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Reporting Research Findings

Reporting Research Findings.

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Reporting Research Findings

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  1. ReportingResearchFindings

  2. Learning to write findingswell, especiallythe Results and Discussionsection, sometimes called Findings or simply Results, is animportant skill you will need to learn.This chapter suggests ways to write the Results and Discussion section of analyticalreports in effective and convincing ways. To accomplish this, you will need to do thefollowing: ● Use text and visual aids properly ● Interpretresults ● Useheadingsandsub-headings ● Use language of reporting appropriately ● Refer to figures correctly

  3. Use Text and Visual Aids Properly

  4. In the Results section, you are expected to presentthe data in words with the help oftables, charts and graphs to make your data clear and easy to understand. However, youshould remember that you write a report; you do not draw a report. The text is primary.The graphics support the text. Findings, sholud start withinformationthat can be concideredas extention of previoustitles.

  5. Pai Chart Grafics

  6. Bar Grafics

  7. InterpretResults

  8. Reporting data involves more than just presenting it. Often, you need tointerpret or analysethe data, that is, say what it means, especially in relation to your research question.Speciallyifyouareusingtables, thenumbers of the tabla data.

  9. UseHeadingsandSubheadings

  10. The section in which you present and interpret findings can go over several pages insome reports. In this case, you will need to usesubheadings to indicate clearly what thefindings are. For instance, if your survey is onpeople’s experience with recycling, andyour survey had questions related to their practiceof recycling, you might divide yourResults section according to what the survey found,using headings like these:

  11. Choose appropriate type of headings

  12. There are two types of headings: talking and topic headings. Talking headingspresenta certain point of view whilst(iken)topic headings list onlythe topic to be discussed.

  13. Keepyourheadingsparallel

  14. Remember also to keep headings of the same level under the same section parallel

  15. Numberyoursectionsconsistently

  16. The End

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