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WE FACE OUR SPECIES GREATEST INNOVATION CHALLENGE These are the most exciting times to be alive.

To buckie q&a chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk Version minus49 Youth Re-edited weekly to wiseUNGA Good bless sdgadvocates. WE FACE OUR SPECIES GREATEST INNOVATION CHALLENGE These are the most exciting times to be alive. Can 3 generations of families scale markets and

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WE FACE OUR SPECIES GREATEST INNOVATION CHALLENGE These are the most exciting times to be alive.

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  1. To buckieq&a chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk Version minus49 Youth Re-edited weekly to wiseUNGA Good bless sdgadvocates WE FACE OUR SPECIES GREATEST INNOVATION CHALLENGE These are the most exciting times to be alive. Can 3 generations of families scale markets and integrate education and other exponential investments in youth to time to be the sustainability generation? This is an all or nothing race for the future of our species. Systems mathematicians (see jobs creators W99 Einstein or W98 John Von Neuman) clarifiy that Climate Destruction is just one interlocking pathway to extinction - nuclear wars another, (W10 Ira Hefland) unstoppable plagues or failed genetic science another. LEGEND: Throughout this book we invite you to linkin searches for World Record Job Creators; E denotes from East and Southern hemispheres; W denotes from West and Northern; 1 up means alive at time of writing; 99 down denotes passed but urgently relevant to navigating future’s herstory. Ironically professional and academic monopolies that needed to live up to Hippocratic oaths have been over-dominated by men bowling alone when mother earth needed more female valuation to sustain ecologies of knowledge and secure trust in generating healthy and safe societies everywhere DEADLINE OF COMSTECH and LEARNTECH It is safest to assume that the deadline of this challenge is 2030 back from 1946. That doesn’t mean the world will end in 2030 but it does mean we will have jetisoned the first net generations into Social Orbits that can never again return to a renewable planet earth. What started from world war 2’s ending: in 1946 was a Moores (exponential) Law doubling every 7 years of investment in connectivity by communications and learning technologies. By 2030, we the peoples are spending 2**12 (over 4000 times more) time and money on comstech and learntech. To be sustainable every community (family, teacher, child) needs to be free - not just to speak or twitter- but to constantly question and Answer purpose with marketers basic innovation tool SWOT. Historically: what are my places/peoples Strengthes & Weaknesses, Back from the future: what Opportunities & Threats expoentially lock in to the possibilities of our childrens lifetimes –locally in their homecommunities, globally where their wordlwide networks can co-create whatever their greatest passion and competences linkin? WHATS GREATEST #LEARNINGGEN GOT TO DO WITH NATIONS UNITING S-GOALS In 2015 the nations of the world declared the utmost priorority #2030now: revolves round uniting an era of Innovation around Sustainability Development Goals. What women4empowerment and UN education commisisoners mediate now needs to celebrate a three-in-one valuation system: >>>Educate to Co-create as cost of distance is no longer primary in sharing life critical lessons >>Beware Exponential Consequences – this valuetrue safety criterion is core to transparent SWOT >Trade round Win-Win-Win collaboration maps- there is no point investing in local or global connectivity if trades are win-lose (eg when whomever is already richest gets richer at every trading cycle at expense of whomever is poorer, less connected) Einstein’s life work clarifies the greatest scientific and human innovations require bottom-up

