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UNIVERSITIES OF THE THIRD AGE ....EDUCATION FOR ALL. Ing. Lucia Hrebeňárová, PhD. Ing. Janka Sňahničanová Bratislava, 2nd October 2014. University of The Third Age. First UTA – Comenius University in Bratislava – 1990. Students 45+.

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  1. UNIVERSITIES OF THE THIRD AGE ....EDUCATION FOR ALL Ing. Lucia Hrebeňárová, PhD. Ing. Janka Sňahničanová Bratislava, 2nd October 2014

  2. UniversityofTheThirdAge First UTA – ComeniusUniversity in Bratislava – 1990 Students 45+ Established by Universitiesintegral part One-, two- three-year study programmesbased on demandofcomunity, society and students Non-formaleducation – qualification

  3. Associationof UTA 1st December 1994 establishedAssociationofUniversitiesoftheThirdAge OtheruniversitiesfollowedComeniusUniversity Currently UTA at 15 slovakuniversitiesspreadacrosswhole Slovak republic 7 200 elderlypeople (85,8% women) visitvarious study programmes, campus or activities

  4. Associationof UTA Idea + creativecoordinators´ and lecture´s team + opened-mindpartners + supportfromalma mater Languages Summerschools Law Projects Psychology UNESCO Fieldtrips Alumni Healthylifestyle PC, digi Volunteeringactivities Creativeworkshops History Personalityof Slovakia Gardening Art Gerontology Ourgoal: To prepareinformedcitizen- notexperts

  5. ActivityforVisually imparedstudents • Nospecial programs prepared in cooperationwith UNSS • No special tools BUT • Partialexperiences in workwiththistargetgroup– possibility to study forallcandidateswithdisabilities • Willingnessto cooperatewith new partners – f.e. Slovak Blind and Partially Sighted Union  • Opennessfor new ideas and wayofwork

  6. SEVERAL EXAMPLES Childhood School Family Work Sucesses SILENCE Hope Joy Support Lookingfor Art UniversityoftheThirdAge, Žilina WorkshopArtetherapy – Summerschool2014 Goal: CreateDiplomaforallthatisgood in me My waysolveproblems Studentwithhearingimpairments

  7. Partially Sighted Student Study at UTV = challenge, wayhow to stay in touchwithpeople

  8. Proccedingoftheses and ourvolunteeringmagazine „Stairs“ Elderlypeople are greatauthorsoftheses and articles IDEA: To createthesoundrecordingofthesework Butwho ? Seniorsasvolunteers

  9. VOLUNTEERING Hardskills, experiencesfromprofessionallife New skills, knowledgesfrom study at UTA Lifeexperiences VolunteeringofSeniors in LLL IDEA: Seniorsasvolunteersforworkwithblindpeople Presentationatschools, seniorsclubs, creativeworskhopsofSeniors

  10. Associationof UTA .......areaopenedforallcitizens .......areaofferedexperts and goodideas .......areaopenedforcooperation .......arealookedfor new partners

  11. Thanksforyourattention. AssociationofUniversitiesofthe ThirdAge www.asutv.sk President PhDr. NadeždaHrapková, PhD.University of the Third Age at Comenius University Bratislava nadezda.hrapkova@rec.uniba.sk Ing.Lucia Hrebeňárová, PhD. Ing.JankaSňahničanováUniversity of the Third Age at InstituteofContinuingEducationatUniversityof Žilina ucv@uniza.sk; u3a@uniza.sk

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