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Christian Worship

Christian Worship. WORSHIP. 敬拜. The Church Year. WORSHIP. 敬拜. The Liturgy 禮儀. Liturgy – WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?. 禮儀 – 是甚麼意思 ?. What do you think of when you hear the word liturgy ? 當你聽到禮儀這詞彙時 , 你會想到甚麼 ?

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Christian Worship

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  1. Christian Worship

  2. WORSHIP 敬拜 The Church Year

  3. WORSHIP 敬拜 The Liturgy禮儀

  4. Liturgy – WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? 禮儀 – 是甚麼意思? • What do you think of when you hear the word liturgy ?當你聽到禮儀這詞彙時, 你會想到甚麼? • What makes liturgical worship different from non-liturgical worship?有甚麼令有禮儀的崇拜不同於沒有禮儀儀式的崇拜?

  5. Liturgy – WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? 禮儀 – 是甚麼意思? • What benefits do you see in what you understand to be liturgical worship?當你明白有禮儀儀式的崇拜時,你看到有何益處? • What disadvantages do you see in what you understand to be “non-liturgical” worship?當你明白”沒有禮儀儀式”的崇拜時, 看到哪些缺點 ?

  6. The Christian Rite 基督教慣例 The Lutheran Liturgy路德宗禮儀

  7. 3,000 Year History 3,000年歷史 • The concept from the temple 聖殿的概念 • The progression from the synagogue 會堂的發展 • The rite for the meal from the NT church 新約教會的聖餐儀式 • The mass form from the medieval church中世紀教會的彌撒 • Edited by Luther 路德的修訂 • The Common Service in America 美國的普遍崇拜

  8. Synagogue Order 會堂次序 • Prayers 禱告 • Lesson from the Law律法的教導 • Psalms詩篇 • Lesson from the Prophets先知的教導 • Psalms詩篇 • Commentary解釋

  9. Jerusalem Order 耶路撒冷的次序 • Apostles’ Teaching使徒的教導 • Fellowship團契 • Breaking of Bread and Prayers擘餅和禱告

  10. Purpose of the Church Year 教會年的目的 • Focus on Christ 焦點在耶穌 • 1 Corinthians 2:2 For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 林前2:2因為我曾定了主意、在你們中間不知道別的、只知道耶穌基督、並他釘十字架。 • To present the whole counsel of God 呈現上帝的整體勸告 • Acts 20:27 27 For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God. 徒20:27因為上帝的旨意、我並沒有一樣避諱不傳給你們的。

  11. Purpose of the Liturgy • Emphasize key truths repeatedly • 2 Peter 1:12 12 So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have.你們雖然曉得這些事、並且在你們已有的真道上堅固、我卻要將這些事常常提醒你們 • To present the whole counsel of God 呈現上帝的整體勸告 • Acts 20:27 27 For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God. 徒20:27因為上帝的旨意、我並沒有一樣避諱不傳給你們的。 • Focus on Christ 焦點在耶穌 • 1 Corinthians 2:2 For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 林前2:2因為我曾定了主意、在你們中間不知道別的、只知道耶穌基督、並他釘十字架。

  12. The Ordinary “That which happens regularly” 普通的 有規律的發生 Ordinarius

  13. The Proper “That which is special/different” 獨特的 特別 / 不同的 Proprius

  14. An Example 例子 • The First Sunday in Lent預苦期第1主日 • Matthew 太 4:1-11 • Genesis 創 2:7-9,15-17; 3:1-7 • Romans 羅 5:12-19 • Lent 1: Jesus defeated the devil for us 預苦期1: 耶穌為我們戰勝邪惡

  15. The Historic Proper Orderly selection of Bible readings, prayers, prefaces, and hymns which represent the changing themes of the Church Year聖經經文、禱告、序言和詩歌的選擇, 是代表教會年中主題的改變

  16. The Proper “That which is special/different” 獨特的 Proprius • Prayer of the Day 每日禱告 • First and Second Lessons 舊約和書信經文 • Psalm of the Day 詩篇 • Verse of the Day 鑰節 • Gospel 福音 • Choral Anthem 合唱 • Hymn of the Day 詩歌 特別 / 不同的

  17. The Historic Ordinary The repeating elements of the Christian Rite重複基督教禮儀的元素

  18. Lord Have Mercy Lamb of God Glory Be to God on High The Ordinary Holy, holy Holy Nicene Creed Five Songs that Proclaim Christ 宣告基督的五首歌 憐憫頌 羔羊頌 榮頌 尼西亞信經 聖哉頌