  2. analysis. Whenever scientists say we know neraly everything - there are no more frontiers to innovate – they mean they are trapped by the level of detailing of assumptions being too macro. Go micro, as well as East, young lady : big data small analysis: SWOT deeper level of dynamic interaction than old professionals in walled streets legislated as 20th C monopoly rules/evidence. GENRE OF ERWORLD- SUSTAINABILITY GOAL MEDIATION SINCE LANDING ON MOON Around 1969, the moon landing started many debates grounded on mother earth as to what historic missions impossible were now possible. Back on earth, the most relevant debates revisited the exponential consequences of the industrial revolution that began with discovery of engines In early 1700s that provided hundreds then millions of times more power than that of horse or man. By 1969, those who opened their eyes around the globe saw that IR’s opportunity for communities and our children to innovate were very unevenly distributed geographically. While one segment of humanity were racing to the moon leveraging the fusion of computing and human brainpower, in many places more than half of people lived in “villages” which had no access to electriicty let alone other development infrastructures such as water and hygiene systems, telecoms, transport routes integral to market inclusion. The genre of Entrepreneurial Revolution (ER) was started in The Economist by end-poverty system mediation journalist Norman Macrae. What innovation does a global village world need to SWOT if the most human consequence of moon landing Is that our race will continue doubling comstech and learntech spends at the rate it has since 1946 all the way through 3 generation sdevelopment to 2030? ERWORLD CAN 4000+ CONNECTIVITY TECH GO BEYOND INDUSTRUIAL REVOLUTION? Doing the Moores laws maths, ER is concerned with imagineering a post-industrial revolution era In which we the peoples progressed from spending 16 times more on comstech na dlerningtech (consequence moon landing) to over 4000 times more. The Diaspora Scottish school of mediating economics that Norman came from used the term Revolution advisedly. If all peoples are spending thousands times more on something, what social innovations will be sustainability critical given less personal budget to spend on other social needs. I-BBC : MAP CHANGE WORLD LEADERSHIP LENSES EMERGENT @ MOONLANDING C is for China. Quite likely China’s decision to come out from protection behind the Great Wall was given an unstoppable spring by the moon landing. How come a sixth of the world’s people – for much of millennium 2 its benchmark civilisation – had literally got left out in the dark? How was it their Diaspora that operated the East’s superports and innovation trades in the new electronics of ComsTech had become the 3rd most powerful financial network of the 1970s? B is for Brazil. Much of Latin America’s debate around the time of the moon landing got grounded round what sorts of cultural faith unites us as we face this new sorld our big American brother is Celebrating. The Franciscan bottom-up idea grew and grew. We want our greatest professionals to be servant Leaders in the communitoies that most need to develop around their expertise. Brazilian E95 Paulo Freire concentrated on applying that value to the most pivotal of ER developers of people-centric economies – educartors.

  3. B is for Bangladesh which finally won a war of independence in 1971. This nation drew the shortest straw from independence of IR’s age of empires. While the Indian subcontinent was freed from Britain in 1946, moderday Bangladesh was subjagated to (West) Pakistan. There was no land corridor connecting this logic- solely the idea that these were the two majority Muslim lands. Bangladesh was the poorest 100 million person rising nation in the world of moon landings. Its government barely had any revenues to develop the country’s capital city. It was happy for rural peoples to self-organise networks. Fortunately these villagers were inspired by the greatest Paulo Freire alumn and servant leader – E2 Sir Fazle Abed of BRAC (founded 1972) who not coincidentally became recognised as 20th C greatest education innovator when WISE inaugirated the education laureates in 2011. Fortunately for the world, sir fazle abed’s innovations became the world’s first economic Herstory. In places facing the greatest sustainability crises, a chil’d last chance to develop is Her or his mother. Bangladesh 1971-2016 (sir fazle’s 80th birthday) shows her girl empowerment builds a sustainability nation. Bangladesh’s amazing revolution in models for developing economy has two halves: pre-digital to 1996; post-digital leapfrog models since 1996. Bangladesh first 3 leapfrog models: greentech solar power in places with no electrictity; mobiletech in places with no wired telecoms; Fintech cashless banking where no physical banks. A notable element of eastern good fortune is that the 2 nations (China, Bangladesh) whose new economies most value women lift up half the sky are so closely connected by Belt Road’s maps I is for India which , thanks to E98 Mahatma Gandhi started navigating a different world from IR’s world of empires nearly a quarter of a century before moon landing. Note that in population terms India and China represent a third of the world’s people and almost half of its twentieth cenuiry’s most urgent personal development challenges. How the I-BBC designs its rejuvenation dreams around education will in all probality determine the opportunities of sustainability goals. What will determine the risks should be as obvious as its truth Inconvenient to rich Western nations (see W97 Churchill). By investing in a world of thousands of times more human connectivity,the greatest risks will sadly accelerate where borders become barriers and camps for refugees instead of special innovation zonesfor win-win trades.Consider The Belt Road education curricula – a chance to map across hemispheres eleven of mother nature’s most Diversely valuable regions as well as the human web of hundreds of nations and cultures inherited from millennium 2 The UN has declared 17 sustainability goals – actually 16 and the 17th as a transformation valuing the most urgent human colaborations ever mapped. That’s a lot of goals –can this prove to be a stimulus for educators themsleves to go multi-disciplinary and practically grounded. We will keep this in mind as you help us search out and open space for record jobs creators all over the world. The moon race may have been exciting in te 1960s; it’s a minor blip on the emotional intelligence richter scale of human relations transformation needed for we the peoples and parents and educators are to win the next decade’s race by orienting youth towards ecological civilisation

