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Symbiotic relationships

Symbiotic relationships. ELI. AND. ZACH. Mutualism , Commensalism , Parasitism. Examples of Mutualism. Cow and Cow bird Crow and deer Clownfish and anemone Caterpillar and protector ant Starfish and corral Shark and sucker fish. What is mutualism?.

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Symbiotic relationships

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Symbiotic relationships ELI AND ZACH Mutualism, Commensalism, Parasitism

  2. Examples of Mutualism • Cow and Cow bird • Crow and deer • Clownfish and anemone • Caterpillar and protector ant • Starfish and corral • Shark and sucker fish

  3. What is mutualism? • Mutualism is when both animals benefit in a symbiotic relationship. On the previous slide you saw examples of what animals have mutual symbiotic relationships.

  4. Examples of Commensalism • Porcelain and Anemone crabs • Imperial shrimp and Sea cucumber • Pearl fish and Sea cucumber • Shark and small fish

  5. What is commensalism? • Commensalism is when one animal benefits in a symbiotic relationship. On the previous slide you saw examples of commensalism.

  6. Examples of Parasites Hosts • Ring worm • Bot Fly • Mosquito • Hairworm • Leech • Roundworm Human Human Human Grasshopper Human Human

  7. Parasitism • Parasitism is when the symbiont gets the benefit and the host gets harmed. Sometimes parasites can be so lethal they kill!

  8. Here areexamples ofsymbiosis

  9. Ant • Acacia tree The ant gets shelter and the tree gets protection.

  10. Deer • Crow The crow eats insects off the deer.

  11. Porcelain crab • Anemone crab The porcelain filter feeds the anemone crab.

  12. Imperial shrimp • Sea cucumber The shrimp gets a ride.

  13. Human • Leech The leech latches on to the human skin and feeds on blood.

  14. Hair worm Grass hopper The hairworm controls the nervous system and takes over the grasshopper.

  15. Credits • In thispresentation youlearned about thethree differentsymbioticrelationships,Mutualism,commensalism,and parasitism.We gaveexamples ofeach type ofrelationships.Thanksforwatching!!!

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