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International Social Work Education

International Social Work Education. Debby Jacobson Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Reserve University. International Education Program Overview. Extends a number of immersion opportunities for students & alumni

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International Social Work Education

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  1. International Social Work Education Debby Jacobson Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Reserve University

  2. International Education Program Overview Extends a number of immersion opportunities for students & alumni Programs include in-depth study to countries in Africa, Asia, Central America and Europe Participants meet with community & neighborhood leaders, scholars, policy makers, social workers and clients Participants engage in discussions about social issues, policies and practices

  3. Travel/Study MSASS Programs and 3 Credit Courses Open to All Students and Alumni/Friends ***All courses are registered for Spring Semester Winter Break 2008/09 *El Salvador* *Bangladesh * Spring Break 2009 *Guatemala* *Israel* *Netherlands* (Case students only) May, 2009 *China*

  4. Winter Break, 08/09 El Salvador: Women & Community Development Dec. 6-14, 2008 Total: $2,250.00 Faculty contact: Ms. Soad Mansour; soad.mansour@case.edu Bangladesh: Micro Finance Dec. 27, 08 – Jan. 11, 09; Total: $3,900.00 Faculty contact: Dr. Debby Jacobson; dxj@case.edu

  5. Spring Break, 09 Guatemala: Child Welfare March 6-15, 2009 Total: $2,250.00 faculty contact: Ms. Zoe Breen- Wood; zoe.wood@po.cwru.edu Israel: Modern Israel: Womens’ Health Issues in a Multicultural Society March 5-15, 2009 Total: $3,750.00 Faculty contact: Dr. Debby Jacobson dxj@case.edu

  6. Spring Break, 09, cont. Netherlands (Case Students only): 1) Health Policy 2) Mental Health 3) Criminal Justice/Violence Prevention 4) Survey – Undergraduates only March 6-15, 2009 Total: $2,750.00 Faculty contact: Dr. Debby Jacobson dxj@case.edu

  7. May, 09 China: Health and Human Resources May 20 – June 1, 09 Total: $3,900.00 *** All students will earn a grade of Incomplete until returning from program & turning in assignment, which also means those graduating May, 09 would not be eligible to earn course credit. Faculty contact: Dr. Debby Jacobson dxj@case.edu

  8. Information meetings (all at MSASS unless noted otherwise): Friday, Sept. 512:15-1:15 Thursday, Sept. 18 12:45-1:30 Tuesday, Sept. 9 12:45-1:30 Monday, Sept. 22 12:15-1:15 Wednesday, Oct. 1 12:45-1:30 Tuesday, Oct. 14 12:45-1:30 Friday, Nov 7 12:15-1:15 Friday, Nov 14 12:15-1:15 Monday, Nov 17 12:15-1:15 (Thwing)- Friday, Nov 21 12:15-1:15 (Thwing) Friday, Dec. 12 12:15-1:15 (Thwing)

  9. Students: All courses are open to all Undergrad and Grad students and are registered for Spring Semester (even Dec/Jan and May courses); are all 3 credit hour elective courses; & require mandatory pre- and post- trip meetings and assignments. When registering for classes, Grad students register for SASS 575 &Undergrads register for SASS 350 (Netherlands) and SASS 360 (for all others). The tuition cost is the same as any elective course at Case. There is an additional program fee for each program/course which includes cost of travel, hotel, some meals, etc.

  10. Interviews by program faculty are required before registering and permission for all non MSASS students must be given electronically for you to register. For May course students will earn a grade of Incomplete until returning from program and assignment turned in which means those graduating May would not be eligible to earn course credit. Alumni and Friends: All programs (except Netherlands) are open to you for professional development. As a non-student there is an additional fee of $400.00 instead of the cost of tuition.

