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Reactive Hypoglycemia and Idiopathic Postprandial Syndrome

Our body has about 12000 bacteria, yeast and other organisms and about a trillion of them inhabit the gastro-intestinal tract.

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Reactive Hypoglycemia and Idiopathic Postprandial Syndrome

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  1. Reactive Hypoglycemia and Idiopathic Postprandial Syndrome

  2. cold hands and feet and total confusion! However, because I didn’t have “low glucose” levels as defined by the medical community, I was not diagnosed with Reactive Hypoglycemia.Doctors checked everything on me! My heart, my brain, my pituitary, my thyroid... you name it, it was checked. I would literally go in to the ER one day, they would release me the next, and then admit me later the same day. Then, after being in and out of their hospital for six long days, they simply told me, “You are free to go.” Yea! I was free to go! Free to go back home, and to go through all of the hell I went through before? Don’t think so! This time I was going to do things differently. I was going to dive in and find out just what foods I could and could not eat, when to eat and how to beat this thing! I already had a suspicion that my problem was Reactive Hypoglycemia or Idiopathic Postprandial Syndrome based on research I had done online (The diagnosis finally given... well somewhat anyway.)

  3. Since I didn’t have the demonstrably low glucose levels, a few folks at the doc’s office gave me the soft diagnosis of Idiopathic Postprandial Syndrome. (I think they were embarrassed!) Basically, I have all the same symptoms of Reactive Hypoglycemia without actually having low glucose levels. So, knowing this, I would have thought that my endocrinologist would give me some help with my diet. So, there I was, back on the net, reading studies and diets and trying to put it all together myself. Little did I know the journey was not nearly over! I had to completely redo my diet and practically run clinical trials on myself! Constantly trying to find the right amounts of foods to eat, what kinds of foods to eat and when to eat them. Personally I found that a diet high in fiber, protein, some fat and very little carbohydrates worked for me, but it was very precise. Since I worked out, I had to account for that in my diet and provide the proper nutrition needed to support my workout.

  4. The diet consisted of eating every 2 to 2.5 hours. My daily diet would be something like this: Breakfast, a tiny quarter cup of oatmeal in the morning with butter and a tablespoon of coconut oil, 3 egg whites and a serving of cottage cheese. 2 hours later a whey protein shake with a scoop of peanut butter. 2 hours later for lunch, 6 ounces of steak, a quarter of a sweet potato with butter and a cheese stick. 2 hours from that for an afternoon snack, an Atkins bar. Then, if I was working out (1 hour weight lifting workout), I would take 2 glucose tablets right before my workout and 2 during my workout. After my workout I would immediately have a sugar free, whey protein shake, and 1 to 1.5 hours from my shake I would have a steak and spinach salad with a few blueberries and feta cheese. To top it all off for the day, I would usually have yet another whey protein shake.Today I am pretty much back to normal, although I do have small episodes here and there and am constantly learning new things about my condition and how to treat it with diet. If you are looking to get better and get a handle on Reactive Hypoglycemia or Idiopathic Postprandial Syndrome, it starts with diet! Make the choice to eat better! Be determined and have hope that you will be back to feeling better soon. https://www.villagiocafe.net/blood-sugar-formula-review/

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