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Salem County Board of Elections Official District Board Worker Certification Training Class

Salem County Board of Elections Official District Board Worker Certification Training Class. Welcome. Official District Board Worker Certification Training presented by : Salem County Board of Elections Commissioners Florence Butler John D. Burke Michael Facemyer Carol Waddington.

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Salem County Board of Elections Official District Board Worker Certification Training Class

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  1. Salem CountyBoard of ElectionsOfficial District Board Worker CertificationTraining Class

  2. Welcome Official District Board Worker Certification Training presented by : Salem County Board of Elections Commissioners Florence Butler John D. Burke Michael Facemyer Carol Waddington

  3. Training Lesson Outline • Opening The Polls • Persons Allowed in the Polling Place • Processing The Voter • Voters Entitled to Assistance • Provisional Ballots • Challengers and the Challenge Process • Emergency Ballots • Electioneering • Closing the Polls • Review and Questions

  4. Lesson 1: Opening the Polls Arrive at the polling place between 5:15am – 5:30 am Display the American flag at the polling place entrance Determine the 100-foot zone from the outside entrance to the polling place .This is now the official “No Electioneering” boundary zone Opening The Polls

  5. Opening The Polls District Board Workers are to follow the “Easy Step-by-Step Instruction” checklist to open and close the polls. Two sets of the instructions are located in your supplies. ALL Four District Board Workers must work together. One reads the tasks aloud and the others will perform the tasks.

  6. This instruction sheet is found in the Blue Accordion Folder located in your blue bag of election supplies Opening The Polls

  7. Opening The Polls Check Election Supplies Post Sample Ballot and Signs: Vote Here Today, Handicap Accessible, Challenger, Voters Rights and Spanish signs Set Up Privacy Booth For Provisional Ballot Voting, If Not Already Done For You VOTE HERE TODAY Provisional Voting Booth

  8. District Board Workers Voting Machines Poll Book Authority Cards Poll Book Activator Entrance Opening The Polls Example Of Polling Place Set-up Challengers

  9. Opening The Polls Before opening the polls, locate the Assigned Voting Machine form. Check each voting machine to be sure that the correct machine numbers are in your district. Each machine is labeled with a number. All District Board Workers will initial this form to verify machine numbers.

  10. Sample Assigned Voting Machine Form District Board Workers must check voting machine numbers before the polls open and then ALL District Board Workers are to initial check list before allowing any voters to vote on the machines. November 6th 2007 General Election ALLOWAY TOWNSHIP DISTRICT 1 Assigned voting machine: 5700 ___ ___ ___ ___ 5701 ___ ___ ___ ___ 5702 ___ ___ ___ ___ D.B.W. initials Assigned voting machines.doc This form is found on the outside of Blue Accordion Folder located in your blue bag of election supplies Opening The Polls

  11. Edge Voting Machine Set-up Opening The Polls • Remove cover and connect power cords. • Open privacy panel and raise the screen to the center 45. • At the back of the unit lift POWER ON/OFF cover, turn to the ON position. • Wait for screen to say “READY TO OPEN OFFICIAL ELECTION POLLS” • At the back of the unit break the green seal, lift “POLLS OPEN/CLOSED” cover. Switch to the “OPEN” position and immediately reseal cover using RED SEAL located in clear transfer bag. • The official “ZERO PROOF REPORT” will print. Check that ALL candidates and questions have a ZERO count, all DBW’s will sign the report. • When screen shows “To begin voting insert voter card into slot below” you are ready for the first voter.

  12. Activator Set-up Opening The Polls • Plug in to wall and side of unit • Locate the power switch on the rear, turn to the “On” position • Activator will run a short self test • You are ready to process first voter card when screen shows: • “Please Insert Voter Card” Never activate a card until a voting machine is available Rotate the cards, using all cards through the day Monitor voters entering and exiting voting booths

  13. Opening The Polls • Determine the official clock • a wall clock, if there is one – • Check the time as it appears on the voting machine zero-print report. • If the times are not identical, the Judge must determine the official time.

