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5 Best Places for Brick Oven Pizza in Makati, Philippines

Brick Oven Pizza: Find out the best places for brick oven pizza in Makati, Philippines. For more information visit us at https://bistroravioli.com

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5 Best Places for Brick Oven Pizza in Makati, Philippines

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  1. 5 Best Places forBrick Oven Pizza inMakati WWW.BISTRORAVIOLI.COM

  2. 1. BistroRavioli B i s tro Ravioli s tarted in a s m all k i osk offering authentic ravioli and fre s h p as ta b ack in 2009. Staying tr ue to the traditional Italian tradition, we m ake our p as ta fr om s cratch u s ing o nly the finest ingredients . Ou r and cooked in At B i s tro Ravioli, pizzas are carefully h and crafted brick o ven for we promi se to th at r u s tic flavor. bring Italy clo s er to th at we s erve. Manila through the food WWW.BISTRORAVIOLI.COM

  3. 2. PizzaWorld P i zza W o rld has b een around since s tarted by the Melamed family. B a c k little different. We bought groceries k new on a fir st-name b as i s and k n ew by name. 1 991 and w as then,lifewasa fr om people we all our customers WWW.BISTRORAVIOLI.COM

  4. 3.MotorinoPizza Brick-ovens tylepizzeriawith location sinNewYorkCity, HongKong,thePhilippines , Malays ia, and Singapore. WWW.BISTRORAVIOLI.COM

  5. 4. Yellow CabPizza Yellow Cab P i zza Co. opened it s fir st branch in Makati A v en ue b ack in A pr il 20 01 with asimplemission:tosharea s l ice of New Y ork to th e Filipino people. Top it off with a generou s serving of the fres he s t, highest-quality ingredient s, and you get—simply put—great New York-s tyle pizza WWW.BISTRORAVIOLI.COM

  6. 5. Ginos Brick OvenPizza We l ike ou r ingredients, Ourpizzaisa pizza balanced, m ade w ith quality cris py, chewy, and slightly charred. r es u lt of countle ss h ou rs of research, experimentation, and pizza tasting. WWW.BISTRORAVIOLI.COM

  7. Thank you BistroRavioili https://bistroravioli.com

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