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EXCISE – FIDEISM – CONFINE – DELINEATE – OBLITERATE – ILLUMINATE - TRIPARTITE – VERACITY – LUNATION – SUICIDE 1. Months used to be measured in their _______________, or the phases of the moon , rather than in the number of days.

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  1. EXCISE – FIDEISM – CONFINE – DELINEATE – OBLITERATE – ILLUMINATE - TRIPARTITE – VERACITY – LUNATION – SUICIDE • 1.Months used to be measured in their _______________, or the phases of the moon, rather than in the number of days. • 2. Houses both ______________ and protect us by providing spaces and structures that are walled in. • 3. Jocasta committed ________________ when she ended her own life. • 4. Hoping to ____________________ the greatness of Harry Potter, Ms. Albin showed all the students the allusions to Greek myths. • 5. Because he was a priest, no one questioned the _______________ of his story and instead believed every word he said about the tree looking like Jesus. • 6. The study about families in America had to _______________ carefully the steps they would take along the next 40 years as they collected data. • 7. The United states is a __________________ government because it is divided into three branches: the executive, judiciary, and legislative • 8. Many countries have tried to _________________ other cultures by erasing all evidence of their language, customs, and traditions. • 9. __________________ is a philosophy which states that all knowledge comes from faith or revelation. • 10. The banks tried to _____________ a tax on any withdraw people made from their accounts to try and get more money.

  2. EXCISE – FIDEISM – CONFINE – DELINEATE – OBLITERATE – ILLUMINATE - TRIPARTITE – VERACITY – LUNATION – SUICIDE • 1.Months used to be measured in theirLUNATION, or the phases of the moon, rather than in the number of days. • 2. Houses both CONFINE and protect us by providing spaces and structures that are walled in. • 3. Jocasta committed SUICIDE when she ended her own life. • 4. Hoping to ILLUMINATE the greatness of Harry Potter, Ms. Albin showed all the students the allusions to Greek myths. • 5. Because he was a priest, no one questioned the VERACITY of his story and instead believed every word he said about the tree looking like Jesus. • 6. The study about families in America had to DELINEATE carefully the steps they would take along the next 40 years as they collected data. • 7. The United states is a TRIPARTITE government because it is divided into three branches: the executive, judiciary, and legislative • 8. Many countries have tried to OBLITERATE other cultures by erasing all evidence of their language, customs, and traditions. • 9. FIDEISM is a philosophy which states that all knowledge comes from faith or revelation. • 10. The banks tried to EXCISE a tax on any withdraw people made from their accounts to try and get more money.

  3. ABSCISE – FIDUCIARY – FINE – BYLINE – LITERATUS – LUMINARIA- APARTHEID – VERACIOUS – LUNACY – NONSUIT • 1. If a person filing a personal lawsuit fails to present enough evidence to prove their complaint against someone, a judge can rule it a __________________. • 2. It is the highest honor of a journalist to see their name in the ________________, printed underneath the headline of their article, on the front page of a major newspaper. • 3. _____________ was given its name because people previously thought insane behavior was based on the moon. • 4. Someone who attends an “ivy league college” is considered a ____________ since they were educated at one of the oldest, most rigorous schools. • 5. A _____________ performance has reached the highest possible peak of perfection. • 6. The ___________________ speech by Haemon pointed out accurately how Creon has let power turn him into someone like Oedipus! • 7. When writing a will, you must choose a trustee or ________________ who is entrusted to receive your goods and money when you die. • 8. During Christmas, many people burn a ________________ which consists of a paper bag with a candle in it to honor the holiday. • 9. A new form of cancer found in Tasmanian Devils can __________ from the body it is in and jump onto another body it contacts. • 10. South Africa used to be ruled through ________________ which segregated their population into groups according to their races.

  4. ABSCISE – FIDUCIARY – FINE – BYLINE – LITERATUS – LUMINARIA- APARTHEID – VERACIOUS – LUNACY – NONSUIT • 1. If a person filing a personal lawsuit fails to present enough evidence to prove their complaint against someone, a judge can rule it a NONSUIT. • 2. It is the highest honor of a journalist to see their name in the BYLINE, printed underneath the headline of their article, on the front page of a major newspaper. • 3. LUNACY was given its name because people previously thought insane behavior was based on the moon. • 4. Someone who attends an “ivy league college” is considered a LITERATUS since they were educated at one of the oldest, most rigorous schools. • 5. A FINE performance has reached the highest possible peak of perfection. • 6. The VERACIOUS speech by Haemon pointed out accurately how Creon has let power turn him into someone like Oedipus! • 7. When writing a will, you must choose a trustee or FIDUCIARY who is entrusted to receive your goods and money when you die. • 8. During Christmas, many people burn a LUMINARIA which consists of a paper bag with a candle in it to honor the holiday. • 9. A new form of cancer found in Tasmanian Devils can ABSCISE from the body it is in and jump onto another body it contacts. • 10. South Africa used to be ruled through APARTHEID which segregated their population into groups according to their races.

  5. CYANIDE – PERFIDIOUS – FINIAL – ALINED – LITERATION – ILLUMINED - APPORTION – VERIFY – LUNATIC – SUI GENERIS • 1. The _________________ nature of students at ASA makes them impossible to stereotype, categorize, or classify since they are so unique. • 2. The ________________ of voting precincts is based on breaking up the state into districts of equal population. • 3. The use of __________________ on humans is considered a crime because it is toxic and dangerous, even lethal. • 4. Avoid dating people who are _________________ because they are likely to cheat on you, especially if they have in the past. • 5. Be sure you ________________ that your grades are accurate because sometimes Ms. Albin has trouble adding. • 6. Asylums used to lock up every ________________ during a full moon because they believed it made them act more deranged or crazy. • 7. When civilizations switched from using pictographs, or cave drawings, to ____________, it was the biggest development in history. • 8. Christmas trees are often adorned with a star or other _____________ that is set at the very top of the tree. • 9. The style of _______________ dresses started when a manufacturer accidentally cut fabric incorrectly and made the hem uneven. • 10. The lamp __________________ the book pages but not enough so that Ms. Albin could read the words clearly, especially without her glasses.