  11. Please follow these steps: Order passport if you do not have one.  If you do, check for expiration date.  If it expires before 6 months after return date renew it. Please copy the passport page with your photo and passport number.  Give one to Dr. Debby Jacobson and make two copies for yourself (one to bring separate from original and one to leave at home with someone). Please fill out all the forms (Bangladesh participants have different forms- please ask for) Put all forms and the copy of your passport in an envelope and slip under office door (room 108, MSASS) or mail

  12. Please follow these steps, cont: • Send in your non-refundable deposit of $250.00 and(Non-students please include professional development fee of $400.00. This fee is instead of tuition cost. • All check and money orders (no cash) should be payable to Case Western Reserve University. Please put program in memo section of check. Bring to MSASS finance office, room 210, and ask for a receipt or you can be mail to Maya Gilbert, MSASS • 6) Contact your financial aid office about adjusting loans to help defray cost of travel abroad. Case Undergraduates: contact Nancy Issa: nancy.issa @case.edu,

  13. More info: All programs require a non-refundable deposit of $250.00 to hold your spot. Acceptances into travel/study are subject to final approval by instructor.  Deposits will be refunded if the participant is not accepted. After acceptance into the program, the deposit plus any non-recoverable expenses such as pre-paid airline tickets or lodging are non-refundable if the applicant withdraws.

  14. All Programs INCLUDE: International airfare, in-country travel, double or triple occupancy accommodations, facilitators, translation (where needed), international and regional staff to guide the trip and all program fees, agency visits and guest lecturers, and 1-3 meals (depending on program).  • Programs DO NOT include: Passport, vaccinations and visas (where needed), course credit hours (the cost of tuition you pay for at Case), non student professional development fee of $400.00, your transportation to and from Case to the airport, non program travel and meals not included by program.

  15. Award Winning Program CSWE's Global Social Work Education Commission's Awards Committee 2006-2007 unanimously voted to award Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences (MSASS), Case Western Reserve University, as the recipient of Partners in Advancing Education for International Social Work for the year 2006-2007. This is a very prestigious award and MSASS is currently ranked among the top ten in the United States.

  16. VaIue of International Education Programs The cost, time, and curriculum requirements may not allow a student to study a year or semester abroad;  Short term courses are shown to be a good alternative  (Evanson, T. & Zust, B, 2004) The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) mandates that international Social Work content and cultural competence be included in the curriculum (Juliá, 2000) Cultural competence and knowledge of multicultural practice is viewed as an important priority for SW education (Healy, 1988)

  17. Literature on International Education Programs “Students who study abroad are able to compare social services, policy, and practice with an intent to understand their own system better and learn about alternative approaches to social problems;  Students are also provided an opportunity to experience a culture different from their own as a way to promote personal growth, enhance cultural sensitivity, & expand their world views” ( Lindsey E.W., 2005)

  18. Literature on International Education Programs (cont) • Study abroad programs for SW students enhance intercultural sensitivity & diminish ethnocentricity (Ramanathan & Kondrat, 1994) • These programs also provide educational gains as well as values clarification, attitude change, personal development & maturity (Immetman & Schneider, 1998)

  19. International Education Program Objectives To provide an understanding of the importance of global learning and of how culture, values & history influence the way societies address social problems, as well as the design of social policies and interventions To integrate theory, observational, and didactic components to gain an intercultural perspective within each country To focus on global practice and policy a specific area such as Child Welfare, Health and Mental Policy, Criminal Justice/Violence Prevention, Community Development, Health and Human Resource and Women's Health Issues To understand the role of social service agencies & nonprofit organizations or nongovernmental organization (NGOs)

  20. International Education Program Objectives (cont) To help explain the strengths and weaknesses of social policies and human services within each country and how the social care system is shaped by political & social values To have participants understand the impact of the environment, including poverty and inequalities on the lives of minorities, women and children To be able to demonstrate sensitivity to cultural differences in interactions with people of cultures & backgrounds that are different from one’s own

