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Γιάννης Καλογήρου, Αιμιλία Πρωτόγερου, Ευάγγελος Σιώκας

Η ελληνική παρουσία στις χρηματοδοτούμενες διευρωπαϊκές συνεργασίες στην περιοχή των Τεχνολογιών της Κοινωνίας της Πληροφορίας: Ένα ελληνικό παράδοξο μέσα στο ευρωπαϊκό παράδοξο;. Γιάννης Καλογήρου, Αιμιλία Πρωτόγερου, Ευάγγελος Σιώκας

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Γιάννης Καλογήρου, Αιμιλία Πρωτόγερου, Ευάγγελος Σιώκας

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  1. Η ελληνική παρουσία στις χρηματοδοτούμενες διευρωπαϊκές συνεργασίες στην περιοχή των Τεχνολογιών της Κοινωνίας της Πληροφορίας: Ένα ελληνικό παράδοξο μέσα στο ευρωπαϊκό παράδοξο; Γιάννης Καλογήρου, Αιμιλία Πρωτόγερου, Ευάγγελος Σιώκας Ομάδα για την Τεχνολογική, Οικονομική και Στρατηγική Ανάπτυξη της Κοινωνίας της Πληροφορίας του Εργαστηρίου Βιομηχανικής και Ενεργειακής Οικονομίας του ΕΜΠ Τα Σεμινάρια της Ερμούπολης 2008 Ερμούπολη, 10-13 Ιουλίου 2008

  2. The context • The relationship between scientific research and its industrial exploitation is a matter of intense debate both within the scientific community and policy-shaping circles of Europe • Regardless of the existence or the extent of the ‘European Paradox’ phenomenon and its implications on European Research and Innovation Policy, European collaboration in RTD resulting in increased networking is a reality which should be further explored and better understood.

  3. Aim of the presentation • To examine the relationship between the presence and role of Greek actors in EU policy-driven ICT networks and the innovation performance of the Greek ICT system. • In particular we focus on the study of the research collaboration networks formed under the 4th, 5th and 6th EU Framework Programmesduring the period 1994-2006 in the area of Information Society Technologies (IST).

  4. A mismatch observed • There is a strong mismatch between the active participation of Greece in EU-funded technological collaboration networks and the transformation of research results into viable products and services. • Furthermore, there is a particular type of mismatch between the intense and central role of Greece in these networks and the innovation performance of the Greek ICT system. • This mismatch occurs in an ‘economic and knowledge’ national environment which during the last 15 years is characterized by high economic growth rates, but slow progress in transforming the Greek economy into a knowledge-based economy.

  5. The RJV-IST type of networks • Composition: These networks are comprised of firms, universities, research institutes and other organizations that get connected by cooperative contractual agreements. • Nature: “Pre-competitive” exploratory research networks. • Type: Policy-driven, publicly funded (on a competitive base) networks vs. other knowledge networks studied through patent citations and technology partnerships.

  6. Very active Greek participation in the RJV – IST networks

  7. The geography of Greek presence is highly concentrated Participation of the Attica region>70%

  8. Participation by organization type in the RJV-IST network: the participation of universities and research centers is increasing in time

  9. Centrality index • Degree • how well connected; direct influence • Closeness • how far from all others • how long information takes to arrive • Betweenness • brokerage, gatekeeping, control of info • Eigenvector • being connected to the well connected (a popularity & power measure)

  10. Eigenvector Degree Betweenness Closeness Data courtesy of David Krackhardt

  11. Greece has a central role in the RJV-IST network, based on the composite 4-dimension centrality index

  12. The majority of Greek actors with a central role in the RJV-IST network originate from the Attica region

  13. The ten most central Greek actors: 9 out of 10 are Universities and Research Centres -->Greek central role is mainly “Education & Research” based 13

  14. Visualization of the top 1% most central actors in the RJV-IST network

  15. Visualization of the connections among Greek actors (the sub-network created by the connections among Greek actors)

  16. The critical role of certain central actors for the connectivity of the Greek sub network and in consequence for the presence and role of less central actors in the RJV-IST network

  17. The impact of FP-driven research networks on innovation in Greece: Evidence from case studies Mainly intangible benefits. • The direct network impact, i.e. commercial deployment, was assessed as generally less intensive or significant compared to the indirect impact (i.e. improvement of skills and new knowledge diffusion, relations and trust built between partners, access to complementary knowledge and expertise). Nevertheless indirect impact is important and could be further exploited.

  18. Network readiness index vs. intensity of participation in RJV-IST networks (EU-15)High participation, but low propensity of Greece to leverage ICT based opportunities for development

  19. Science & technology endowment vs. intensity of participation in RJV-IST network (EU-15) High participation, but low R&D input and technologically weak industrial structure

  20. Importance of the ICT sector in the structurally adjusted R&D indicator of a country compared across countries (Source: Europe INNOVA, 2007)

  21. Importance of the ICT sector in the structurally adjusted indicator the share of sales due to market novelties of a country compared across countries (Source: Europe INNOVA, 2007)

  22. Importance of the ICT sector in the structurally adjusted indicator for labour productivity growth of a country compared across countries (Source: Europe Innova, 2007)

  23. Deviation of Greek ICT sector from EU average, based on aggregate innovation measures • Greek ICT sector is deviating from EU average in all three variables measured (R&D intensity, share of market novelties in turnover, contribution to the labour productivity growth).

  24. Why this mismatch? • The size and nature of Greek ICT firms. • The creators of technological knowledge in Greece do not generally think in terms of market opportunities exploitation. • There is a lack of a critical mass of demanding users • There is no early involvement of users • The Greek environment operates in a rather disorganized and ‘anarchic’ manner

  25. Why this mismatch? • The purchasing practices of i.e. the Public sector- a major buyer- do not fit with the concept of intelligent customer. • The nature and the quality of entrepreneurship as measured by the educational level of new entrepreneurs and the type and knowledge intensity of ventures undertaken (Global Entrepreneurship Monitoring, 2003-2006).

  26. How this mismatch can be overcome? • System of policies • “activating knowledge” throughout the knowledge generation and diffusion value chain, and • promoting Knowledge-based entrepreneurship as a mechanism to convert research outputs into viable products. • Not just policies providing incentives for SMEs. • Promote intelligent customer practices in ICT procurement within the Public Sector. • Enhancing human capital for the promotion of technology-based entrepreneurship: Target specific groups (engineers and scientists) by enriching and broadening the engineering education curriculum (coupling “technical thinking and engineering feeling” with “market and business understanding” and managerial skills).

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