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Genomes on Line Database The GOLD genomic standards

Genomes on Line Database The GOLD genomic standards . Submitting genomic and metagenomic projects in img/GOLD Ioanna Pagani Genomic Standards Group ipagani@lbl.gov. Introduction.

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Genomes on Line Database The GOLD genomic standards

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  1. Genomes on Line DatabaseThe GOLD genomic standards Submitting genomic and metagenomic projects in img/GOLD Ioanna Pagani Genomic Standards Group ipagani@lbl.gov

  2. Introduction The Genomes OnLine Database (GOLD) is a centralized resource for the continuous monitoring of world-wide genomic and metagenomic sequencing projects, uniquely integrated with their associated metadata. • It currently holds more than 11500 genomic and metagenomic projects, whose metadata can be viewed by the general public in http://www.genomesonline.org/ • Data is entered through the img/GOLD interface by img users at http://img.jgi.doe.gov/cgi-bin/gold/gold.cgi

  3. Two GOLD interfaces http://img.jgi.doe.gov/cgi-bin/gold/gold.cgi http://www.genomesonline.org/ The img/GOLD interface is viewed by img users only and allows them to enter metadata for their own projects as well as view publicly available projects. You will not be able to submit a file in img, without an img/GOLD submission of metadata for your project. The public interface allows users to view lists of genomic and metagenomic projects, and conduct multiple queries based on organism or project characteristics they chose.

  4. Order in Chaos: Genomic standards imperative for genomics databases GOLD is a database with thousands of users that enables the scientific community to learn about existing projects, seek their sequences through public repositories such as NCBI, or compare genomic features through systems like img. Due to the sheer volume of genomic and metagenomic data, order has to be established in the cataloguing of genomic and metagenomic projects. The Genomics Standards Consortium (GSC) has set mandates about the Minimum Information for a Genomic Sequence (MIGS), metagenomic sample (MIMS) or any genomic sequence out there (MIxS). GOLD is one of the few databases that fully complies with these rules and expects its users to do so, if they want to use the img system capabilities. If you want to have a sample submitted and processed with img, you will have to follow the rules too!


  6. Submitting genomic project metadata in img/GOLD: Do your homework before you submit! Case study: Escherichia coli O1:K1:H7 DSM 30083 Sequencing center: JGI, Initiative: GEBA -CSP, Project Relevance: Bioenergy. Sequencing techniques: Illumina, 454 Isolation info :? Host metadata: ? Organism metadata? Naming convention is Genus, species, official strain name, culture collection id. What is the official strain name ? Go to straininfo.net to find out!

  7. Submitting genomic project metadata in img/GOLD: Do your homework before you submit!

  8. Submitting genomic project metadata in img/GOLD: Do your homework before you submit! So the name of the organism as it will be entered in img/GOLD is Escherichia coli O1:K1:H7 U5/41, DSM 30083 Next on NCBI taxon id!

  9. Submitting genomic project metadata in img/GOLD: Do your homework before you submit! http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi Taxon id is 866789. Search had to be conducted under any possible combination of culture collection id, official strain name, serovar on/off, etc. If you don’t find the exact taxon id for your strain, you can find the taxon id for genus/species combination. Eg. Taxon id for Escherichia coli is 562. TAXON ID IS NOT GPID (genbank project id).

  10. Submitting genomic project metadata in img/GOLD: Do your homework before you submit! http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bioproject

  11. Demo begins Pay attention to the screens, not your laptops!

  12. Standardized metagenome classification and naming • Emphasis on standardized metagenome project and sample naming and metagenome classification. • Why? With cryptic and esoteric names it is impossible to build a database of metagenomic genes from comparable environments and hosts. Here’s a list of actual metagenome project names we had in GOLD in the past: • TM7b • hkbic • Saliva_contig300 • HK Metagenome T1 (obviously different from T2) • US Sludge • How many organisms are out there? ( I don’t know, have you tried the Drake equation?) • (and my favorite) • How to avoid the pitfalls of the metagenomic jungle

  13. Standardized metagenome classification and naming A call for standardized classification of metagenome projects Environmental Microbiology Volume 12, Issue 7, pages 1803–1805, July 2010

  14. Standardized metagenome classification and naming 4 major parts to a metagenome name, equivalent to genus, species, strain, serovar/biovar: 1. metagenome habitat (equivalent to genus): a. Environment (marine sediment, soil, etc) b. host-associated (eg bovine rumen, human fecal, etc) , c. engineered (activated sludge, wastewater bioreactor etc) 2. metagenome community (equivalent to species): Microbial, bacterial, viral, archaeal, eukaryotic etc. 3. metagenome location (equivalent to strain): geographic longitude and latitude for  environmental samples are required as MIMS (minimum information about metagenomic sequence/sample) 4. project identifier (equivalent to serovar/biovar) anything that describes the specific type of the community such as contaminated, degrading glycophosphates time series etc)