  14. Select “Accessibility Point-Person” to conduct a walk through of polling place for obstacles and hazards. Accessibility Point Person conducts an inspection of the polling place to ensure there are no obstacles or hazards which would affect elderly or disabled voters. Opening The Polls

  15. Opening The Polls Select the District Board Judge and Inspector, who must be of opposite political parties. • Majority of District Board Workers are to be present at all times • Each member may be absent for one hour • No District Board Workers are to be absent from the polling place after 5:00 p.m. • Rotate jobs throughout the day • All District Board Workers must share responsibility equally • Every DBW has equal power • Be fair, courteous and helpful. Call the County Board of Elections for assistance in the event of a problem, Board of Elections Phone: 856-935-7510 Extensions: #8328, #8329, #8330 or #8331

  16. Opening The Polls At exactly 6:00am or at the time set by a school district for a School Election, the Judge publicly announces: “The polls are open”

  17. You are now ready to process the first voter DO NOT TEST ANY MACHINE Opening The Polls

  18. Check each voting machine in the morning and recheck at regular intervals through the day. Look for a yellow line on bottom of voting machine screen. Opening The Polls This indicates that the voting machine is on internal BATTERY POWER and NOT on AC POWER. Machines will shut down if power supply is not corrected.

  19. Discrimination Federal Protections Against National Origin Discrimination Federal law prohibits discrimination based on a person’s national origin, race, color, religion, disability, sex, and familial status. Laws prohibiting national origin discrimination make it illegal to discriminate because of a person’s birthplace, ancestry, culture or language. This means people cannot be denied equal opportunity because they or their family are from another country, because they have a name or accent associated with a national origin group, or because they participate in certain customs associated with a national origin group, or because they are married to or associate with people of a certain national origin. District Board Workers’ conduct may violate the federal laws prohibiting voting discrimination. The Voting Rights Acts do not specifically prohibit national origin discrimination. However, provisions of the Acts make it illegal to limit or deny the right to vote of any citizen not only because of race or color, but also because of membership in a language minority group. In addition, the Acts also require in certain jurisdictions that election material and assistance be provided in languages other than English. Opening The Polls Bilingual Voting in Salem County Salem County now has several voting districts which meet the federal and state requirements to be bilingual voting districts. These districts will have extra District Board Workers who are bilingual. All materials and signs will also be in Spanish. In the other districts most of the material will also be in Spanish.

  20. District Board Members Duly-Credentialed Challengers Candidates Voters Voters’ Minor Children (regardless of age) Law Enforcement Officials Federal and State Observers Election Board Commissioners & Staff Lesson 2: Persons Allowed in the Polling Place Allowed in the Polling Place

  21. Cell phones District Board Workers who do not have access to a telephone in the Polling Place are permitted to use a designated cell phone to contact the Election Board. Election Board Policy regarding cell phone use in the polling place by individuals other than the DBW : Upon due consideration and guided by a reasonable exercise of discretion, cell phones may be in the polling place. Cell phones should be unexposed. Use of such phones is to be done outside of the polling room, apparently to be out of sight of the voters. Allowed in the Polling Place

  22. Lesson 3: Processing The Voter Greet the voter ask for their Name & Address Locate the name in the Poll Book repeat the name loud enough for Challengers to hear In a Primary ONLY: Voters Must declare a party if the space is blank. DBW MUST write DEM or REP in the blank space Processing The Voter Ask the voter to verify the date of birth voter signs the Poll Book next to sample signature Compare signatures & if they match put your initials in the space provided Voter signs Authority Card then you record Authority Card# in space provided Voter proceeds to the DBW working the Card Activator with their Authority Card

  23. Verify voter’s date of birth Processing The Voter In a Primary ONLY: Voters must declare a party if the space is blank. DBW MUST write DEM or REP in the blank space

  24. Compare signature of voter with signature in poll book. If both signatures match DBW initials here and puts the Authority Card # in space provided. Processing The Voter

