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EE 367 – Logic Design

EE 367 – Logic Design. Lecture #17 Agenda MSI Encoders MSI Multiplexers Announcements HW #8 assigned. Integrated Circuit Scaling.

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EE 367 – Logic Design

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  1. EE 367 – Logic Design Lecture #17 • Agenda • MSI Encoders • MSI Multiplexers • Announcements • HW #8 assigned.

  2. Integrated Circuit Scaling • Integrated Circuit ScalesExample# of TransistorsSSI - Small Scale Integrated Circuits Individual Gates 10's MSI - Medium Scale Integrated Circuits Mux, Decoder 100'sLSI - Large Scale Integrated Circuits RAM, ALU's 1k - 10kVLSI - Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits uP, uCNT 100k - 1MULSI - Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuits Modern uP's > 1MSoC - System on Chip Microcomputers SoP - System on Package Different technology blending- we use the terms SSI and MSI. Everything larger is typically just called "VLSI"- VLSI covers design that can't be done using schematics or by hand.

  3. Encoders • Encoder- an encoder has 2n inputs and n outputs- it assumes that one and only one input will be asserted- depending on which input is asserted, an output code will be generated- this is the exact opposite of a decoder ex) truth table of binary encoderInput Output 0001 00 0010 01 0100 10 1000 11

  4. Encoders • Encoder- an encoder output is a simple OR structure that looks at the incoming signals ex) 4-to-2 encoderI3 I2 I1 I0Y1 Y0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 Y1 = I3 + I2 Y0 = I3 + I1

  5. Encoders • Encoders in VHDL- 8-to-3 binary encoder modeled with Structural VHDL entity encoder_8to3_binary is generic (t_delay : time := 1.0 ns); port (I : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); Y : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0) ); end entity encoder_8to3_binary; architecture encoder_8to3_binary_arch of encoder_8to3_binary is component or4 port (In1,In2,In3,In4: in STD_LOGIC; Out1: out STD_LOGIC); end component; begin U1 : or4 port map (In1 => I(1), In2 => I(3), In3 => I(5), In4 => I(7), Out1 => Y(0) ); U2 : or4 port map (In1 => I(2), In2 => I(3), In3 => I(6), In4 => I(7), Out1 => Y(1) ); U3 : or4 port map (In1 => I(4), In2 => I(5), In3 => I(6), In4 => I(7), Out1 => Y(2) ); end architecture encoder_8to3_binary_arch;

  6. Encoders • Encoders in VHDL- 8-to-3 binary encoder modeled with Behavioral VHDL entity encoder_8to3_binary is generic (t_delay : time := 1.0 ns); port (I : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); Y : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0) ); end entity encoder_8to3_binary; architecture encoder_8to3_binary_arch of encoder_8to3_binary is begin ENCODE : process (I) begin case (I) is when "00000001" => Y <= "000"; when "00000010" => Y <= "001"; when "00000100" => Y <= "010"; when "00001000" => Y <= "011"; when "00010000" => Y <= "100"; when "00100000" => Y <= "101"; when "01000000" => Y <= "110"; when "10000000" => Y <= "111"; when others => Y <= "ZZZ"; end case; end process ENCODE; end architecture encoder_8to3_binary_arch;

  7. Priority Encoders • Priority Encoder- a generic encoder does not know what to do when multiple input bits are asserted- to handle this case, we need to include prioritization- we decide the list of priority (usually MSB to LSB) where the truth table can be written as follows:ex) 4-to-2 encoder I3 I2 I1 I0Y1 Y0 1 x x x 1 1 0 1 x x 1 0 0 0 1 x 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 - we can then write expressions for an intermediate stage of priority bits “H” (i.e., Highest Priority): H3 = I3 H2 = I2∙I3’ H1 = I1∙I2’∙I3’ H0 = I0∙I1’∙I2’∙I3’ - the final output stage then becomes: Y1 = H3 + H2 Y0 = H3 + H1

  8. Priority Encoders • Priority Encoders in VHDL- 8-to-3 binary priority encoder modeled with Behavioral VHDL- If/Then/Else statements give priority- Concurrent Conditional Signal Assignments give priority entity encoder_8to3_priority is generic (t_delay : time := 1.0 ns); port (I : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); Y : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0) ); end entity encoder_8to3_priority; architecture encoder_8to3_priority_arch of encoder_8to3_priority is begin Y <= "111" when I(7) = '1' else -- highest priority code "110" when I(6) = '1' else "101" when I(5) = '1' else "100" when I(4) = '1' else "011" when I(3) = '1' else "010" when I(2) = '1' else "001" when I(1) = '1' else "000" when I(0) = '1' else -- lowest priority code "ZZZ"; end architecture encoder_8to3_priority_arch;

