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DATA PROTECTION OFFICE {PMO}. DATA PROTECTION OFFICE { PMO }. What does the right of access stand for?
DATA PROTECTION OFFICE {PMO} • Whatdoes the right of access stand for? • All data subjects (including parents, legalguardians or anypersondulyauthorised in writing by the data subject) have the right to accesstheirownpersonaldetailskept by the data controller; • Sufficethattheyfill the request for access to personal data formavailable on the homepage of ourwebsite and submitit to the data controllerconcernedand not the Data Protection Office togetherwith a payment of RS 75 as provided in the Data Protection regulations of 2009.
DATA PROTECTION OFFICE {PMO} • The data controlleristhenrequired to supply the data subjectwith a copy of the personal information on the individualthatitpossesses, the purposes for which the data are kept and the people or institutions that the data maybedisclosed to within 28 days of the receipt of the request. • Where the data controllerisunable to complywith the request, it must soinform the data subjectwithin the period of 28 days and as soon as practicable , complywith the request.
DATA PROTECTION OFFICE {PMO} • A data controllermay refuse to accede to such a request for disclosure:- • Whereheis not providedwithsufficient information -as to the identity of the requestor and- to locate the information requested; or • Wherecompliancewith the requestwillresult in the contravention of a legalconfidentiality obligation; or • Where the information relates to the education, training or employment, provision of service by the data subject; or • Wherecompliancewith the requestwill expose the data controller to legalproceedings for the commission of an offence.
DATA PROTECTION OFFICE {PMO} • Where the data controllerisalso in possession of associatedpersonal data of anotherindividual/s , hemay refuse to disclosethat data unlessthatotherindivudual/s has/veconsented to the disclosure or heobtains the written autorisation of the Commissioner. • The data controller has to erase, rectify, block or destroy as appropriate or notify as soon as isreasonablypracticable the third party holding inaccurate data wherehe has been informed of the inaccurateness of the data. • Failure by the data controller to do sowillgiverise to the right of the data subject to apply to the Commissioner for needful to bedone.
DATA PROTECTION OFFICE {PMO} • Suchrequests have to be made atreasonableintervals. Otherwise , the data controllermaybeentitled to refuse the request. • Somepracticaltips for handlingrequests for access to personal data forms:- • Appoint a Co-ordinator or a Data Protection Officer who will be responsible for the response to the access request. A description of the functions and responsibilities of the Co-ordinator should be circulated within the organisation and staff should be advised of the necessity for co-operation with the Co-ordinator. • All subject access matters should be submitted to the Co-ordinator.
DATA PROTECTION OFFICE {PMO} • Check the validity of the access request. Ensure that it is in writing, that the appropriate fee of Rs 75 is included. • Log the date of receipt of the valid request.