  4. Edward Lear Mr. and Mrs. Discobbolos            Climbed to the top of a wall.,, And both were as happy as happy could be— Till Mr. Discobbolos said,                  'Oh! W! X! Y! Z!                  'It has just come into my head--'----- We shall never go down again--

  5. China’s Rejuvenation: end poverty 2020 Women Lift up Half The Sky Always 2 most valuable goals in life of youth & sustainable economies Going to school Finding a good husband/wife

  6. CHAPTER 2 A BRIEF HISTORY OF LESSONS FROM MILLENNIUM 2’S GLOBE OF MARKETS Waves and waves of exponential tipping points are converging on our investment designs and educational capacities - as –granparents, parents, youth - who will determine whether sustainability goals’ orbits are systemically mapped by 2030 to value twin-win-win futures of youth. so let’s take a short tour , albeit oversimplied, of geopgraphic and historical lessons of markets of the secind millennium 1000-2000. 2.1 Joy of Silk Road 1000-1500 If you had been a Martian landing on earth pretty much anytime during the first half of this millennium you would have spotted one extraoridnary world trade route. It stretched nearly a third of the earth’scircumeference overland across Eurasia from the Mediterranean sea to the Chinese coasts. Fortunatlyy we don’t need to rely on Martians, the reports from explorer W99Marco Polo are rich in detail. It took Marco Polo 7 years to travel the overland silk road from Venice to near the east coast of China. Civilisations grew by linking into this route so the traders and voyagers along the route were mainly greeted as heroes. Goodwill and cultural flows interconnected. The diversity dynamics of this semi-global market and route of innovation spaces was the opposite of highly bordered nations at least as fas as celebrating agnets of win-win trade as heroes and listening to the stories of any young man with the energy and explorers’ joy to complete this world tour as Marco did. What Marco discovered was the most Extraordinary market town of all Hangzhou in China which had become the grand central junction between routes to its own coast and to China’s inside and the Silk Road return to Europe. Back in Marco Polo’s home town of Venice you only need to look at the Italian schools of painters such as Canoletto to see how it was a Grand central port to both Near East (Asia) Miidle East, African, West and Eastern European countries connected by the mediternnean sea. Note how the silk road as the greatest win-win-win trading route sustained positive relations around a sea which in the 2010s has sadly become an ocean of refugees. 2.2 The Inexorable Growth of the Mercantile Era, and Empires This era started slowly with med sea sailors discovery of the earth’s oceans were round – the new world that became the Anericas of the West, and the Infies to the East which extended all the way to China’s. The purpose of the 7 year overland route started to vanish but in its place were sailors Armed to the hilt both to protect themselves against piratesval navies) (including ri and increasingly to control how value was assigned to trades in diferent produce. Then as the English became the first to leverage the power of engines with power thousands times more than that of horse or man, badwill dynmiacs spiralled such as slave trades and designation of the global atlas into geographic empires to the extractive advantage of the Empire’s’ Epicentres and generation upon generation the liveklihood disdavntages of those who were colonised. The trading slogan of this this semi-global era was quite literally summed up as : Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves, Britons never never never shall be slaves. In one grand sweep Britain colonsed and started to impoverish about a fifth of the World’s people living on the Indian subcontinent. What the Brits did to China was in somne ways worse. Britian wanted to import silk, spices and yes China porecelain but the Chinese Empire so no English produce that his peoples neeed. He told Britain to buy Chinese produce in golds. Soon this was denting the British Empire’s finacial power. The evil solution: Trade opium with China. The Chinese Emperor tried to stop this, wasn’t powerful enough, His authority was lost, China settled on the annexation of Hong Kong to the British and the Mainland withdrew behind the Great Wall not to dream of being the world’s most trusted trading nation for nearly a centiry and a third 1839-1969.