  21. International Education Program Format • International Education Programs offer 3 credit hours to graduate and undergraduate students; and professional development for Alumni • Programs span 3 months • Blackboard Sites are set up in advance of first seminar contact  so that students may have access to syllabi, course reading list and have instructions for first assignment • All courses have pre-trip and post-trip assignments (for students) and seminars

  22. International Education Program Format • First seminar  ---     • Preparation, Personal Safety & Health, Expectations, Culture Shock, Culture & History of Country • Second seminar --- • Social Problems, Policy & Practice and Social & Community Development Settings; often includes US site visit • Third seminar/trip - 8-16 days • field visits, host University lecture and/or discussions • Fourth seminar---  • debriefing about culture shock, new learning, implications for practice; turn in final project & evaluations

  23. Current Programs 2008-2009 Programs include: December Bangladesh: Microfinance El Salvador: Women & Community Dev Spring Break Guatemala: Child Welfare Israel: Modern Israel and Women’s Health Issues in a Multicultural Society Netherlands: Survey, Health, Mental Health, Criminal Justice Summer China: Health and Human Resources

  24. International Education Program Partners Netherlands-began 2003; VrijeUniversiteit (Free University, Amsterdam); in June, 2007, CEU program- Partnership with NYU University El Salvador and Kenya- established 2006; Partnership with International Partners in Mission (IPM); India- established 2007, Partnership with: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India Greece- established 2007; Partnership with Council of International Federation (CIF)

  25. International Education Program Partners (cont) Bangladesh- established 2008; Partnership with: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Independent University , Bangladesh (IUB) Israel- established 2008; Partnership with: Jewish Community Federation (JCF) Jewish Agency ISHA: ISRAEL HEALTH ADVANCEMENT FOR WOMEN China- established 2008; Partnership with: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale The Center for Discovery Learning

  26. Date Country Approximate #’s Cost Dec 2008 El Salvador 12 $2,250 Dec 2008 Bangladesh 25 $3,900  Mar 2009 Israel 25 $3,750 Mar 2009 Guatemala 20-30 $2,250 Mar 2009 Netherlands 40-50 $2,750 All programs have a minimum of 2 professionals traveling with group (not including staff in host country). Ratio is a minimum of 1 faculty to 10 participants

  27. Testimonials “A really engaging itinerary... I truly consider the experiences I had on this trip to be some of my greatest educational moments."B.H."One of the more invigorating experiences of my life ... it created so much dialogue regarding issues that are still controversial in the U.S. "W.L."This program was a very powerful learning experience for me... I have never been so intimately involved with the policies of any nation before... it opened my eyes." H.F.“The program has been one of my most memorable experiences at Case. It helped me to get a sense of the world" J.C."I found the hands on experience so much more interesting and informative than a classroom lecture... To visually see what we were learning about not only helped me remember the information more, but it also helped me grasp it more... It really helped me to understand and look critically at various aspects and policies that we have in the U.S. and to see how culture greatly influences these policies." C.F.

  28. References • Evanson, T., Zust, B.(2004). The Meaning of Participation in an International Service Experience Among Baccalaureate Nursing Students. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship,1,(1),1070. • Healy, L.M. (1988). Curriculum building in international social work: toward preparing professionals for the global age. Journal of Social Work Education, 24(3), 221-28. • Immetman, A, Schneider, P. (1998). Assessing student learning in study-abroad programs: A conceptual framework and methodology for assessing student learning in study-abroad programs. Journal of Studies in International Education, 2, (2), 59-80

  29. References (cont) • Juliá, M. (2000). Student perceptions of culture: an integral part of social work practice. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 24, 279-289 • Lindsey E.W. (2005). Study abroad and values development in social work students. Journal of Social Work Education, 43, (2), 229-248 • Ramanathan, C.S., Kondrat, M.E. (1994). Conceptualizing and Implementng a Social Work Overseas Study Program in Developing Nations: Politics, Realities, and Strategies. Social Development Issues, 16, (2), 69 -83

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