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Terror and disasters impacting young people

Terror and disasters impacting young people Siri Thoresen ISTSS/ESTSS conference, 23 September 2013. 22. July. The bombing at the Governmental Quarter. The shooting at Utøya Island. This is our country.

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Terror and disasters impacting young people

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Terror and disastersimpacting young people SiriThoresenISTSS/ESTSS conference, 23 September 2013

  2. 22. July The bombing at theGovernmentalQuarter The shooting at Utøya Island

  3. This is our country

  4. Most young people facing trauma: Interpersonal violence, accidents, sexual abuse, traumatic loss, violent crime… and more

  5. Most young people facing trauma: Interpersonal violence, accidents, sexual abuse, traumatic loss, violent crime… and more • So why focus on terror and disasters?

  6. First response to trauma: Evidence-informed strategies (some examples) • Intervention principles 1) a sense of safety, 2) calming, 3) a sense of self– and community efficacy, 4) connectedness, and 5) hope.(Hobfoll et al, 2007) • Psychological First Aid (National Child Traumatic Stress Network and National Center for PTSD, Brymeret al, 2006) • Skills for Psychological Recovery (Berkowitz et al, 2010) • European consensus report (TENTS; Bisson et al, 2010) • NICE guidelines (British National Institute for Clinical Excellence, 2005)

  7. First response to trauma: Evidence-informed strategies The challenge is: A need for more evidence, but also – making use of existing knowledge?

  8. Mass trauma: Some additional challenges(examples) • Public events • Media attention • Organizing nationwide interventions

  9. Wherewereyouwhenyoufoundoutabout 22. July?

  10. Reactions in the Norwegian population: 22-24 juliPercentreporting «quite a bit» or «extremely» % Approximately 50% criedthat weekend Thoresen, Aakvaag, Wentzel-Larsen, Dyb & Hjemdal, 2012

  11. Reactions in the Norwegian population: Young peoplePercentreporting «quite a bit» or «extremely» % ** ** ** p < 0.001

  12. Mass trauma: Some additional challenges(examples) • Public events • Media attention • Organizing nationwide interventions

  13. Media experiences in Utøya survivors Figure in prep deleted

  14. Mass trauma: Some additional challenges(examples) • Public events • Media attention • Organizing nationwide interventions

  15. Treating traumatized individuals • Evidence-based treatment strategies The challenge is: Making use of existing evidence-based treatements?

  16. Who do well and who do not so well? Bonanno, 2004

  17. Utøya: Changes from T1 til T2 : Anxiety/depression Figure in prep deleted

  18. Perceived social support - One of the most important predictor of health development following trauma (Brewin et al, 2000; Ozer et al, 2003) • Negative social support /feeling let-down maybe even more important (Brewin and Holmes, 2003) Figure in prep deleted

  19. An internationalresearchcommunity Utøya 9/11 Oklahoma City bombing The London bombings The Kauhajokischool shootings

  20. Thankyou for yourattention!

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