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CUSTOMER CONVERSION JOURNEY SECTOR: MOBILE. Contents. Background and methodology What we measured – Brands and their activity Results – Web site visitors and behaviour Results – Affect on online activity Results – Latency of display advertising Summary. Background and methodology.

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  2. Contents • Background and methodology • What we measured – Brands and their activity • Results – Web site visitors and behaviour • Results – Affect on online activity • Results – Latency of display advertising • Summary

  3. Background and methodology

  4. Background • The IAB wanted to investigate • The role all forms of online media play in the customer conversion journey • How online media work most efficiently when integrated • The non-linear nature of the customer journey and the way that different formats interact with each other on the journey in the build up to conversion • The real impact of display advertising on site visits and user behaviour

  5. Methodology • Nielsen NetView panel monitors activity of 40,000 representative UK internet usersat home and work • Software installed on panelists' PCs records their online activity – each URL visited and search made is recorded • The online activity of two of the top five UK mobile brands is tagged to allow identification of those that have been exposed to the activity – for example online display advertising • The two brands are identified as Brands ‘A’ and ‘B’ in the research results • The URLs within the sites of the two brands are categorised into one of three areas – ‘general visit’, ‘obtaining a quote’ or ‘making a purchase’ • This enables us to answer two key questions • Which users were exposed to which elements of the online campaigns? • What activities users conducted during visits to the brands’ websites?

  6. What we measured – brands and their activity

  7. What we measured – time periods, activity and sample size Brand A Brand B Two months Two months Period Activity Display Sponsored Search Organic Search Referrals incl. Affiliates Display Sponsored Search Organic Search Referrals incl. Affiliates Sample Size 2,000+ 2,000+ Source: Nielsen NetView

  8. Results – web site visitors and their behaviour

  9. On average 3% visitors obtained a quote or purchased Brand A Visit – 96.7% Average of Brands A & B Brand B Quote/Purchase 3.4% Source: Nielsen NetView – Average of two brands

  10. Purchasers are more likely to have been exposed to activity Brand A Total Site Visitors Total Site Visitors Brand B 77% 83% Exposed to activity Exposed to activity Quote/Purchase Pages Visitors Quote/Purchase Pages Visitors 94% Exposed to activity 91% Exposed to activity Source: Nielsen NetView

  11. Example user journey- one Visit Quote Purchase Brand Related Search Brand Related Search SEARCH TERMS 1 6 7 8 DAY Display Exp: x2 Display Direct Display Exp: x2 Display EXPOSURE Sponsored search Sponsored search Purchase Quote Quote Searches =Sponsored Source: Nielsen NetView

  12. Example user journey - two Visit Quote Purchase Brand Related Search Brand Related Search Brand Related Search SEARCH TERMS 1 22 27 38 21 DAY Direct Display Display Exp: x 4 Sponsored Search Display EXPOSURE Purchase Quote Organic search Quote Searches =Sponsored Source: Nielsen NetView

  13. Display more likely to drive first steps Three Most Likely First Touch Points Three Most Likely Last Touch Points 1st 1st Display Referral WWWWWWWWWWWW 2nd 2nd Referral Display 2nd 3rd 3rd Organic Click Sponsored Click 3rd Brand A 2nd Brand B Source: Nielsen NetView – Average of two brands, excluding direct visits without any prior exposure to activity

  14. Average customer conversion journey across both brands 9.2 0.9 0.8 = + + Brands A and B Average Quote/Purchase (over 15.7 days) Sponsored Search Organic Search Display Source: Nielsen NetView, period from first event to first Quote / Purchase NB: excludes journey’s that began with an organic click through

  15. Results – the impact of online activity on users

  16. Exposure to different campaign elements – visitors Source: Nielsen NetView

  17. Exposure to different campaign elements – purchasers Quote/Purchase Pages Source: Nielsen NetView

  18. Combined exposure leads to purchase Visitors Purchasers Also used to Referrals Also used Sponsored Search Also used to Referrals Also used Sponsored Search Brand A Brand A 67% 53% 85% 39% Just Display Just Display Just Display Just Display Also used to Referrals Also used Sponsored Search Also used to Referrals Also used Sponsored Search Brand B Brand B 55% 78% 55% 31% Just Display Just Display Just Display Just Display Purchasers Visitors Source: Nielsen NetView

  19. Relationship between display exposures and number visits Site Visits per Exposed Person Brand A Brand B Number of Site Visits Number of Display Exposures Source: Nielsen NetView

  20. Results – the latency of online display advertising

  21. Display advertising – how many people visit after exposure? Brand A Brand B 9.7% 6.0% of those exposed to the display campaign went on to visit Brand A’s site post exposure of those exposed to the display campaign went on to visit Brand B’s site post exposure Source: Nielsen NetView, Average Display CTR = 0.18%, Source AdTech 2009

  22. Brand B Have not been exposed/ to conducted any Visit activity 31% Display advertising - how long does it take exposed people to visit? Brand A Have not been exposed/ to conducted any Visit activity 46% Source: Nielsen NetView Base: Those that visited the brand site after exposure to display campaign

  23. summary

  24. Summary £ Online activity is working Individuals who get quotes/make purchases on websites are more likely to have been exposed to online advertising The customer conversion journey is not a simple linear path Users come into contact with multiple campaign elements on multiple occasions Different online elements work together They play different roles at different stages of the journey – it’s not only the last step or click in the journey that matters

  25. Summary Click thru metrics may not be an adequate way of assessing the impact of display advertising Up to 9.7%of users exposed to display advertising will visit the advertisers website within one or two months – approximately 54 times the average click thru rate of 0.18% Display advertising performs better than is widely perceived Display advertising has a positive latent effect – up to 46% of people that visit a web site a week after being exposed to a display advertisement have not been exposed to any other online elements www

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