  9. Multiplexer • Multiplexer- gates are combinational logic which generate an output depending on the current inputs- what if we wanted to create a “Digital Switch” to pass along the input signal?- this type of circuit is called a “Multiplexer”ex) truth table of MultiplexerSelOut 0 A 1 B

  10. Multiplexer • Multiplexer- we can use the behavior of an AND gate to build this circuit: X∙0 = 0 “Block Signal”X∙1 = X “Pass Signal”- we can then use the behavior of an OR gate at the output state (since a 0 input has no effect) to combine the signals into one output

  11. Multiplexer • Multiplexer- the outputs will track the selected input- this is in effect, a “Switch”ex) truth table of MultiplexerSel A BOut 0 0 x 0 0 1 x 1 1 x 0 0 1 x 1 1 - an ENABLE line can also be fed into each AND gate

  12. Multiplexer • Multiplexers in VHDL- Structural Model entity mux_4to1 is port (D : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); Sel : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0); Y : out STD_LOGIC); end entity mux_4to1; architecture mux_4to1_arch of mux_4to1 is signal Sel_n : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0); signal U3_out, U4_out, U5_out, U6_out : STD_LOGIC; component inv1 port (In1: in STD_LOGIC; Out1: out STD_LOGIC); end component; component and3 port (In1,In2,In3 : in STD_LOGIC; Out1: out STD_LOGIC); end component; component or4 port (In1,In2,In3,In4: in STD_LOGIC; Out1: out STD_LOGIC); end component; begin U1 : inv1 port map (In1 => Sel(0), Out1 => Sel_n(0)); U2 : inv1 port map (In1 => Sel(1), Out1 => Sel_n(1)); U3 : and3 port map (In1 => D(0), In2 => Sel_n(1), In3 => Sel_n(0), Out1 => U3_out); U4 : and3 port map (In1 => D(1), In2 => Sel_n(1), In3 => Sel(0), Out1 => U4_out); U5 : and3 port map (In1 => D(2), In2 => Sel(1), In3 => Sel_n(0), Out1 => U5_out); U6 : and3 port map (In1 => D(3), In2 => Sel(1), In3 => Sel(0), Out1 => U6_out); U7 : or4 port map (In1 => U3_out, In2 => U4_out, In3 => U5_out, In4 => U6_out, Out1 => Y); end architecture mux_4to1_arch;

  13. Multiplexer • Multiplexers in VHDL- Structural Model w/ EN entity mux_4to1 is port (D : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); Sel : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0); EN : in STD_LOGIC; Y : out STD_LOGIC); end entity mux_4to1; architecture mux_4to1_arch of mux_4to1 is signal Sel_n : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0); signal U3_out, U4_out, U5_out, U6_out : STD_LOGIC; component inv1 port (In1: in STD_LOGIC; Out1: out STD_LOGIC); end component; component and4 port (In1,In2,In3,In4: in STD_LOGIC; Out1: out STD_LOGIC); end component; component or4 port (In1,In2,In3,In4: in STD_LOGIC; Out1: out STD_LOGIC); end component; begin U1 : inv1 port map (In1 => Sel(0), Out1 => Sel_n(0)); U2 : inv1 port map (In1 => Sel(1), Out1 => Sel_n(1)); U3 : and4 port map (In1 => D(0), In2 => Sel_n(1), In3 => Sel_n(0), In4 => EN, Out1 => U3_out); U4 : and4 port map (In1 => D(1), In2 => Sel_n(1), In3 => Sel(0), In4 => EN, Out1 => U4_out); U5 : and4 port map (In1 => D(2), In2 => Sel(1), In3 => Sel_n(0), In4 => EN, Out1 => U5_out); U6 : and4 port map (In1 => D(3), In2 => Sel(1), In3 => Sel(0), In4 => EN, Out1 => U6_out); U7 : or4 port map (In1 => U3_out, In2 => U4_out, In3 => U5_out, In4 => U6_out, Out1 => Y); end architecture mux_4to1_arch;

  14. Multiplexer • Multiplexers in VHDL- Behavioral Model w/ EN entity mux_4to1 is port (D : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); Sel : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0); EN : in STD_LOGIC; Y : out STD_LOGIC); end entity mux_4to1; architecture mux_4to1_arch of mux_4to1 is begin MUX : process (D, Sel, EN) begin if (EN = '1') then case (Sel) is when "00" => Y <= D(0); when "01" => Y <= D(1); when "10" => Y <= D(2); when "11" => Y <= D(3); when others => Y <= 'Z'; end case; else Y <= 'Z'; end if; end process MUX; end architecture mux_4to1_arch;

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