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Summer School on Hashing’14 Locality Sensitive Hashing

Summer School on Hashing’14 Locality Sensitive Hashing. Alex Andoni ( Microsoft Research). Nearest Neighbor Search (NNS). Preprocess: a set of points Query: given a query point , report a point with the smallest distance to. Approximate NNS. c -approximate. if there exists a

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Summer School on Hashing’14 Locality Sensitive Hashing

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  1. Summer School on Hashing’14Locality Sensitive Hashing Alex Andoni (Microsoft Research)

  2. Nearest Neighbor Search (NNS) Preprocess: a set of points Query: given a query point , report a point with the smallest distance to

  3. Approximate NNS c-approximate if there exists a point at distance r p cr q • r-near neighbor: given a new point , report a point s.t. • Randomized: a point returned with 90% probability

  4. Heuristic for Exact NNS c-approximate r p cr q • r-near neighbor: given a new point , report a set with • all points s.t. (each with 90% probability) • may contain some approximate neighbors s.t. • Can filter out bad answers

  5. Locality-Sensitive Hashing [Indyk-Motwani’98] q q p “not-so-small” :, where 1 • Random hash function on s.t. for any points : • Close when is “high” • Far when is “small” • Use several hash tables

  6. Locality sensitive hash functions • Hash function is usually a concatenation of “primitive” functions: • Example: Hamming space • , i.e., choose bit for a random • chooses bits at random

  7. Full algorithm • Data structure is just hash tables: • Each hash table uses a fresh random function • Hash all dataset points into the table • Query: • Check for collisions in each of the hash tables • until we encounter a point within distance • Guarantees: • Space:, plus space to store points • Query time: (in expectation) • 50% probability of success.

  8. Analysis of LSH Scheme sets.t. = = • Choice of parameters? • hash tables with • Pr[collision of far pair] = • Pr[collision of close pair] = • Hence “repetitions” (tables) suffice!

  9. Analysis: Correctness • Let be an -near neighbor • If does not exists, algorithm can output anything • Algorithm fails when: • near neighbor is not in the searched buckets • Probability of failure: • Probability do not collide in a hash table: • Probability they do not collide in hash tables at most

  10. Analysis: Runtime • Runtime dominated by: • Hash function evaluation: time • Distance computations to points in buckets • Distance computations: • Care only about far points, at distance • In one hash table, we have • Probability a far point collides is at most • Expected number of far points in a bucket: • Over hash tables, expected number of far points is • Total: in expectation

  11. NNS for Euclidean space [Datar-Immorlica-Indyk-Mirrokni’04] • Hash function is a concatenation of “primitive” functions: • LSH function : • pick a random line , and quantize • project point into • is a random Gaussian vector • random in • is a parameter (e.g., 4)

  12. Optimal* LSH [A-Indyk’06] p • Regular grid → grid of balls • p can hit empty space, so take more such grids until p is in a ball • Need (too) many grids of balls • Start by projecting in dimension t • Analysis gives • Choice of reduced dimension t? • Tradeoff between • # hash tables, n, and • Time to hash, tO(t) • Total query time: dn1/c2+o(1) p 2D Rt

  13. q P(r) x p Proof idea • Claim: , i.e., • P(r)=probability of collision when ||p-q||=r • Intuitive proof: • Projection approx preserves distances [JL] • P(r) = intersection / union • P(r)≈random point u beyond the dashed line • Fact (high dimensions): the x-coordinate of u has a nearly Gaussian distribution → P(r)  exp(-A·r2) r q p u

  14. LSH Zoo To Simons or not to Simons To be or not to be Simons Simons not not not not be be to or to or 1 …01111… …11101… 1 …01122… …21102… {be,not,or,to} {not,or,to, Simons} be to =be,to,Simons,or,not • Hamming distance • : pick a random coordinate(s) [IM98] • Manhattan distance: • : random grid [AI’06] • Jaccard distance between sets: • : pick a random permutation on the universe min-wise hashing[Bro’97,BGMZ’97] • Angle: sim-hash [Cha’02,…]

