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Zaca Fire Reimbursement Summary

Zaca Fire Reimbursement Summary . Dave Rickard Disaster Recovery Manager . Where Are We At Today 2/29/08. List of Projects . EOC = $140,060 (Approved) Sheriff Overtime = $413,773 (Paid) FIRE OT & Materials = $98,075 Public Works Cat “B” = $39,563

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Zaca Fire Reimbursement Summary

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Zaca Fire Reimbursement Summary Dave Rickard Disaster Recovery Manager

  2. Where Are We At Today 2/29/08

  3. List of Projects • EOC = $140,060 (Approved) • Sheriff Overtime = $413,773 (Paid) • FIRE OT & Materials = $98,075 • Public Works Cat “B” = $39,563 • Public Health Evacuation = $31,633 • Probation Evacuation Boys Ranch =$28,293 • Flood Control – Levee Pilot #1 = $60,564 (Paid) • Flood Control – Levee Pilot $2 = $110,804 (approved) • Flood Control – Debris Booms = $100,435 (approved) • Flood Control – Rain and other Gages = $28,248 (Paid) • Resource Recovery- Mission Cyn Debris = $8,231 • Transportation = St. Barbara Cyn Rd Overlay (District 5) = $475,000 (approved) • Transportation – East Camino Cielo Rd Overlay $779,379 (approved) • Parks @ Cachuma Ramp area =$8,735 (Withdraw )

  4. What WE Want

  5. In Conclusion • Total approved will be $2,314,078 X 75% (State Share) = $1,735,558.50 in Recovery Dollars. • Overruns will be reimbursed at Close Out • Permanent Category to be completed is Santa Barbara Cyn Road and East Camino Cielo.

  6. Auditor Juan Says • Dave, •    I may not be able to attend (I have a meeting at that time).  However, here’s my two cents: • ZACA fire was the first disaster that the we (the A-C’s office) took an active role in.  As such, it’s the one that we are cutting our teeth on.  So far, we’ve been able to work with the various departments to gather, review, organize, and file all the necessary supporting documentation.  Everyone has been extremely helpful and you (Dave) have been extremely patient while educating the new Specialty Accounting staff. • We’ve just begun to meet with other departments with regards to some of the other recently active disasters.  Recently we met with Parks about the 1998 storm, the 2001 storm, and the 2005 storm.  As a result of recent staff turnover (Coleen Lund and two other admin personnel), we are a little concerned that all the previous disaster knowledge will be lost with their departures.  However, the new Parks staff are optimistic about being able to find the documentation that will complete our disaster files and they’ve shown an interest in making sure they follow all the necessary procedures in order to be audit ready.

  7. Questions

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