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Good to Great Building a Great Global Health Center

Explore the birth of telepreventive medicine and its application in preventing diseases among healthy individuals worldwide. Discover the proven effectiveness and affordability of this approach to global health.

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Good to Great Building a Great Global Health Center

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  1. Good to Great Building a Great Global Health Center

  2. Yamey, 2004 The Birth of a new discipline: Telepreventive Medicine Telepreventive Medicine: The application of low bandwidth, inexpensive, systems to large numbers of healthy individuals to prevent disease.

  3. International Health International health refers to the interlocking and interrelated health status of people throughout the world and to efforts to improve the health of all people of every country. Last, Foege

  4. “To go from good to great requires transcending the core of competence”

  5. Good to Great • Philosophy • History • Current Efforts • Global Pittsburgh

  6. “You can accomplish anything in life provided you do not mind who gets the credit” Harry S. Truman

  7. What can we best improve Global Health? • Prevent Multiple diseases • Apply in many places world wide • Proven Effectiveness • Cheap, Cheap, Cheap • Sustainable Knowledge About Prevention

  8. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela

  9. Global Pittsburgh • A global interdisciplinary research crossroads • An International Research Incubator • A place where scientists help scientists • A system of scientific knowledge translation from research to the classroom

  10. WHO Collaborating Center Janice Dorman, Ph.D.DirectorMolecular EpidemiologyRonald LaPorte, Ph.D.DirectorDisease Monitoring and Telecommunications GSPH

  11. Pittsburgh GHNet

  12. On-going Projects • Supercourse • Just-in-time lectures • Olympic Lectures • Pakistan • Former Soviet Union

  13. Largest Global Prevention Project?

  14. Faina Mita Ron Eunryoung Eugene Soni Akira Abed Monica Ezzeldeen Rania Supercourse Core

  15. Question: How can we improve Prevention education worldwide? Answer: Get better lectures

  16. But how do I get better lectures? Why don’t we share our exciting PowerPoint lectures for free?

  17. Global Health Network 15,500 Faculty 151 Countries

  18. Mirrored Server Cairo, Egypt Pittsburgh

  19. Supercourse Mirror Sites 42 Mirrored Sites, MOH India, Egypt, Mongolia, Nepal, Sudan, China, Russia

  20. 1000 Lectures Sent to 10,000 prevention experts in 139 Countries Access to 100,000-1,000,000

  21. Lecture Status 1874 Lectures

  22. Cost Effectiveness 20,000 students x 5 yrs. 100,000 students trained $1000/100,000 $0.01/Student

  23. Joshua Lederberg(1958) Gunter Blobel(1999) Baruch S. Blumberg(1976) Nobel Prize Laureates in the Supercourse (Medicine) Paul Greengard (2000) Paul C Lauterbur (2003) Eric R. Kandel (2000)

  24. Gil Omenn, MD President AAAS 6 lectures Richard Carmona, M.D. Surgeon General Jeff Koplan, MD Former Head, CDC + All CDC lectures 60 IOM Members

  25. School of Public Health International Programs

  26. SPH International Topics AIDS 4 Building Capacity 1 Child Health 5 Community health 2 Demography 1 Environmental health 1 Epidemiology 1 Health Promotion 1 Health and Security 1 Health Sector Reform 1 Infectious disease 4 Nutrition 3 Occupational health 1 Reproductive health 1 Violence 1 Women’s health 3

  27. 19 Existing SPH International Centers Good One disease Uni-disciplinary Small numbers of countries Little R01 support Not sustainable American Perspective Policy Oriented

  28. GREAT!!! Multiple disease research Multidisciplinary Many countries R01 support Focus Sustainable Global Perspective Policy Oriented

  29. Just-in-Time Lectures

  30. Eric Noji, M.D. CDC Bam Earthquake in Iran Ali Aldadan, M.D. Tehran, Iran

  31. Olympic Supercourse Lecture

  32. Physical Activity & Health This lecture has been dedicated to Olympics games in Athens, Greece Aug 13-29, 204 By Supercourse Team Supercourse: www.pitt.edu/~super1/ Prepared by Dr. Soni Dodani

  33. Olympic Supercourse Goals • Reach 90% of the world’s countries (172) with a single lecture • Teach a million about Physical Activity and Health

  34. Pedro Urra The SC has also become a model for production and dissemination of health information in Cuba as you can see in the Cuban site in http://bvs.sld.cu/sc/. The SC is much more that a web site, it is a philosophy and a model of health promotion using ICT with very rational use of resources. National Supercourse

  35. 75 million hits/year 150 publications (including 32 in BMJ, Lancet, Nature, Nature Med) Top 11 Medical Pages Lancet Top 100 PC Magazine

  36. Looking into the Future

  37. Goal: A Great International Center

  38. Global Pittsburgh World Pittsburgh

  39. “…focusing on what you potentially do better than any organization is the only path to greatness” Helping at the Global research Crossroads

  40. Issues at the crossroads • How do we find partners? • How do we find interdisciplinary scientists with common interest? • How can we work with governments? • How can we create a win-win environment? • How can we avoid scientific imperialism? • How can we avoid the “All things are possible with American • Money syndrome”? • How can we be fair to all? • How can be build a sustainable program • What are the ethics of collaboration? • How can we establish a research design/statistical global help desk • How can we build globalization of training? • How can we find funding? • How do we determine authorship/credit? • How can we translate our information to the world?

  41. Stepping Stones to Global Pittsburgh • ~10 NIH R01 grants with foreign components • >15,500 global collaborators • 321 Pitt Faculty already in the Supercourse • Pittsburgh wants to be “World Class” • Collaborators, Nursing School, UCIS, SHRS, SIS • Potential, UPMC, Bayer, CMU, Chatham, Heinz • Existing Global certificate program (developer = Dr. Karol)

  42. Building a Global PittsburghScientific Crossroad • Network International Researchers first Pittsburgh, then globally • Connect those in Pittsburgh with those world wide • Build a global research help desk to facilitate research, Design development, data collection, data analysis and interpretation • Establish a MPH and Ph.D. program in International Health Research

  43. Potential Funding Sources Tuition Summer program NIH (Environmental Health, NLM, R25, AIDs) CDC US AID Joint Training IREX

  44. Pittsburgh International Reseach Crossroads

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