  7. 2.3 3 CENTURIES BRITISH 1775-1875, US 1875-1975, CHINA ASIA PACIFIC WWW 1975 ON Journalists and curious alumni of Adam Smith since 1758 and James Wilson since 1843 have reported the likely tranformation of these industria and post-industrial eras. They have not Been popular with thise who design economies around the big get bigger. But if every community On earth is to end poverty, to be linked in by clean energy, to empower hard working families To thrive round small and medium entreprises, being intellectually popular is the last thing any hi-trust media practotioner should value. We understand that the race to sustainability will requitre a huge amount of reconcilation btween peoples. While world wars may have Been actioned by mad egos like hitler their root cause was how the industria revolution Became a race to be the bigest in extracting coal and physical resources no matter whose Country you took them from. It is the East that since world war 2 has by necessity needed To innovate win-win-win trade oldels oppoiste to those that buiolt the west’s empores. In one Snse its extraordinary how western sylabbi of history and geography do not map belt raod Trade routes a pivotal to the reason why youth should want to stidy them at all. Of course The explantauon is that the skils needed to develop such people-centric curiostitoes Do not match the political correctness that the advertising age of western democracy assumed To be needed. Oddly when the BBC began the ideas of their being state secrets did not exist But world war 2 chnages all that. While we understand the need for confidnetialoity at the time Of war, the continance of state secrets after war has ended may be what causes new wars to start. At least we need to revisit this highly risky issue if you accept te entrepreneurial Revolution tenet clebrated since 1969’s moon landing that human beings are going to need To value people cenrt=troic economies empowred by 4000 times more comstech and learntech Than 1946. Lets us turn again to chapter 3 the search of world record jobs creators including all the sustainability opportunites of maps around the I-BBC . As we do so, lets see if we can factor analsye 17 sustainability goals into a user friendly studnt dashboard If we are a keysian profesisonal our hipocratic oath is to design systems that end poverty and value youth’s livelihhods, Since the industria, age mainly excluded women as productive we need to preferentially Celebrate empwering girls livilhoods wherever tech can leapfrog beyind what the indsutrial Age failed to linkin We know the two big opportunitie to innovate are: Go green Value thousands times more coms and learning tech- we need big data anakyis to go small; we need articifial intellignece to ampoliy human emotiona inteligences, we need to maps back Every way that technology can ground little sister not big brother cultures We know that loca healthl secutity depends on geographic distribution everywhere: The tests of whether we are maximising thiusands times more connectivity will be Order of magnitude mire affrodable motgher and infant health Peace We see all of this as an educational (open curiosity not fact examination) chalenge – the smatrtest media ever is absolute Critical if we are to web the worldwide trust of youth as the susrtainability generation; And place that this it cant affoird youth kivelihodds has got its educatyion or its finacial inventments across gebneration spiralling away from hyuman sustainability Aieib – map above goakls with 17 goals

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