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Primulaceae. The Primrose Family . Primulaceae. 23-30 genera 1000 species L eaves are opposite or alternate. F orm a rosette at the base of the stem. The leaves and stem may be hairy The flowers have five petals U sually perennial but some are annual

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  1. Primulaceae The Primrose Family

  2. Primulaceae • 23-30 genera • 1000 species • Leaves are opposite or alternate. Form a rosette at the base of the stem. The leaves and stem may be hairy • The flowers have five petals • Usually perennial but some are annual -nearly all are herbaceous (lacking a woody stem) plants with simple leaves that are either basal (at the base of the stem), distributed along the stem, or in a single whorl. http://plant-life.org/Primulaceae/schem_pri.gif

  3. Trientalis borealisStarflower • Trientalis means "one third of a foot" and corresponds to the average height of the Starflower. “Borealis" implies "of the north," which provides the basis for the American Starflower's other common name: Northern Starflower. • Average height of 4 inches. Individual leaves are 3-11 cm long, and arranged in a whorl at the tip of the stem. The stems typically have several tiny, alternate, leaves. Most plants will have a single flower though there may be as many as three, each on a long, slender stalk 2-5 cm. The fruit is a round capsule, 6-8 mm in diameter. Flowering period : May to June; fruiting period: June to July.

  4. LysimachiathyrsifloraTufted loosestrife • Habitat: swamps• Height: 1-3 feet• Flower size: 1/4 inch long• Flower color: yellow• Flowering time: May to July http://www.ct-botanical-society.org/galleries/lysimachiathyr.html

  5. LysimachiaterrestrisYellow loosestrife • Habitat: marshes, moist thickets, grassy shores• Height: 1-3 feet• Flower size: 1/2 inch across• Flower color: yellow with a circle of red spots• Flowering time: June to September

  6. References • Walters, Dirk et al. 2006. Vascular Plant Taxonomy. 5th edition. U.S. Kendall/Hunt. 180. Print. • http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.bigbaer.com/land-o-lakes/images/trientalis-borealis-american-starflower.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.bigbaer.com/land-o-lakes/wisconsin.wildflowers.starflower.trientalis.borealis.htm&h=300&w=400&sz=20&tbnid=JFsP2nCjPwVlJM:&tbnh=93&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3DTrientalis%2Bborealis&usg=__ts4fZAJDKOUSwjCzIfIb_oyX87A=&ei=ltCAS5G0KYvgngeUxNWdDA&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=4&ct=image&ved=0CA8Q9QEwAw • http://www.ct-botanical-society.org/galleries/lysimachiathyr.html

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