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Vienna. The Digital City. Where you can enjoy success . Wirtschaftskammer Wien, 27. März 2014. Vienna Business Agency. The Vienna Business Agency, has actively supported the development of Vienna as a business location for 30 years.
Vienna. The Digital City. Whereyoucanenjoysuccess. Wirtschaftskammer Wien, 27. März 2014
Vienna Business Agency • The Vienna Business Agency, has actively supported the development of Vienna as a business location for 30 years. • We are the first contact point for national and inter-national companies and offer financial support, real estate and consulting.
Vienna: Main Indicators • 1.8 Mio. inhabitants • 50,000 companies • 800,000 employees • 8,000 annualbusinessstart-ups • EUR 44,300 GDP/capital (EU 27: 25,100; USA: 34,700) • R&D Quota 3.95% (EU 27: 2.0%) • Foreign direct investment: EUR 85 bn invested in Viennese companies • All important European capitals can be reached within 3 hours by airplane • Vienna airport: #1 in direct connections to CEE destinations; 22.2 Mio. passengers 2012
Vienna. The Digital City. IT generally: • Key and cross-section technology for all major industries, areas of life and the infrastructure of a smart city • Prerequisite and a driver of innovation for the competitiveness and innovative capacity of a city • The current start-up boom is supported by IT (cost-saving, scalable business models) • An extremely fast-movinganddynamicindustry, influencedbycompaniesworking in networks
IT in Wien: Facts andfigures (I) • 5.750 companies (8.800 Vienna Region, 15.200 in Austria) • 53.700 employees (63.000 VR, 102.000 in Austria) • EUR 18.7 billionturnover(20.4 VR, 28.6 in Austria) • ICT revenue is 4x higher than in the tourism industry • Almost 7% of employees in Vienna are working in the ICT industry employs (Total: 780,000) • Almost 6% of companies in Vienna are ICT companies (total about 100,000) • Amongst the largest ICT metropolis in Europe (behind London and Munich) Source: Statistik Austria, HV Sozialvers., MA23
IT in Wien: Facts andfigures (II) • About 60% of the companies are EPU, 98% are SMEs • Indirect effects (intermediate consumption) and secondary effects (purchasing power) caused additional 3.2 jobs for every job in the IT sector. (Second highest value after Banking / Insurance) • Export ratio 17.9% • Country of Origin Client: 82.1% Ö, 12.9% EU • Private Client: 89.8%, public: 10.2% Source: Statistik Austria, G. Haber, METIS, Uni Klagenfurt „Impact Analyse: Software und IT-Sektor 2011“, KMU Forschung Austria, Konjunkturdatenbank
The largest companies by volume: • A1-Telekom Austria • Raiffeisen Informatik • Kapsch Group • T-Mobile Austria • Samsung Electronics • IBM Austria • Microsoft Austria • ACP Gruppe • UPC • ATOS Source: www.top1001.at
The largest Austrian Companies: • Kapsch– businesscommunication, Telematics • Frequentis - airtrafficcontrol • Raiffeisen Informatik – Security, SW, Bank Software, Consulting… • Bundesrechenzentrum – serviceprovider, eGov • Fabasoft – Business SW, Cloud Computing, eGov • TTTech: networked computer systems in transportation and industrial segments • Knowles: mobile microphonesandloudspeaker • BEKO - Service & Support (particularyindustrial IT) • WienIT – Service & Support (particulary power industryand Services forthe City of Vienna)
Selected ICT-Topics in Vienna: • Open Data: Free access to public records of the City of Vienna: http://data.wien.gv.at, Open Knowledge Foundation Austria • Big Data: The combination of market hype and the fact that many of the component technologies are already mature is pushing companies, particularly in Austria, toward big data solutions „School of Data“ www.schoolofdata.at.IBM, CISCO, Oracle, Netapp, Cubeware,…. • Mobile computing: Start Ups (simple and cheap), All about apps, blue source, Fluidtime, mySugr, Abalo,…. • Computer Vision: AIT, TU Wien, VRVis (www.vrvis.at) – Honor "VIS 2013" - with "Best Paper Awards" • eGovernment: Austria as a leading European nation
Selected ICT-Topics in Vienna: • eHealth: Austria has introduced a personalized, digital ID card as the first European country (eCard) StartUp-Topic: B2C App/„m-health“: direct Access tomedical Information, collection of patient data for better treatment (https://mysugr.com/ , Diagnosia / aeskulapp) Otto Bock, Agfa Healthcare, AME International, Cluster LISA Vienna • Semantic systems: 20-30 companies of 500 worldwide are located in Vienna, Research and first products. Semantic web company, www.semantic-web.at
Selected ICT-Topics in Vienna (Security): • secure business austria: four main areas of research: (1) Governance, Risk and Compliance (2) Data Security and Privacy, (3) Secure Coding and Code Analysis and (4) Hardware and Network Security (www.sba-research.org), • AIT: (www.ait.ac.at) The research focus of the department is driven by four major trends: - the growing complexity of ICT systems, - increasing networking possibilities: machine-to machine (M2M) communications, internet of things, virtual infrastructures, etc. - industry trends towards open network architectures: standard protocols, third-party interfaces, etc. - a growing dependence of all applications on underlying ICT infrastructures: smart grid, smart city, eMobility (car2X), eGovernment, eEnvironment, eHealth, etc. • IKARUS (www.ikarus.at)
IT-Cluster Vienna The network for IT-companies, R&D and educational institutions The IT-Cluster of the Vienna business agency is the network of the IT industry in Vienna. We support IT businesses in terms of distribution, by developing their potential in innovations and specific consulting. Through events and working groups with the focus on IT relevant topics, we connect our partners and create new cut surfaces. The IT-Cluster is an offer of the Vienna business agency and a project of the European Union.
IT-Cluster Vienna Focus Areas: • Information: Location Consulting, Consulting , Training, IT- law, Factsheets, … • Sales: „Elevate your Sales“, „Sales Experts Meeting“, international activities, IT-skilled employees • Technology: Cloud Computing, Mobile Computing, Semantic Web, Open and Big Data • Job Market/Skilled Employees: Research of the Status Quo in cooperation with the municipal administration of Vienna (CIO), Project Groups with nearly all important IT-Players in Vienna (SAP, Frequentis, Microsoft, Kapsch, IBM, KMUs und Start Ups)
IT-Cluster Vienna IT-Cluster Group Cloud Computing For working on Cloud Computing topics under professional guidance, you can find a special working group at the IT-Cluster Vienna. The IT Cluster has been dealing for years with the legal aspects and details of SaaS (Software as a Service), and presents with the guide on the right side a comprehensive overview of all relevant issues. IT-Cluster Vienna guide: „Software as a Service – CorrectConclusionsofContracts“
Summary The Vienna Business Agency issupportingtheindustrywith: • constant growth • high value-added • high innovation potential • 5,750 companies • 53,700 jobs • Fast paced with rapidly changing technologies
Thankyouforyourattention! Bernhard Schmid Project Leader IT-Cluster Vienna schmid@vba.at +43 1 93 960 3000 www.vba.at www.clusterwien.at/it