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Mission Statement - MCD

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Mission Statement - MCD

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Material Control Department Overview Hasan Padamsee Visit 01/09/2006 1

    2. Material Control Department Overview Hasan Padamsee Visit 01/09/2006 2 Mission Statement - MCD The Material Control Department's purpose is to support the ongoing activities and projects with which the Technical Division is involved. We typically get involved early in a project estimating costs and providing expertise on manufacturing and quality engineering issues. As a project evolves, we initiate procurements for the parts, tooling, and supplies necessary to support the fabrication efforts. We provide source and incoming inspection services throughout the project. After items pass inspection, we provide storage and inventory control functions for devices such as accelerating structures, magnets, and their components. Additionally, we offer metrology and fabrication procurement services to Fermilab and to other National Laboratories. The Material Control Department is committed to ensuring that deliverable items meet our customer's specifications/requirements and that a safe work place is provided for our employees while protecting the environment.

    3. Material Control Organization Chart

    4. Material Control Department Overview Hasan Padamsee Visit 01/09/2006 4 ACQUISITION GROUP SERVICES Cost Estimating Fabrication Experience & Advice Locate and/or Develop Suppliers Originate, Enter, Track Requisitions Procure Project Requirements ProCard Purchasing as Required Inventory Control, Process Kits, Maintain Traceability & Documentation Storage of Parts & Tooling for Active & Inactive TD Projects Maintain Project Spreadsheets

    5. Material Control Department Overview Hasan Padamsee Visit 01/09/2006 5 QUALITY CONTROL The QC Group provides a wide variety of services with emphasis on precision metrology. Inspection At the Source Incoming Inspection in IB4 Calibration Periodic Calibration of Measuring & Test Equipment Database of Calibrated Instruments

    6. Material Control Department Overview Hasan Padamsee Visit 01/09/2006 6 QUALITY CONTROL CAPABILITIES Mechanical Inspection Coordinate Measuring Machines (4 Mechanical Cordaxes, 2 Optical OGP) Laser Tracker Magnetics Testing Hysteresigraph Ferrite/Permeability Indicator(s) Leak Testing Vacuum Hydrostatic

    7. Material Control Department Overview Hasan Padamsee Visit 01/09/2006 7 QUALITY CONTROL CAPABILITIES (cont’d) Miscellaneous Capabilities Hardness Testing Surface Finish Measurement Ultrasonic Testing (flaw and thickness measurement) Coating Thickness Measurement

    8. Material Control Department Overview Hasan Padamsee Visit 01/09/2006 8 COMPONENT STORAGE Receive Components, Tooling, Magnets & Supplies for the Technical Division Provide Storage for Magnets, Component Parts, Tooling, Supplies Parts Kits Deliveries Prepare Shipments for Local and Overseas Magnet Moves for TD/AD Odd Jobs for TD

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