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Developing A Winning Culture

Developing A Winning Culture. A Commitment To Growth Through Talent Management. Talent Management Myths and Facts. Myth: Training is not important after we code them. Fact: Training can ease the pain when the going gets tough. Talent Management Myths and Facts.

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Developing A Winning Culture

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  1. Developing A Winning Culture A Commitment To Growth Through Talent Management

  2. Talent Management Myths and Facts • Myth: Training is not important after we code them. • Fact: Training can ease the pain when the going gets tough.

  3. Talent Management Myths and Facts • Myth: Career and Development plans should take a back seat. • Fact: These are the plans that jumpstart progress

  4. Talent Management Myths and Facts • Myth: My key talent won’t desert me because they have nowhere to go. • Fact: Loyalty is always hard to find.

  5. Talent Management Myths and Facts • Myth: Middle management matters less these days, so we may not develop that level. • Fact: Management makes all the difference.

  6. Is Talent Management Really an Issue? • Poor succession planning is wiping 2bn a year from the stock market value • Companies with clear succession plans performed more than 7% better on the markets (a week after their change) than those that delayed appointing a replacement • 85% of organizations are experiencing recruitment difficulties

  7. Is Talent Management Really an Issue? • 77% of organizations are experiencing retention problems • 53% of employees leaving their employer reported greater promotion or development opportunities outside the company

  8. Is Talent Management Really an Issue? • 80% of people leave their managers not their job • The Talent Management market is expected to surpass $4bn by the end of 2009Moral of the story • Failure to manage an organization’s talent effectively, will have an immediate and direct impact on the bottom line.


  10. COMMIT TO DEVELOPE TALENT IN YOUR COMPANY • It is your commitment in order to expand revenues • It is your commitment in order to find your replacement • Step up, so others can step in.

  11. TRAITS OF TALENTED PEOPLE • Agreeable: being kind, likeable and respectful of authority • Conscientious: hard working, dedicated and thorough • Extrovert: outgoing, lively and persuasive • Open: flexible and wanting to learn more everyday.

  12. KEEP YOUR TALENTED PEOPLE ON COURSE • Add an Agency Career Track that spells out the steps to promotion • The Agency Career Track will keep your talent on course and will allow them to realize their full potential • This will allow you to manage your talent by objectives

  13. MANAGING BY OBJECTIVESSTEP 1 Setting the objectives: • Setting objectives creates an agency wide focus on delivering RESULTS! • When the right objectives in the Agency Career Track are identified, your managing style improves the focus on execution

  14. MANAGING BY OBJECTIVESSTEP 2 Expectations: Career Agents: Create and Maintain Customers Management: Recruit, Train and Retain Talent • The performance expectation between management and agents will be crystal clear • This will increase the perception of fairness in your agency

  15. MANAGING BY OBJECTIVESSTEP 3 Setting Goals • Get your agents and your managers to agree on common objectives • Train them to set goals using the M.R.O. income table: • Minimum • Realistic • Optimistic


  17. MANAGING BY OBJECTIVESSTEP 5 Reward Results • Establish a weekly HIGH IMPACT reward program that will enable 80% of your agents to participate in it: Reward top producers Reward agents with most presentations Reward agents with the most appointments Reward agents with the most referrals collected Reward agents with the most referrals sold Reward agents with the most reinstatements

  18. MANAGING BY OBJECTIVESSTEP 6 Motivate: I • Ultimately you need to keep your talent motivated • The real power of motivation lies in the daily coaching and feedback

  19. MANAGING BY OBJECTIVES Motivate: II • Do you speak to your agents every day? • Do they report the previous day activity to an answering machine or directly to you for your feedback? • Are you providing daily direction and support? • Do you practice accountability for results? • Are you making sure they are achieving and staying at bonus level every week?

  20. MANAGING BY OBJECTIVES Motivate: III • Are your agents growing and being viewed as unique and do they have a sense of ownership? • Is the agency a place of harmony and collaboration? • Adjust the objectives when they no longer fit the direction of the person or your agency These factors nearly outweigh income requirements.

  21. MANAGING BY OBJECTIVESSTEP 7 Feedback and Retention • Whenever in doubt or searching for an answer, the people around you are the ones who know best • Brainstorm with your people about strategies that will work for your agency and them • Ask your people what they like and don’t about the company and their jobs • Tell them you want them to stay • You may not be able to address all the concerns and ideas you receive, but knowing you care will work wonders • Gimmicks won’t work. Good leadership will!!

  22. Final Analysis: 9 Rules to Manage and Retain Talent 1. Do manage your agents’ activity. Don’t supervise their results or their personalities. 2. Do motivate and energize your agents. Don’t intimidate them. 3. Do fine tune your approach to fit the needs of your champions. Don’t require of them to fit the needs of your organization. 4. Do use conflict to motivate and teach. Don’t fear it because it interferes with teamwork.

  23. Final Analysis: 9 Rules to Manage and Retain Talent 5. Do know how to turn around the un-coachable, the top producer. Don’t ignore them and hope they go away (which of course they do). 6. Do effectively exercise accountability for results. Don’t threaten and design expensive contests. 7. Do use your tools. Don’t use your clout. 8. Do enlist top talent. Don’t frustrate top producers. 9. Do value your people. Don’t tolerate them until their next transmittal.

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