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Census Bureau and Urbanized Areas

Census Bureau and Urbanized Areas. What the Census Bureau is Planning in the way of Defining Urbanized Areas. 1. Presentations 2. Lots of time for Q & A 3. Handout/Take home materials. an interactive webinar. Census Bureau and Urbanized Areas. Handout/Take home materials. 1.

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Census Bureau and Urbanized Areas

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Census Bureau and Urbanized Areas What the Census Bureau is Planning in the way of Defining Urbanized Areas 1. Presentations 2. Lots of time for Q & A 3. Handout/Take home materials an interactive webinar

  2. Census Bureau and Urbanized Areas Handout/Take home materials 1 NOTE: Sometimes the download box on your computer will hide behind the screens you have open 2

  3. Census Bureau and Urbanized Areas Lots of time for Q & A ~ 1 Hour Talking Heads ~ 1 Hour Q & A Send Press *1 to request to speak. Operator will come and get you Type question an interactive webinar

  4. Census Bureau and Urbanized Areas Presentations 1. Introduction, Ed Christopher, FHWA (Moderator) 2. A Century Urban and Rural Classification, Mike Ratcliffe, Census Bureau 3. Issues and Considerations for Defining Urban and Rural Areas, Chris Henrie, Census Bureau Elaine Murakami, FHWA Gary Thomas, TTI Vince Osier, Census Bureau

  5. Why are we talking about Urbanized Areas? http://www.census.gov/pubinfo/www/broadcast/video/census_operations/011424.html http://2010.census.gov/2010census/

  6. To some of us April 1st means Boundaries Census Defined Urban Area (UA) Adjusted Urbanized Area (UZA) Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/planning/census/faqa2cdt.htm

  7. Boundaries - mean different things Census Defined Urban Area (UA) - Population + $$$ Adjusted Urbanized Area (UZA) - Functional Class Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) - MPO Jurisdiction The Letters UZA and UA often get mixed up http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/planning/census/faqa2cdt.htm

  8. Boundaries -Variations on names Census Defined Urban Area (UA) Census Urbanized Area (UZA) Adjusted Urbanized Area (UZA) Federal Aid Urban Area (FAUA) FHWA Adjusted Boundary (FAB) Adjusted Urban Area (UA) Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) Planning Area MPO Boundary

  9. What’s an MPO? NARC- Status Quo AASHTO -Somewhat Vague FHWA - Internal House - Maybe June Senate - 100K - Threshold Grandfathering 200K - Project Selection Authority 1 Million+ Special Funding and Requirements http://www.ampo.org/assets/685_finalampopdfoverviewappro.pdf

  10. New 2000 density based, automated process, identified urban clusters (2,500 pop), ignored place boundaries and built from Census Blocks 2010 still in internal discussions Investigating use of place of work data via ACS, reviewing land use covers and digital elevation maps and satellite imagery, thinking about using household densities and building from Census Tracts. Look for criteria for defining urbanized areas and clusters in Fall 2009 in Federal Register Census Defined Urban Area (UA) http://www.chrispy.net/pipermail/ctpp-news/2008-July/001695.html

  11. Building from Blocks Building from Tracts Something to think about . . . Latest Info

  12. Contacts Ed Christopher Resource CenterPlanning Team Federal Highway Administration 708-283-3534 ed.christopher@fhwa.dot.gov Elaine Murakami Office of Planning Federal Highway Administration 206-220-4460 elaine.murakami@fhwa.dot.gov Michael Ratcliffe Assistant Division Chief Geography Division U.S. Census Bureau 301-763-8977 michael.r.ratcliffe@census.gov Vince Osier Urban/Rural Project Manager Geography Division U.S. Census Bureau 301-763-9039vincent.osier@census.gov Christopher J. Henrie Geographic Standards and Criteria Geography Division U.S. Census Bureau 301-763-9086 christopher.j.henrie@census.gov

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