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New Architecture : -Scenario’s FE TDC selection - How much radiation do we get

LHCb Outer Tracker Collaboration meeting januari 2013 Nikhef Status . New Architecture : -Scenario’s FE TDC selection - How much radiation do we get - How much radiation can the Proasic3E have - Proasic Overdose Solution Actel version , Wilco talks

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New Architecture : -Scenario’s FE TDC selection - How much radiation do we get

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  1. LHCbOuterTrackerCollaboration meeting januari 2013Nikhef Status New Architecture: -Scenario’s FE TDC selection -Howmuchradiation do we get -Howmuchradiationcan the Proasic3E have -ProasicOverdoseSolution Actelversion, Wilcotalks -results of prototypes -proposed design Othertalkstom -Fiber setup-Services likesupplies, cooling

  2. New architecture Scenario’s Largersilicon inner area, sameamount of electronics 50% lessstraws , 50% Scintilating Fibers We assume the scenario1 where we change all FE’s tonewonesnr 2 is lesswork and lesscostly

  3. New Front Ends, new TDC selection We need a new OTIS TDC with 40Mc output instead of 1Mc To adapt the OTIS tdcthere was toolittlemanpower in the chip developmentarea FPGA solutionscanbewithActelantifuse, ActelProasicor Altera For the selectionof Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) components we have to know the newradiationlevels

  4. Howmuchradiation do we get in the worst spot (T3)

  5. Howmuchradiation do we get in the worst spot (T3) Expected levels, check Antonio:

  6. Cyclotron US Boston Louvain #00 LHCB Electronics Upgrade Meeting, 10/14/2010

  7. FPGA Setup (2) Aperture Ø12.7 mm Ion Chamber FPGA Board p Beam Adjustable mechanics LHCB Electronics Upgrade Meeting, 10/14/2010

  8. Radiation Test Proasic3E 2004 resultsSpecsproasic (in ourControlboxes) (Notpublished, Saclay, Dominique Breton, JaquelFr.) 1.Programmable upto 17 kRad 2.Still funtionsuntil 30 kRad, then high current and malfunction) 2010-2013 Syracuseuni 200Mev Protons in Boston hospital PrelimresultsseealsoLHCb Electronics Upgrade Meeting, 7/21/2011 Aboutsame as SPECS test above -Ram few SEU every 3min run of few kRad-Flash rom dito -Plltested end 2012 good chips increasingtdcerrors 20-37on 8*10^9 measurements per run of few krad 2 bad chips 3*10^9 (tdcvaluechangefrom 10>11?) a lockerroroccurredonly 1 time during all tests

  9. Conclusion The Proasiccanmeasure 5 bits withacceptable bin sizevariation (seeresultsmeasurementalbert) All proasictdc boards have to bereplacedafterseveralyears of running to beable to run for 10 years in radiation Consequencesfor fiber installation and power in othertalks

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