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What are the causes of a higher turnout in Proportional R epresentation Systems (PR)?

What are the causes of a higher turnout in Proportional R epresentation Systems (PR)?. Discussion on Peter Selbs „ A Deeper Look at the Proportionality-Turnout Nexus“ Philipp Jaki 8. May 2013. Proportional Representation Systems (PR) vs. Majoritarian Voting Sytems.

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What are the causes of a higher turnout in Proportional R epresentation Systems (PR)?

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  1. Whatarethecausesof a higherturnout in Proportional Representation Systems (PR)? Discussion on Peter Selbs „A Deeper Look at the Proportionality-Turnout Nexus“ Philipp Jaki 8. May 2013

  2. Proportional Representation Systems (PR) vs.MajoritarianVotingSytems Ithasbeenproventhat PR systemsexhibit in average a higherturnoutthanmajoritansystemsdoes Former assumptionsthat a higheramountofparties in a PR systemcauses a higherturnouthasbeenproofenaswrong In factpoliticalsystemswith a high numberofpartiesdoescause a negative correlationbetweentheturnout

  3. But whatdoescause a positive effectoftheturnout on a Proportional Repressentation System? Pivotal Voter Model: “According to the classical decision-theoretic model of turnout (Downs,1957), a citizen will vote only if the benefits gained through his or her favored candidate or party winning the election, weighted by the probability of his or her vote being decisive, exceed the costs of voting.”

  4. But whatdoescause a positive effectoftheturnout on a Proportional RepresentationSystem? The PivotalElitesModel: Another assumption is that parties increase their mobilization efforts in the face of a close election and that voters respond to these efforts rather than to the objective conditions

  5. But whatdoescause a positive effectoftheturnout on a Proportional RepresentationSystem? Electoral Rules and Electoral Competition Electoral System influences the mobilization effort, cause in a single-member plurality system voters tend to not participate on the election if the opponent has a significant advance in the surveys

  6. But what does cause a positive effect of the turnout on a Proportional Representation System? Whichofthosethreemodelsaretrue? A) PivotalVoterModel B) Pivotal Elite Model C) Electoral Rules andElectoralCompetition?

  7. Solution PR systemshave a higherturnout, becauseofthehigherelectoralcompetitionbetweentheparties MajorityVotesystemoftenface a competionbetweenonlytwomajorparties Also a lowmarginoftheexpectedvoteshave a positveeffect on theturnout

  8. Conclusion The reasonsthat PR systemshave a higherturnoutthanmajoritansystemsaren`tcausedexcatlybythevotingsystems The levelinbetweenthevotesandtheseatshasbeenuntendedbyformeranalysis Ithasbeenproventhat a high numberofparties in theelectionstendtodecreasetheturnout in elections

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