region) have internet-sites that supplies specific environmental information on their activities and tasks: air, water, soil, waste management, nature conservation, biodiversity, land management, …. • Information is scattered !!

  5. Waste and soil management www.ovam.be

  6. Land management, land consolidation and manure management www.vlm.be

  7. Water and air quality, pollution, emission/immision, water purification www.vmm.be

  8. Geographical maps on internet: integrating environmental spatial information • One website covering and integrating or combining relevant environmental information: thematic maps (biological valuation map, forestry maps,..) policy maps (Nature 2000, Flemish Ecological Network,…) integrated maps (watercourses with water quality/quantity, biological data,…. • www.gisvlaanderen.be/geovlaanderen

  9. www.gisvlaanderen.be/geovlaanderen

  10. Governmental scientific institutes Flanders Scientific institutes provide specific environmental information, published on their websites • Institute of Nature Conservation: biodiversity, state of nature: http://www.instnat.be • Institute of Forest and Game Management: Forestry, acidification, fishery, mamals,… http://www.ibw.vlaanderen.be • Flemish Institute for Technological Research: best available technologies, environmental resaerch (environment and health): http://www.vito.be

  11. Other websites concerning environmental information • Environmental law and legislation: special search application: http://milieunavigator.milieuinfo.be • Environmental impact assessment in Flanders: www.mervlaanderen.be • Integrated Watermanagement in Flanders: www.viwc.be, e-zine on ‘Water’ (quality, quantity, use, research, databases,… • Sustainable use of water resources (target groups: agriculture, enterprises and citizens): www.waterloketvlaanderen.be • Aarhus website: www.mina.be/aarhus • Floods prediction: www.overstromingsvoorspeller.be • Etc, etc….

  12. Portal-site Environmental information www.milieuinfo.be Goal: bringing all the available information together, using meta-information, a comprehensive and easy navigation system (principle of a clearing house) • Question-based navigation: FAQ’s linked to lifeline moments (citizans and enterprises), thematic, target-groups • No content, only direct links to the appropiate websites with environmental information - specific taxonomy/categorisation to structure meta-information • Unique site for internet application (front-office e-government): environmental licensing, emission reports enterprises, environmental taxes • CMS linked to CMS’s (websites) of the different governmental organisations

  13. Portal-site: www.milieuinfo.be

  14. Decision-making and public participation by the use of internet • In 2002: preparation of the formal Environmental Policy Plan (to be approved officially by government and parliament). Public enquiry was included and the draft Environmental policy plan was available through the internet. A special internet-application was set up to guide the public through the content of the plan. There was a possibility to give your own opinion about the plan through the internet. Also the follow-up of the plan can be followed through the internet-site http://www.milieubeleidsplan.be • Spatial planning in Flanders is arranged by specific execution plans. Changes of these plans inquiry public opinion and participation. All information is published on a website http://www.ruimtelijkeordening.be • Environmental Impact Assessment (SEA and EIA): new legislation in Flanders (end 2003), public participation at the scoping phase, all information, including summaries will be published on a website: http://www.mervlaanderen.be. Public inquiry will also be possible through the internet

  15. Challenges: front-office • Improving front-office to a more question-based navigation system focused to the public, enterprises and organisations - clearing house • Using different channels to disseminate environmental information: internet, digital television, sms, telephone,… • Legal base for public inquiry through the internet, unique identification of citizens and enterprises • Extent the availability of information through the internet such as environmental licenses (enterprises), emissions, flooding previsions,…

  16. Challenges:E-government backoffice - environment • Extranet between all (governmental) organisations concerning the environment: information exchange • Centralized information systems to support environmental policy and to link different dossiers: centralized database on enterprises, environmental licences and emission activities (important for EPER, IPPC, greenhouse gasses,…) • Linking different administration processes (follow-up of dossiers) between organisation: improving efficiency, service and dissemination of environmental information

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