  15. Case studies for standardized metagenome naming 1.How would you name a project that examines viruses from the waters of the Black Sea that are acidified? “Marine viral communities from the Black Sea, under conditions of ocean acidification” Instead of “Metagenome from viruses in acidified waters” Where: Habitat = Marine (therefore classification is environmentalaquatic marineoceanic etc) Community= viral communities Location= from the Black Sea Project identifier= under conditions of ocean acidification 2. How would you name a project examining microbial communities from sludge in bioreactors at UC Davis? “Wastewater microbial communities from EBPR bioreactor at UC Davis” instead of “US sludge” Where: Habitat = Wastewater (therefore classification is engineeredwastewater industrial wastewater etc) Community= microbial communities Location= from EBPR bioreactor at UC Davis Classification is now embedded in controlled vocabularies in img/GOLD

  16. Case studies for standardized metagenome naming continued 3.How would you name a project that examines gut microbial communities from a panda in the San Diego Zoo? “Panda gut microbial communities from San Diego Zoo” Instead of “Panda Metagenome” Where: Habitat = Panda gut (therefore classification is Host-associatedMammals Digestive system Large instestine fecal) Community= microbial communities Location= from San Diego Zo Classification is now embedded in controlled vocabularies in img/GOLD Case study for metagenome project and sample submission: Let’s assume you are Craig Venter and you want to submit a project with all the marine samples you gathered with your yacht from the Sargasso Sea. The name of your project would then be?

  17. Demo begins Pay attention to the screen, not your laptops!

  18. Submitting metagenomic sample metadata in img/GOLD IMPORTANT NOTICE: DO NOT CREATE NEW PROJECTS IF YOU WANT TO SUBMIT NEW SAMPLES UNDER AN OLD PROJECT WHICH YOU HAVE ALREADY SUBMITTED IN THE PAST. If you do this repeatedly your img account might be temporarily suspended and your img/ m er submissions will not be processed. Submit new samples under your old project by clicking “edit samples” in the previous page and clicking “new” in this one.

  19. DO NOT FORGET To add a sequencing center: go to Project info tab, scroll down to Data Links, choose from Link Type “Seq center”, enter it in Source Name field and enter the url with the http:// prefix in URL field. To add a sample to your metagenome project entry, select your project, and choose edit samples. Do not add new projects instead of new samples. If all fails, send us an email ipagani @lbl.gov

  20. Public interface: multiple queries http://www.genomesonline.org/

  21. Queries by 50 different metadata fields Metadata fields classified in several categories: organism info, genome project info, external links, environment metadata, host metadata, organism metadata, metagenome classification etc. Query for microbial samples, isolated from USA Query by chosen metadata fields returns complete interactive list of organisms with hyperlinks to taxonomy, publication, sequencing center, genbank accession along with Google Map pinpointing the collection location of organisms where available.

  22. GOLDstamp IDs and GOLD Cards GOLDstamp IDs are indexes for public projects: Gi, Gc, Gm, Gs If a project does not have a GOLDstamp ID it is not visible to the public.

  23. Acknowledgements Thank you! Amy Chen Dinos Liolios Natalia Ivanova Kostas Mavromatis Victor Markowitz Nikos Kyrpides

  24. Submitting genomic project metadata in img/GOLD

  25. Submitting genomic project metadata in img/GOLD

  26. Submitting genomic project metadata in img/GOLD

  27. Submitting genomic project metadata in img/GOLD This project has a GOLDstamp ID Gi, as it is incomplete. However its metadata is available to the public through the “outside” GOLD. The projects you enter will not be assigned GOLDstamp IDs unless you tell us so, therefore not only the genomic data but also the metadata of your projects will be kept hidden. However as a courtesy to our services, please send us an email when you are ready for your project’s metadata to be available to the community.

  28. Submitting genomic project metadata in img/GOLD Submitting genomic project metadata in img/GOLD

  29. Submitting genomic project metadata in img/GOLD Scroll down for more fields!

  30. Submitting genomic project metadata in img/GOLD Controlled vocabularies for Project Relevance and Link Types. Under DATA LINKS-- >link type you will find CVs for Seq Center, Collaborator, Funding, Information, Data, Database. Without inclusion of sequencing center your project submission will not be accepted!!!

  31. Submitting genomic project metadata in img/GOLD

  32. Submitting genomic project metadata in img/GOLD

  33. Submitting genomic project metadata in img/GOLD

  34. Submitting genomic project metadata in img/GOLD What do you do when you are done? Update!

  35. Review your genome project submission by clicking on ER ID in img/GOLD

  36. Review your genome project submission by clicking on ER ID in img/GOLD

  37. Submitting metagenomic project metadata in img/GOLD

  38. Submitting metagenomic project metadata in img/GOLD

  39. Submitting metagenomic project metadata in img/GOLD Scroll down for more fields!

  40. Submitting metagenomic project metadata in img/GOLD

  41. Submitting metagenomic sample metadata in img/GOLD After updating, select your project, by clicking the bullet, then chose “edit samples” option to create new samples, copy samples or update existing samples. You will be taken to page that looks like this:

  42. Submitting metagenomic sample metadata in img/GOLD Scroll down for more fields!

  43. Submitting metagenomic sample metadata in img/GOLD

  44. Review your metagenome sample submission by clicking the ER ID Questions?

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