  19. The Ordinary “That which happens regularly” 普通的 Ordinarius • Kyrie (“Lord, Have Mercy”) 憐憫頌 • Gloria in Excelsis (“Glory to God in the Highest”) 榮頌 • Credo (“I believe”) 信經 • Sanctus (“Holy, Holy, Holy”) 聖哉頌 • Agnus Dei (“Lamb of God”) 羔羊頌 規律的發生

  20. Latin Mass 拉丁文彌撒 Kyrie 憐憫頌 Gloria in Excelsis 榮頌 Credo 信經 Sanctus 聖哉頌 Agnus Dei 羔羊頌 Luther’s Settings 路德的選曲 Kyrie, God Father in Heaven Above CW 266 All Glory be to God on Alone CW 262 We All Believe in One True God CW 271 Isaiah, Mighty Seer CW 267 Lamb of God, Pure and Holy CW 268 The Ordinary in history

  21. The Ordinary in practice • The Kyrie functions best as a responsive prayer.憐憫頌常用作回應的禱詞 • Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. • Middle of 4th century4世紀中葉 • A plea for favor or help祈求幫助

  22. The Ordinary in practice • The Gloria welcomes variety.榮頌歡迎多樣化 • 4th century; Pope Symmachus (c. AD 500) had it sung every Sunday4世紀, 教宗聖辛瑪 (約主後500) 每星期都唱它 • Glory be to God on high. And on earth peace, good will to me. We praise you, we bless you, we worship you. We glorify you, we give thanks to you for your great glory. O Lord God, heavenly King. God the Father Almighty. O Lord, the only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ. O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father. You take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. You take away the sin of the world, receive our prayer. You sit at the right hand of God the Father. Have mercy on us. For you only are holy. You only are the Lord. You only, O Christ, with the Holy Spirit. Are most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

  23. The Ordinary in practice • The Credo is almost always spoken.常說出信經 • Initially the Nicene Creed最初是尼西亞信經 • Eastern churches after Council of Constantinople (553)在君士坦丁堡大會 (553) 之後的東方教會 • Roman Mass in 1014 (“Rome not bothered by heretics”)1014年的羅馬彌撒

  24. The Ordinary in practice • The Sanctus and Agnus Dei discourage textual variety but welcome a variety of musical settings.聖哉頌和羔羊頌不鼓勵文字的不同, 但歡迎不同的音樂

  25. The Ordinary in practice • The Sanctus 聖哉頌 • North Africa around AD 200 緣主後200年的北非 • Benedictus added in Syria around AD 400約400年的敘利亞加入讚美詩 • Luther placed after Words of Institution (he didn’t use Agnus Dei) OR, in German Mass, as hymn during distribution路德設在聖餐禱文後 (他沒有用羔羊頌) 或, 在德文彌撒時是領聖餐時的詩歌 • Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts; Heaven and earth are full of your glory; Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

  26. The Ordinary in practice • The Agnus Dei 羔羊頌 • Pope Sergius I around AD 700約主後700年, 教宗聖思齊一世 • O Christ, Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world. Have mercy on us. O Christ, Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world. Have mercy on us. O Christ, Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world. Grant us your peace. Amen.

  27. Five Songs that Proclaim Christ Lord Have Mercy Lamb of God Glory Be to God on High The Ordinary Holy, holy Holy Nicene Creed 宣告基督的五首歌 憐憫頌 羔羊頌 榮頌 尼西亞信經 聖哉頌

  28. Using the hymnal 運用詩歌 • Find the five songs of the Historic Ordinary

  29. Using the hymnal 運用詩歌 Luther’s Settings 路德的選曲 Kyrie, God Father in Heaven Above CW 266 All Glory be to God on Alone CW 262 We All Believe in One True God CW 271 Isaiah, Mighty Seer CW 267 Lamb of God, Pure and Holy CW 268

  30. Liturgical Pattern 禮儀模式 • Liturgy of Preparation崇 拜 預 備 • Entrance hymn序曲 • Invocation宣 召 • Confession of sin認罪 • Absolution w/ Kyrie宣赦(憐憫頌) • Hymn of Praise宣赦 (Glory in Excelsis) (憐憫頌) • Peace互表和睦 • Prayer of the Day禱告 • Liturgy of the Word經課 • Hymn唱 詩 • Lessons經 課 • Liturgy of Response回應 • Hymn of response回應 詩歌 • Creed 信經 • Offering奉獻 • Prayer of the Church禱告 • Communion聖餐 • Commissioning差遣禮 • Hymn/Hallelujah詩歌 • Benediction祝福 • Words of Commission差遣

