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  1. The best 9 selfie poses to look your best in photos 2020 ###### Gone are the days of awkwardly posing with your digital camera in the mirror. In today’s world, the latest iPhone and Android cameras have turned selfies into an art form. Not only has this Instagram-based phenomenon made its way across our feeds, but the selfie has even infiltrated our dictionaries. Merriam-Webster recently defined the modern-day term as “an image of oneself, usually posted on social media.” If you’re about to join the selfie craze, check out this mini-guide below. We’ll cover everything from flattering poses to your most pressing frequently asked selfie questions. ###### Cute selfie poses for girls Women were the first unsung heroes to pioneer the selfie. Duck lips and peace signs may have been all the rage back in the early 2000s, but today’s celebrities are turning their iconic selfie collections into coffee table books. The game has changed — and so have the poses. ## Pose #1: Rule of thirds The ultimate selfie pose — for guys and girls alike — is captured by using the rule of thirds. While this popular standard is commonly utilized by professional photographers, the same concept applies to you and your selfie camera. Basically, every image should be divided into three sections (both vertically and horizontally). To achieve this selfie, the subject of the photo (you) should be on one of the four intersections where the divide lines meet. To easily find that intersection, you can turn on the grid feature found on your iPhone’s camera. Here’s how: Go to your iPhone’s settings. Scroll down and select Camera. Toggle the Grid option on or off. ## Pose #2: The “smize” Unless you’re a fan of the modeling competition series America’s Next Top Model, you may not be familiar with the term “smize.” In the world of runways and photoshoots, a smize is essentially smiling with your eyes instead of your teeth. Now, it has infiltrated social media in the form of the selfie. After relaxing your shoulders and taking a deep, calming breath, pick a small area of the camera to be your focal

  2. point. Then, keep your mouth closed and try slightly squinting your eyes. A couple of practice rounds in the mirror should help you land this pose. ## Pose #3: The claw Some selfie poses are more self-explanatory than others. The claw is not one of those. This past year, social media influencers started posing for their selfies with a single hand raised over their face. While it might show off a really good manicure or a stylish stack of rings, it may also be a bit more embarrassing to pull off in public compared to more natural-looking poses. ###### Best selfie poses for men Although women have been at the forefront of the selfie explosion, these modern-day portraits are for all. Selfies for guys have increased in popularity over the last few years, and that doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. But if “smizing” and striking a claw isn’t for you, there are other selfie options for men. ## Pose #4: T-rex hands Consider this pose the male version of the claw (although women can also rock it). T-rex hands first popped up on halloween makeup 2020 social media feeds a couple of years ago and has managed to stick around. To pull this unique pose off, all you have to do is place your hand somewhere on your face. Make a face or pout your lips to add a little extra flair — but make sure you don’t look like you’re trying too hard. Looking unamused is what this pose is all about. ## Pose #5: The gym selfie If you didn’t take a selfie at the gym, did you even go? Arguably the most common selfie among men, the post- workout selfie is all about showing your followers that your dedication at the gym is paying off. ## Pose #6: The feet brag Some guys like the spotlight, and others want to stay as far away from it as possible. But how do you show off your latest beach vacation photos without a selfie? Enter the feet brag, also known as the foot selfie. Rather than taking a photo of your face, a common trend on Instagram is to take a photo of your feet to show off a stunning piece of scenery. All you have to do is pick your location, prop up your feet, and snap away.

  3. ###### Good couple poses for selfies Posting selfies is fun and all, but sometimes, you want to include your significant other. Also referred to as an “ussie,” couple selfies are a cute way to show some social media love to the one you love most. ## Pose #7: Walk with me selfie Whether you’re on a trip or just exploring your local community, it’s fun to document your adventures together. And the walk with me selfie is a great way to do that. Even though it’s in the selfie category, you don’t take this photo alone. Instead, you hold your partner’s hand and walk in front of them while they take the photo. The end result looks like you’re about to lead them on a grand adventure. ## Pose #8: The candid This pose may be called the candid, but it’s far from it. Both subjects are very aware of the camera, but instead of smiling into the lens, they look into each other’s eyes. Bonus points if you can capture a photo of both of you mid-laugh. ## Pose #9: The classic Classics stay classics for a reason, right? Playing around with the latest trendy poses can be fun, but nothing beats a simple photo of you smiling and enjoying a moment with your significant other. ###### Selfie pose FAQs Now that you’ve got your poses down, it’s time to go over some of the basics of taking a selfie. ## What makes someone photogenic? Anybody can be photogenic. There’s no magic formula or strand of DNA that makes you better looking in photos than others. In fact, the circumstances that make a good photo are all within your control. It all comes down to good lighting and finding angles that work for you. To find your “good side,” just spend a few minutes playing around with the camera and taking multiple pictures.

  4. After a quick scroll through your new collection of selfies, the best angles will clearly stand out. When it comes to good lighting, take advantage of natural lighting. Face the source of the light and make sure it’s angled toward the center of your face. ## How can I pose naturally for selfies? Posing naturally for photos can be difficult if you’re not used to taking them. To get more comfortable with being in front of the camera, take more photos. The more photos you take, the more at ease you’ll feel. Try moving around, playing with different poses, and dancing to some music to help loosen you up. ## How can I make my selfies look more professional? When it comes to taking professional-looking photos, you don’t need to shell out big bucks for a photographer. You can create a polished look simply with your iPhone. Using Portrait mode while taking a selfie will automatically blur the background and make a photo look like it was taken with an expensive camera. You can also set your iPhone up, turn on the self-timer function, and back away to prevent any awkward arms from ruining your picture. And, of course, professional selfies are all about the background. So make sure you’ve cleaned up any messes that may be visible behind you. ## How can I make my selfies more interesting? There are tons of ways to make your selfies more appealing and intriguing to your audience. You can find an interesting background or wear a funny outfit. Play with the lighting that peeks out through your window shades. Try using the self-timer and stepping away from the camera a bit. No matter what you do, have fun while you do it, and you can’t go wrong. ######

  5. Selfies are a major part of today’s social media culture. Adding them to your content calendar is a fun way to break up your feed and get more personal with your followers.

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