  15. LSH in the wild fewer tables fewer false positives safety not guaranteed • If want exact NNS, what is ? • Can choose any parameters • Correct as long as • Performance: • trade-off between # tables and false positives • will depend on dataset “quality” • Can tune to optimize for given dataset

  16. Time-Space Trade-offs query time space low high medium medium 1 mem lookup high low

  17. LSH is tight…leave the rest to cell-probe lower bounds?

  18. Data-dependent Hashing! [A-Indyk-Nguyen-Razenshteyn’14] • NNS in Hamming space () with query time, space and preprocessing for • optimal LSH: of [IM’98] • NNS in Euclidean space () with: • optimal LSH: of [AI’06]

  19. A look at LSH lower bounds • LSH lower bounds in Hamming space • Fourier analytic • [Motwani-Naor-Panigrahy’06] • distribution over hash functions • Far pair: random, distance • Close pair: random at distance = • Get [O’Donnell-Wu-Zhou’11]

  20. Why not NNS lower bound? • Suppose we try to generalize [OWZ’11] to NNS • Pick random • All the “far point” are concentrated in a small ball of radius • Easy to see at preprocessing: actual near neighbor close to the center of the minimum enclosing ball

  21. Intuition • Data dependent LSH: • Hashing that depends on the entire given dataset! • Two components: • “Nice” geometric configuration with • Reduction from general to this “nice” geometric configuration

  22. Nice Configuration: “sparsity” • All points are on a sphere of radius • Random points are at distance • Lemma 1: • “Proof”: • Obtained via “cap carving” • Similar to “ball carving” [KMS’98, AI’06] • Lemma 1’: for radius =

  23. Reduction: into spherical LSH • Idea: apply a few rounds of “regular” LSH • Ball carving [AI’06] • as if target approx. is 5c => query time • Intuitively: • far points unlikely to collide • partitions the data into buckets of small diameter • find the minimum enclosing ball • finally apply spherical LSH on this ball!

  24. Two-level algorithm • hash tables, each with: • hash function • ’s are “ball carving LSH” (data independent) • ’s are “spherical LSH” (data dependent) • Final is an “average” of from levels 1 and 2

  25. Details • Inside a bucket, need to ensure “sparse” case • 1) drop all “far pairs” • 2) find minimum enclosing ball (MEB) • 3) partition by “sparsity” (distance from center)

  26. 1) Far points • In level 1 bucket: • Set parameters as if looking for approximation • Probability a pair survives: • At distance : • At distance : • At distance : • Expected number of collisions for distance is constant • Throw out all pairs that violate this

  27. 2) Minimum Enclosing Ball • Use Jung theorem: • A pointsetwithdiameter has aMEB of radius

  28. 3) Partitionby“sparsity” • Inside a bucket, points are at distance at most • “Sparse” LSH does not work in this case • Need to partition by the distance to center • Partition into spherical shells of width 1

  29. Practiceof NNS • Data-dependent partitions… • Practice: • Trees: kd-trees, quad-trees, ball-trees, rp-trees, PCA-trees, sp-trees… • often no guarantees • Theory? • assuming more about data: PCA-like algorithms “work” [Abdullah-A-Kannan-Krauthgamer’14]

  30. Finale • LSH: geometric hashing • Data-dependent hashing can do better! • Better upper bound? • Multi-level improves a bit, but not too much • for ? • Best partitions in theory and practice? • LSH for other metrics: • Edit distance, Earth-Mover Distance, etc • Lower bounds (cell probe?)

  31. Open question: • Practical variant of ball-carving hashing? • Design space-partition of that is • efficient: point location in poly(t) time • qualitative: regions are “sphere-like” [Prob. needle of length 1 is not cut] ≥ 1/c2 [Prob needle of length c is not cut]

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