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Discrimination. NSW Anti-Discrimination Legislation. The Anti-Discrimination Legislation states that no one can be refused of a good or service or be treated differently within the workplace under the following categories. Age Disability Homosexuality Marital Status Race Sex
NSW Anti-Discrimination Legislation The Anti-Discrimination Legislation states that no one can be refused of a good or service or be treated differently within the workplace under the following categories. • Age • Disability • Homosexuality • Marital Status • Race • Sex • Transgender • Pregnancy
Age An example of this is when an employer may say to someone that they are to old to be serving drinks at a bar even though the are fully qualified, this means that they are discriminating them because of their age. Another example of this is when an older person is told that they are not allowed to do a certain task like skydiving even though it is not up to the person booking the event and it is solely up to the elder person wanting to skydive.
Disability Discriminating against someone with a disability could be when a person is organising an event and they do not provide wheelchair access or disabled toilets. This is discrimination because the organiser of the event is not accompanying for all people that may be attending that event.
Homosexuality To discriminate on homosexuality could be when a person is told that they can not do a certain job that may require heavy lifting, because the employer may think because they are a homosexual they may not be able to perform the job, even though that person my be able to do the job with ease and was just discriminated against because a his sexual status.
Marital Status Discrimination on someone's marital status could be when two people go for a job interview and one of them is single and the other is a female newly wed but the single person gets the job because the employer assumed that newly wed would be falling pregnant soon in the future.
Race Telling someone that they are not aloud into a certain area because of their skin colour is one of the biggest forms of race discrimination because everyone has the right to do what they want if someone else can do it (within the law).
Sex Telling a male that they are not suitable for a certain job like hairdressing is one example of sex discrimination because that person may be even more capable then the other applicants and it shouldn't matter what gender you are because you don't need to be a female to cut hair.
Transgender A form of transgender discrimination could be if a person is organising an all woman tour and a female who used to be a male tries to get into the tour is denied then they are being discriminated against.
Pregnancy To discriminate against a pregnant woman could be that a bouncer of a club is told not to let in any pregnant women because it ruins the company image, even though the woman has all rights to enter that club and drink alcohol.
Job Dancers WantedDancers & lead choreographer for all female cabaret dance production. It's theatrical, sexy & stylish. Touring Australia & overseas in 2010. Great travelling opp, Great $$. This does not conform to the discrimination legislation because you do not need to be a female to perform in a cabaret dance. This is a form of sex discrimination because you shouldn't need to be a female to do this job and a male may be very capable or even better then some of the other applicants for this certain job. Job obtained from- http://mycareer.com.au/jobs/sydney/media-advertising-arts-entertainment/performance/7388356+dancers+wanted+dancers+lead.aspx?s=155