  25. If the voter’s signature is missing from the Poll Book: This voter CANNOT vote on machine, call the Board of Elections for authorization to issue a Provisional Ballot Processing The Voter

  26. VOTING AUTHORITY CARDS – To be used only with EDGE Voting Machines (not to be used with Provisional Ballots). The Voting Authority Cards are to be kept at the Poll Books. The voter is to SIGN and DATE the Authority Card after signing the Poll Book. The voter is given the TEAR-OFF Stub to take to the District Board Worker at the ACTIVATOR. After the voter hands the Authority Card to the District Board Worker at the Activator, the DBW will give the voter an activation card to enter the voting machine. The stubs will be placed on the string after receiving. The Voting Authority Cards are to be returned with the poll books. The Voting Authority STUBS are to be returned with the activator in the basket. V E R Y I M P O R T A N T 3-2 This instruction sheet is found in the Red bag located in your blue bag of election supplies Processing The Voter

  27. WHAT IF.. ? …the voter signs the wrong signature box …the signature box has: ‘ABSENTEE / MAIL IN” or a red letters “M-I” …the signature box has: “AFFIRM ADDRESS” or “ID REQUIRED” Processing The Voter

  28. If the voter signs the wrong signature box: If the voter is still in the Polling Place, cross out the signature and have the voter sign the proper box. If the voter is gone, draw an arrow from the signature down to the correct empty signature block. Draw a line through the signature. Make a note of the error on your notepad, return it with election supplies. The correct voter for that box should sign above the name crossed out. This voter may vote on the machine. Processing The Voter

  29. If the signature box has “ABSENTEE / MAIL IN” or a red letters “M-I”:The voter has applied for a Mail-In Ballot This voter CANNOT vote on a machine If the voter states they did not receive/apply for the Mail-In Ballot call the Board of Elections for instruction If the voter states they have lost or destroyed the Mail-In Ballot, call the Board of Elections and they will direct you on what to do Processing The Voter DO NOT ACCEPT MAIL-IN BALLOTS FROM VOTERS AT THE POLLING PLACE. THE VOTER OR AUTHORIZED MESSENGER MUST DELIVER THE BALLOT TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS OFFICE IN PERSON PRIOR TO 8:00 P.M. ELECTION DAY (9:00 P.M. FOR SCHOOL ELECTIONS)

  30. If the signature box has “ABSENTEE / MAIL IN” or a red letters “M-I”: The voter has applied for a Mail-In Ballot. This voter CANNOT vote on a machine. ABSENTEE / MAIL IN Processing The Voter

  31. If the signature box has “AFFIRM ADDRESS” Ask the voter for their current address, compare with address in Poll Book, then select option 1 2 3 4 OR Processing The Voter

  32. If the voter address has NOT CHANGED 1 • Voter signs Affirmation of Residency form, DBW signs and returns completed form to Election Board in blue supply bag. Voter votes on the machine. AFFIRMATION OF RESIDENCY RESIDING AT SAME ADDRESS “AFFIRM ADDRESS” – If this phrase appears near the voter’s name and the voter’s address has not changed: Voter must sign this form and poll book before voting. I,__________________________________, being duly sworn, affirm that I am a Name of voter registered voter, residing at_________________________________________________ Address in the County of Salem, Municipality_________________________. I further affirm that I have not changed my residence. Mailing address if different from residence: Street or P O Box Postal City/Town Zip Code ______________________________________ Voters Signature Sworn and subscribed to before the District Board this ______day of ____________200_ __________________________________ ____________________________________ Signature of District Board Worker Signature of District Board Worker English (Spanish form see other side) Processing The Voter This form is found in the Blue Accordion Folder located in your blue bag of election supplies

  33. If the voter moved within Salem County In the same DISTRICT 2 • Voter completes voter registration form, DBW returns completed form to Election Board in blue supply bag. Voter votes on the machine. This form is found in the Blue Accordion Folder located in your blue bag of election supplies Processing The Voter