  31. What does “Liturgical” mean? “禮儀”的意思是甚麼? • The Church Year 教會年 • The Ordinary (“things that happen regularly”)普遍的 (規律發生的) • The Proper (“things which regularly change”)獨特的 (規律改變的) • The Meal聖餐 • The Historic Progression歷史的發展

  32. An Historic Progression 歷史發展 A Sequencing of the Elements of Worship崇拜元素的順序

  33. An Historic Progression 歷史的發展 • Gathering (Preparation) 聚集 (預備) • The Service of the Word經課 • Fellowship團契 • The Service of the Sacrament聖禮 • Departing (Commissioning)離開 (差遣) All praise is proclamation, and all proclamation is praise.所有讚美配得傳揚,所有傳揚配得讚美 (see Psalm 135)

  34. Gathering (Preparation) 聚集 (預備) • Invocation 宣召 • Confession/Absolution 認罪/宣赦 • Kyrie 憐憫頌 • Gloria in Excelsis 榮頌

  35. Service of the Word 經課 • Prayer of the Day 禱告 • First Lesson 舊約經文 • Psalm of the Day 詩篇 • Second Lesson 書信經文 • Verse of the Day 鑰節 • Gospel 福音 • Choral Anthem 合唱 • Hymn of the Day 詩歌 • Sermon 講道 • Creed 信經

  36. Fellowship 團契 Offering 奉獻 Gifts to support the ministry of the Gospel to brothers and sisters near and far.支持宣講福音的事工 Prayer of the Church and intercessory prayers為教會的禱告 General prayers for “all sorts and conditions of men” and specific prayers for those desiring our prayers.為所有人的禱告和特別的代禱

  37. Service of the Sacrament 聖禮 • Preface and Proper Preface 前言和特別的序言 • Sanctus 聖哉頌 • Thanksgiving Prayer 感恩禱告 • Lord’s Prayer 主禱文 • Words of Institution (Verba) 聖餐禱文 • Peace of the Lord 主賜平安 • Agnus Dei 羔羊頌 • Distribution 領聖餐

  38. Departing (Commissioning) 離開 (差遣) • Thanksgiving 感恩 • Prayer 禱告 • Blessing 祝福 /Commissioning 差遣

  39. Liturgical Worship 崇拜禮儀 • Agree or Disagree and Explain One must have a liturgical worship service in order to worship in a God-pleasing way.要有崇拜禮儀的崇拜, 才是蒙上帝喜悅的。同意與否? 請解釋你的答案。

  40. Liturgical Worship 崇拜禮儀 • Agree or Disagree and Explain Liturgical worship is inevitably more boring than other worship.有禮儀的崇拜, 必定較其他崇拜更乏味。同意與否? 請解釋你的答案。

  41. What does “Liturgical” mean? “禮儀”的意思是甚麼? • The Church Year 教會年 • The Ordinary (“things that happen regularly”)普遍的 (規律發生的) • The Proper (“things which regularly change”)獨特的 (規律改變的) • The Meal聖餐 • The Historic Progression歷史的發展

  42. Non-liturgical Worship 沒有禮儀的崇拜 • greetings, announcements, song of praise問安, 宣告, 讚美詩 • prayer for the service, continued songs of praise and adoration崇拜禱告, 繼續讚美敬拜詩 • welcome each other, then pray for the sermon互表歡樂, 為講道禱告 • sermon講道 • song of invitation, altar call邀請詩歌, 聖壇呼召 • final prayer, dismissal最後禱告, 散會 Determine what is different. Then evaluate the changes.識別不同的地方。然後評論改變

  43. Liturgical Worship 崇拜禮儀 • There may be concepts attached to Liturgical Worship that you very much agree with. At the same time, you may have ideas about how you might improve your own congregation’s worship practices. God now asks you to use your Christian freedom wisely. 可能有在禮儀崇拜的概念是你也同意的。同時,你可能有如何可以改善自己教會的崇拜程序的想法。上帝要你有智慧地運用你的基督徒自由。

  44. Looking in the mirror 望鏡子 • Divide your paper into four squares. 將紙張分為4部分 Elements/ features of liturgical worship which are going well良好的敬拜元素/特徵 Suggestions for improvement改善的建議 Elements/ features of liturgical worship which are not going so well不太好的敬拜元素/特徵 Solutions for weaknesses缺點的解決方法

  45. Liturgical Worship 崇拜禮儀 • Sharing of ideas分享

  46. Please have available for our next class . . . • Resources you use to select hymns你用來選擇詩歌的資料 • Different hymnals 不同的詩歌集 • Song books 詩歌書 • Web site addresses 網址 • List of hymns used in the past 過去運用的詩歌清單 • Other resources 其他資源

  47. Christian Worship

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