www.bluemangotheatre.com TUNE IN – TEACHER’S NOTES SYNOPSIS “Tune In”, is an English daytime television programme, presented by on and off screen couple; Trevor and Judy. In this episode the resident chef Egon Reenie will be cooking a Spanish omelette in the studio.Our fashion expert, Linda Lovitt will be giving one of our audience members a make-over. And last but not least, we have the competition; one of their lucky viewers will get the chance to find himself a girlfriend and go on a date in “Cupid’s Corner”. But with the presenters constantly arguing off camera, will we ever get through the show? Tune in and find out! TRACK 22 – SUSIE’S INTRO TRACK 23 – TREVOR’S INTERVIEW WITH THE AGONY AUNT
www.bluemangotheatre.com TUNE IN– TEACHER’S NOTES & LYRICS TRACK 22 – TUNE IN - SUSIE’S INTRO O.K everyone sit down, ready? Hello and good morning. So, today you are our audience for Tune In, so everybody - Woo! Right, we aren’t very awake this morning, come on wake up, we need you to join in with the Show. I am so excited, because today we have Bobby Billions on the show. I love Bobby Billions!! Ok, everyone, it's time to meet the stars. Here’s Judy and Trevor. Ready to go on the air, 3,2,1 action! TRACK 23 – TUNE IN - SCRIPT Trevor So, it's time to look at your letters, and some problems you have been having. It's time to bring on our Agony Aunt Claire. Claire Hello everyone, hello Trevor. Trevor Actually Claire, I have a problem, Judy seems to be upset with me and I don’t know what I have done Claire Maybe Trevor it’s what you haven’t done. Have you told her you love her recently? Trevor No Claire Have you told her she looks beautiful? Trevor No Claire Trevor! You need to make her feel loved……Studio audience, what could he do to make things up with Judy? How could he show Judy he loves her? Trevor Well I have written a poem, Judy, Judy, Judy, I love you truly, Forever, ever, ever, I love you Trevor N.B We’ve included a poster which you can fill in and display in your school, library or cultural centre
TUNE IN- TEACHER’S NOTES – TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDELINES • TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SHOWS FOR BIG GROUPS • A clear space of 3m x 4m. If there is a stage, the stage must be no more than 1m high. The space must be empty of furniture/children when the actors arrive. • A small table. • 4 x chairs (adult sized) • 2 x plug sockets in the performance space for the sound and light equipment. • General lighting. • The actors need 1 hour to set up the lights, music and sound, and 45 minutes to set down. • GUIDELINES FOR A SUCCESSFUL SHOW • In order for the children to enjoy and follow the play performed in another language, we recommend the following guidelines: • Ensure that the students have done at least some preparation from the Workpack, so that they know who the characters are and are familiar with the story. • To avoid distraction, limit the number of times teachers or students need to enter/leave the room during the performance. • The students will be asked to be quiet and listen in some moments and asked to participate in others. Please ask all teachers/monitors/parents present during the session to encourage the students to be a good audience and respect the actors. • Turn off all mobile phones. • No eating or drinking. N.B We’ve included a poster which you can fill in and display in your school, library or cultural centre www.bluemangotheatre.com
WORKSHEET 1 TUNE IN ITV1 London TUNE IN Wednesday 07 July 11:30am - 12:30pm Presented by Trevor Schofield and Judy Whitby and guest staring Pop Star Bobby Billions. Also on the show, Chef Egon Reenie heads up another Tune In - Cook In, our new fashion expert Linda Lovitt will be here to look at the styles for 2010-11 and of course, our very own Agony Aunt is here to help you with your worries and problems. And there’s romance in “Cupid’s corner” as Anne, gets to choose from one of our three lucky boys. “TUNE IN” WITH… TREVOR JUDY SUSIE SPONSORED BY ROCHE CHOCOLATES TRACK 22 – SUSIE’S INTRO O.K everyone sit down, ready? Hello and good morning. So, today you are our audience for Tune In, so everybody - Woo! Right, we aren’t very awake this morning, come on wake up, we need you to join in with the Show. I am so excited, because today we have Bobby Billions on the show. I love Bobby Billions!! Ok, everyone, it's time to meet the stars. Here’s Judy and Trevor. Ready to go on the air, 3,2,1 action! Susie Fox Stage manager and technician SUSIE Answer the questions in BOX 1 and correct the sentences in BOX 2 BOX 1 BOX 2 • Judy and Susie are the presenters. TRUE/FALSE • What is the name of the show? • What channel/ day/ time is the show on? • Bobby Billions is a pop star. TRUE/FALSE • What is Susie’s job? • What does “go on the air” mean? • Talk to the audience • To start live television recording • Open the window Three boys choose Anne The show is sponsored by Bobby Billions The Chef’s name is Egon Cook Agony Aunt will do some cooking Susie loves Trevor Linda Lovitt looks at the food for 2010-11 Write what you think the questions were TUNE IN – BOBBY BILLIONS! Music 1) Susie Bobby I’m fine, great to be here on Tune In, 2) Susie Bobby Well, thanks. Good to meet the fans 3) Susie Bobby Well, we are touring Britain…… 4) Susie Bobby I am married Bobby Billions World famous pop star is here to tell us about his latest record and perform his number 1 hit song. www.bluemangotheatre.com
WORKSHEET 2 TUNE IN TUNE IN – COOK IN –SPANISH OMELETTE FOOD BOX 1 - Match the verbs with the definitions Chef Egon Reenie Cooks a Spanish Omelette. So simple but oh so delicious! BOX 2 – The ingredients BOX 3 - Describe how to make a Spanish Omelette in 5 steps 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 2) 4) 1) 5) 3) TUNE IN – Agony Aunt- Answers your problems Trevor So, it's time to look at your letters, and some problems you have been having. It's time to bring on Agony Aunt Claire. Claire Hello everyone, hello Trevor. Trevor Actually Claire, I have a problem, Judy seems to be upset with me and I don’t know what I have done Claire Maybe Trevor it’s what you haven’t done. Have you told her you love her recently? Trevor No Claire Have you told her she looks beautiful? Trevor No Claire Trevor! You need to make her feel loved……Studio audience, what could he do to make things up with Judy? How could he show Judy he loves her? Trevor Well I have written a poem, Judy, Judy, Judy, I love you truly, Forever, ever, ever, I love you Trevor TRACK 23 – AGONY AUNT Claire Stockton PHD Our resident Agony Aunt and Psychologist joins us to help you with your problems Agony Aunt Trevor and Judy are a couple, but their on-screen relationship is very different from their relationship off screen. What advise would you give to Trevor? www.bluemangotheatre.com
WORKSHEET 3 TUNE IN Fashion TUNE IN – Fashion Expert– Linda Lovitt Fashion Expert- Linda Lovitt Everyone’s fashion, style and beauty guru, helps our studio audience find their own sense of style. A) B) C) D) E) Match the pictures with the styles F) G) H) I) J) Skater Formal Heavy metal Lolita Punk rock Steampunk Eco fashion Emo Hip Hop Rasta Discussion questions Have you ever bought just something because it was fashionable? If so, what? Does the fashion industry exist mainly to persuade people to spend money on things they do not really need? Some fashion models refuse to advertise products involving animal cruelty such as cosmetics and fur coats. Would you buy such products? Would you like to be a fashion model if you were offered the opportunity? Which countries have the best and worst fashions in clothes? TUNE IN – Cupid’s Corner RELATIONSHIPS Read the information about the contestants and decide which boy Anne should choose FOOD Anne – Cupid Corner contestant Anne likes pop and hip hop music, going to restaurants, watching football, the beach and drinking cava. She loves cats and dancing. She is a vegetarian. Where would you take me on a romantic date? I love the all the different languages in Spain. Can you say something to me in a Spanish, Catalan or Basque? I love music and dancing. What kind of music do you like and can you dance? Hi Anne, I’d take you out for a hamburger with a big group of friends Maite zaitut I like hip hop music but I hate dancing. Andrew I’d take you to the beach to drink cava and watch the sun set. Espero que me escojas a mi. I like classical music and ballroom dancing Kevin Hello Anne, I’d take you to watch the football, and then to a romantic restaurant Jo sóc l’home del teus somnis Actually, I’m a professional dancer Mark www.bluemangotheatre.com
TUNE IN Post show Questionnaire Who was your favourite character? What was your favourite moment? Why was Judy so upset with Trevor? Comment on the things you liked about the show. Comment on the things you didn’t like about the show. Circle which statements are true I understood everything it was boring I didn’t understand the story I understood the story but not all the words I saw Tune In It was funny I liked the music • Would you like to see another Blue Mango show? • Yes • Don’t know • No • Why? www.bluemangotheatre.com