  34. If the voter moved within Salem County to a DIFFERENT DISTRICT 3 • DBW must call the Board of Elections for proper polling location. • Voter must vote in the district where they live. DBW will direct the voter to the proper polling location. • When a voter arrives at the proper polling location the name will not be listed in poll book, they are a Provisional Voter. • The DBW must call the Board of Elections to approve a Provisional Ballot for this voter AND in a Primary Election the DBW will be informed of which Party’s ballot to issue the voter. Processing The Voter

  35. If the voter moved within New Jersey BETWEEN COUNTIES 4 • Voter completes Affidavit of Residency form, DBW signs and returns completed form to Election Board in blue supply bag. Voter votes on the machine. AFFIDAVIT OF RESIDENCY OUTSIDE OF COUNTY ***To be completed if the voter indicates that He or She has moved outside of*** ***Salem County less than 30 days before the Election.*** I,__________________________________, being duly sworn, affirm that I am a Name of voter registered voter from my former residence of___________________________________ Address in the County of Salem, Municipality_________________________. I further affirm that my currant residence is_____________________________________________________ New Address In the County of ______________and that I moved less than 30 days before this election. ______________________________________ Voters Signature Sworn and subscribed to before the District Board this ______day of ____________200_ __________________________________ ____________________________________ Signature of District Board Worker Signature of District Board Worker English (Spanish on other side) This form is found in the Blue Accordion Folder located in your blue bag of election supplies Processing The Voter

  36. If the signature box has “ID REQUIRED” politely tell the voter: “ You must show identification before you may vote on the voting machine.” Processing The Voter

  37. If The Voter Shows Acceptable ID: DBW checks the “YES” box next to the DBW signature box in the poll book to indicate that the voter has presented acceptable identification. Voter signs the poll book and the voting authority card. Voter votes on the voting machine. List of acceptable ID is included in DBW Election Guide Binder Processing The Voter If The Voter Does NOT Show Acceptable ID: District board member checks the “NO” box next to the DBW signature box in the poll book to indicate that the voter has not presented acceptable identification. DBW contacts the Election Board for authorization to issue a Provisional Ballot. Voter may NOT vote on the machine.

  38. This Guide sheet will be in your supplies, you may keep it on the table next to the Poll Book for reference on election day. Processing The Voter

  39. This Guide sheet will be in your supplies, you may keep it on the table next to the Poll Book for reference on election day. Processing The Voter

  40. Common Machine Questions WHAT IF…? …the voter returns the Activation Card and says it didn’t work …the EDGE will not accept the Activation Card …the Activation Card won’t eject from the voting machine …the voter asks for instructions to operate voting machine Processing The Voter

  41. Trouble Shooting VOTER RETURNS THE ACTIVATION CARD AND CLAIMS IT DID NOT WORK • Put the Activation Card into the activator machine and press the STATUS button. • The display screen will show the TIME the card was voted. • If the time is within a few minutes of the card being issued: this card has been VOTED. • THE VOTER MAY NOT RETURN TO THE VOTING MACHINE. • If the time is not within a few minutes: place the card in BAD ACTIVATION CARD ENVELOPE. Issue the voter a new card and allow the voter to vote on the machine. Processing The Voter

  42. Trouble Shooting EDGE WILL NOT ACCEPT ACTIVATOR CARD Follow the “Steps To Be Taken By District Board Workers” Chart Processing The Voter

  43. Trouble Shooting STEPS TO BE TAKEN BY DISTRICT BOARD WORKERS FOLLOW CHART FOR ACTIVATION CARD TROUBLE This chart is found in the Blue Accordion Folder located in your blue bag of election supplies Processing The Voter EDGE = VOTING MACHINE ACW = ACTIVATOR MACHINE