  6. ABSCISIN – PERFIDIOUS – FINIAL – ALINED – LITERATION – ILLUMINED - APPORTION – VERIFY – LUNATIC – SUI GENERIS • 1. The _________________ nature of students at ASA makes them impossible to stereotype, categorize, or classify since they are so unique. • 2. The ________________ of voting precincts is based on breaking up the state into districts of equal population. • 3. The use of __________________ on humans is considered a crime because it is toxic and dangerous, even lethal. • 4. Avoid dating people who are _________________ because they are likely to cheat on you, especially if they have in the past. • 5. Be sure you ________________ that your grades are accurate because sometimes Ms. Albin has trouble adding. • 6. Asylums used to lock up every ________________ during a full moon because they believed it made them act more deranged or crazy. • 7. When civilizations switched from using pictographs, or cave drawings, to ____________, it was the biggest development in history. • 8. Christmas trees are often adorned with a star or other _____________ that is set at the very top of the tree. • 9. The style of _______________ dresses started when a manufacturer accidentally cut fabric incorrectly and made the hem uneven. • 10. The lamp __________________ the book pages but not enough so that Ms. Albin could read the words clearly, especially without her glasses.

  7. ABSCISIN – PERFIDIOUS – FINIAL – ALINED – LITERATION – ILLUMINED - APPORTION – VERIFY – LUNATIC – SUI GENERIS • 1. The SUI GENERIS nature of students at ASA makes them impossible to stereotype, categorize, or classify since they are so unique. • 2. The APPORTION of voting precincts is based on breaking up the state into districts of equal population. • 3. The use of ABSCISIN on humans is considered a crime because it is toxic and dangerous, even lethal. • 4. Avoid dating people who are PERFIDIOUS because they are likely to cheat on you, especially if they have in the past. • 5. Be sure you VERIFY that your grades are accurate because sometimes Ms. Albin has trouble adding. • 6. Asylums used to lock up every LUNATIC during a full moon because they believed it made them act more deranged or crazy. • 7. When civilizations switched from using pictographs, or cave drawings, to LITERATION and written words, it was the biggest development in history. • 8. Christmas trees are often adorned with a star or other FINIAL that is set at the very top of the tree. • 9. The style of ALINED dresses started when a manufacturer accidentally cut fabric incorrectly and made the hem uneven. • 10. The lamp ILLUMINED the book pages but not enough so that Ms. Albin could read the words clearly, especially without her glasses.

  8. EXCISION – PERFIDY – FINALE – LINEAR – LITERALISM – LUMINOSITY - PROPORTION – VERITABLE – CILUNAR – MISSUIT • 1. The _______________ of Antonio when he kissed Maria’s sister was too much for her to take, so Maria broke up with him. • 2. Ms. Albin downloaded the game __________________ so she could improve her mental abilities and highlight skills where she needed to practice. • 3. J.D. Salinger, the famous author of Catcher in the Rye, was notorious for screaming, ranting, and becoming violent when he noticed an ______________ done by editor to remove some of his writing. • 4. Lime green was an obvious ____________ choice of color for Ms. Albin because it did not fit her personality or flatter her appearance. • 5. There is more trash in the ______________ space between the Earth and the Moon from shuttles and satellites than there is in all the landfills in America! • 6. The _____________ shooting of KatnissEverdeen in The Hunger Games earned her a lot of supporters who respected her ability to hit her target with an arrow. • 7. The ______________ of Ms. Albin’s favorite TV show, Survivor, was such a disappointment because the last vote awarded the money to the evil manipulator. • 8. Of the total amount of greenhouse gasses, The ________________ produced by America is much more than most other countries • 9. Within Christianity there is a subset of people who believe all the stories in the Bible word for word; they call this belief “Biblical ____________.” • 10. The ________________ riots that happened during Black Friday shopping could not be denied after cell phone videos were played on the news.

  9. EXCISION – PERFIDY – FINALE – LINEAR – LITERALISM – LUMINOSITY - PROPORTION – VERITABLE – CILUNAR – MISSUIT • 1. The PERFIDY of Antonio when he kissed Maria’s sister was too much for her to take, so Maria broke up with him. • 2. Ms. Albin downloaded the game LUMINOSITY so she could improve her mental abilities and highlight skills where she needed to practice. • 3. J.D. Salinger, the famous author of Catcher in the Rye, was notorious for screaming, ranting, and becoming violent when he noticed an EXCISION done by editor to remove some of his writing. • 4. Lime green was an obvious MISSUIT choice of color for Ms. Albin because it did not fit her personality or flatter her appearance. • 5. There is more trash in the CILUNAR space between the Earth and the Moon from shuttles and satellites than there is in all the landfills in America! • 6. The LINEAR shooting of KatnissEverdeen in The Hunger Games earned her a lot of supporters who respected her ability to hit her target with an arrow. • 7. The FINALE of Ms. Albin’s favorite TV show, Survivor, was such a disappointment because the last vote awarded the money to the evil manipulator. • 8. Of the total amount of greenhouse gasses, the PROPORTION produced by America is much more than most other countries • 9. Within Christianity there is a subset of people who believe all the stories in the Bible word for word; they call this belief “Biblical LITERALISM .” • 10. The VERITABLE riots that happened during Black Friday shopping could not be denied after cell phone videos were played on the news.

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