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The Cloze Procedure

The Cloze Procedure. The **** & **** of It. Background. What is Cloze Procedure?. A technique in which words are deleted according to a specific formula Random, nth, deletion; related to intelligence Delete every 5 th , 7 th , 10 th word

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The Cloze Procedure

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Cloze Procedure The **** & **** of It

  2. Background

  3. What is Cloze Procedure? • A technique in which words are deleted according to a specific formula • Random, nth, deletion; related to intelligence • Delete every 5th, 7th, 10th word • Selective deletion, related to knowledge of content of passage • Select certain categories of words to delete (often vocabulary words or parts-of-speech) • Students insert words to complete & construct meaning • Can be used diagnostically

  4. Nuts & Bolts • What is it continued. . . Bob was in such a rush to get to work Friday morning that he slammed his hand in the car door. Almost at once, his hand started to turn black and blue. He picked up an old cloth _____ was on the floor of his _____ and wrapped it quickly around his _____. He saw that his thumb was _____. It was bleeding so badly that _____ cloth was soon red. Bob felt _____ if he were going to faint. Context clues are used to fill in missing words Means of measuring reading ability (frustration, instructional, or independent) Responses reveal text comprehension and language mastery levels http://www.sil.org/lingualinks/literacy/implementaliteracyprogram/HowToPrepareTextsForAClozeProc.htm

  5. What is its purpose? • To identify students’ knowledge & understanding of the reading process • To determine which cueing systems readers effectively use to construct meaning • To assess the extent of students’ vocabularies & knowledge of a subject • To encourage monitoring for meaning • To promote critical & analytical thinking of text

  6. How do I do it? Guidelines Steps Select an appropriate length (usually 250 word passage for 3rd grade +; 100-150 passage for 1st/2nd ) Leave the 1st & last sentences in tact as well as all punctuation Don’t delete proper nouns unless there are enough clues for correct replacement Determine deletion pattern & purpose • Choose texts that provide a lot of clues & supporting information • Use along with other kinds of tests; do not rely exclusively on cloze tests • Test the text with a fluent reader before using it • Use texts at an appropriate reading level for each learner

  7. More things to consider in steps. . .

  8. Final reminders

  9. Scoring the cloze • To score the Cloze passage, count only exact replacements; synonyms are incorrect. Do not penalize spelling errors. • The raw score is the number of words that are correct. Double this number to find the percentage. I.e., If there are 35 correct replacements, 35 x 2 = 70%. • Cloze Scores: • Material is too easy Independent Level 60% and above • Material is about right Instructional Level 40-59% • Material is too difficult Frustration Level under 40%

  10. Another spin on scoring. . . • 60% = independent level • 40%-59% = instructional level • Below 40% = frustration reading level

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