  44. Trouble Shooting SETTING TIME ON THE ACTIVATOR FOLLOW CHART FOR ACTIVATIOR TIME TROUBLE SETTING TIME ON ACTIVATOR Press: Menu Press: #2 System Press: #2 Time Is this time correct? Press: No Repeats question. Press: No Press numbers for time. HH:MM:SS (ex: 15:34:02) Military time 3:34:02pm Is the time correct? Press: Yes Repeats question. Press: Yes This instruction sheet is found in the Blue Accordion Folder located in your blue bag of election supplies Processing The Voter

  45. Trouble Shooting If the Activation Card won’t eject from the voting machine • Locate the YELLOW BUTTON on the rear of voting machine. • Press and HOLD for seconds until you hear a beep. • Release the YELLOW BUTTON. • Card will now be ejected. Step 1 Processing The Voter If Step 1 does not work try Step 2 • Locate the Power On/Off switch on the rear of the voting machine. • Turn switch to OFF position. • Wait 5 seconds • Turn switch to ON position. • Card will now be ejected. • Machine will have a blank screen and will need several minutes to restart. Step 2

  46. Trouble Shooting Voter asks for assistance after they start voting on the machine A District Board Worker can approach the machine in response to a voter request for assistance, or in response to a problem the voter is having with the machine. District Board Workers should NEVER touch the voting screen -- Only a VOTER can press the screen to make the selections and press the screen to cast the vote. Processing The Voter

  47. Trouble Shooting Voters Who Exit the Voting Booth Before Casting Their Vote The District Board Workers must keep an eye on voters in the voting machine and see that they return their Activation Card. If the voter leaves the machine before the CAST VOTE button is pushed, the District Board Workers must immediately attempt to get the voter to come back to the machine push the button and finish voting. If such attempt is unsuccessful, two District Board Workers, of opposite parties, should press the CAST VOTE button. Processing The Voter

  48. COMPLAINT FORMS If a voter has a problem and wishes to file a complaint, he or she MUST be provided with a “Voter’s Complaint Form” and a postage-paid envelope. These materials can be found among the election supplies. Processing The Voter New Jersey Election Law Title 19: you are tasked with keeping the polls safe, secure and orderly. Do not hesitate to contact the office with a question. Document any issues on Election Day for Election Board, record on the notepad provided in your supplies. Return the notes to the office with the supplies.

  49. Lesson 4: Voters Entitled to Assistance A voter may be assisted in the voting booth if he or she certifies that he or she requires assistance to vote due to blindness, disability, illiteracy, or the inability to read or write the language. If the District Board Workers are satisfied that the voter is entitled to assistance, the Clerk of the District Board is to complete the Disability Certificate for Assistance Form. If a voter is unable to sign, they need only make a mark. The DBW must write “THIS IS THE VOTER’S MARK” near the mark. Voters Entitled to Assistance In bilingual voting districts there will be a Bilingual District Board Worker. Bilingual assistance will also be available at the Election Board office. The person or persons providing assistance to the voter cannot reveal the name of any person for whom the voter voted or anything which took place while the voter was assisted.

  50. Sample disability for assistance Form The certificate must include the name of the assistor and the reason for the assistance. DBW returns the completed form with election supplies. SALEM COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS DISABILITY CERTIFICATE FOR ASSISTANCE (19:50-3) Township of _________________________________________________ District No._____ I do solemnly swear that due to: (____) Blindness (____) Physical Disability (____) Illiterate/inability to understand the language I require assistance to vote in the ____________________Election to be held on _____________________. __________________________________________ __________________________________ (Print Voter’s Name) (Signature of voter) Signature of District Board Workers assisting __________________________________ __________________________________ Name and address of person chosen by voter for assistance. ___________________________________________ ________________________________ (Name) (Signature of assistant) ___________________________________ ________________________________ (Address – No., St. & P O Box No.) (District Board Workers Signature) ___________________________________ ________________________________ (Town, State & Zip Code) (District Board Workers Signature) The voter has a choice of two district board members (one from each Party) or a person of their choosing to assist them in voting. English (Spanish form see other side) This form is found in the Blue Accordion Folder located in your blue bag of election supplies Voters Entitled to Assistance

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