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PAM system 11/02/2015

PAM system 11/02/2015. What is the NHS PAM?. At a high level the NHS PAM is based on two types of analysis. Qualitative, self-assessment of effectiveness, safety and patient experience - Self Assessment Questions, and;

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PAM system 11/02/2015

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  1. PAM system 11/02/2015

  2. What is the NHS PAM? At a high level the NHS PAM is based on two types of analysis. • Qualitative, self-assessment of effectiveness, safety and patient experience - Self Assessment Questions, and; • Quantitative, benchmarking against the NHS organisations peers across four Domains (ERIC, HES, PLACE). The Self Assessment Questions represent what the NHS organisation does (input), while the Metrics represent how well the NHS organisation is delivering (output). Comparison of these shows how well assurance is being provided, while identifying areas of strength and weakness.

  3. What is NHS PAM? The NHS PAM is a management tool, designed to provide a nationally consistent approach to evaluating NHS premises performance against a set of common indicators. It delivers a basis for: • assurance on the premises in which NHS healthcare is delivered; • driving premises-related performance improvements throughout the system; • providing greater understanding of the vital role that NHS premises play in the delivery of improved clinical and social outcomes. It is designed to be used locally by NHS organisations for Board reporting, and externally to provide assurance to Regulators and Commissioners.

  4. Governance/transparency

  5. PAM strategic overview

  6. PAM - background The 2014 version of NHS PAM is the third main iteration of the model. The main changes are: • Consistent with changes to regulatory and inspection requirements • Incorporate soft FM services • Respond to user feedback • Capture changes to any dataset e.g. replacement of PLACE with PEAT • Consistent questioning • User feedback • Cost to compliance • Permits site and organisation wide assessments

  7. PAM structure and content The NHS PAM has two distinct but complimentary parts: • Self assessment questions (SAQs) supporting quality and safety compliance • Metrics: supporting efficient use of the estate The NHS PAM SAQs have five Domains: • Efficiency (formerly Finance & VFM) • Safety • Effectiveness • Patient Experience • Organisational Governance The Organisational Governance domain is a strategic domain that brings together the four other domains and ensures they are reported and acted on appropriately by the Board.

  8. PAM structure and content Each domain has a set of Self Assessment Questions (SAQs) with a sub set of questions known as prompt questions. It is the prompt questions that are scored/rated with due regard to the information contained within the following two columns in the PAM: • Relevant guidance and legislation: Policies, procedures, working practises etc. should comply with any relevant guidance and legislation. • Evidence should demonstrate: The approach (policies, procedures etc.) is understood, operationally applied, adequately recorded, reported on, audited and reviewed. There is no requirement to include evidence within PAM - the free text cells within PAM allow users to cross refer to where evidence is available if requested during inspections etc.

  9. PAM 2014 question set

  10. Safety domain (SAQ’s)

  11. Prompt questions - canthe organisation evidence the following: Enter the presentation's title using the menu option View > Header and Footer

  12. SAQ 1 - Asset management and maintenance Enter the presentation's title using the menu option View > Header and Footer

  13. SAQ 9 - electrical systems Enter the presentation's title using the menu option View > Header and Footer

  14. Scoring There are six possible responses for a prompt question: • Not applicable: this prompt question does not apply to your organisation/site. • Outstanding: compliant with no action plus evidence of high quality services and innovation. • Good: compliant no action required. • Requires minimal improvement: the impact on people who use services, visitors or staff is low. • Requires moderate improvement: the impact on people who use services, visitors or staff is medium. • Inadequate: action is required quickly - the impact on people who use services, visitors or staff is high. • Not applicable

  15. Resources • Gov.UK:https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/nhs-premises-assurance-model-launch PAM 2014 PAM practical guide PAM metrics SAQ’s DH guidance • pamhelpdesk@dh.gsi.gov.uk • Health building note 00-08 Strategic framework for the efficient management of healthcare estates and facilities • HEFMA working group • Linked in - NHS Premises Assurance Model (PAM) Discussion Group Enter the presentation's title using the menu option View > Header and Footer

  16. WSFT experience 11/02/2015

  17. Enter the presentation's title using the menu option View > Header and Footer

  18. Action plan Total No. of actions 49: Finance and value for money - 6 Safety - 24 Effectiveness - 15 Patient experience - 4 Board governance - 0 On-going monitoring of the action plan will be undertaken by the Corporate Risk Committee, with an annual update to the Board of Directors. Enter the presentation's title using the menu option View > Header and Footer

  19. Example output (2013 version) Enter the presentation's title using the menu option View > Header and Footer

  20. Example output (2014 version) Enter the presentation's title using the menu option View > Header and Footer

  21. Example output safety domain Enter the presentation's title using the menu option View > Header and Footer

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