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Which Way to Heaven? Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

A reminder to consider others. Please turn off your cell phone or set to vibrate only. Use the nursery or cry room if your child is fussy. Get up during the preaching only if absolutely necessary (please sit in back if you must leave early). This sermon explores the choice between the narrow and wide gate, emphasizing the importance of following Jesus to find the path to eternal life.

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Which Way to Heaven? Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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  1. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

  2. A reminder to consider others Please: Turn off your cell phone or set to vibrate only Use the nursery or cry room if your child is fussy Get up during the preaching only if absolutely necessary (please sit in back if you must leave early)

  3. Which Way to Heaven?Matthew 7:13-14 Freedom demands responsibility and choices bring consequences Many people praise Jesus as a good man, teacher and example, but they will not believe or follow Him

  4. Which Way to Heaven?Matthew 7:13-14 Jesus demands a choice between two and only two alternatives both of which have eternal consequences There is no neutral ground - Matthew 12:30; Luke 12:48

  5. Which Way to Heaven?Matthew 7:13-14 Jesus gives a command and the choice is to either obey it or disobey it - there is no other choice

  6. The Gates and the PathsMatthew 7:13-14 At the narrow gate: This is the way, the truth and the life. No man can go to the Father except through me.

  7. The Gates and the PathsMatthew 7:13-14 Under the wide gate are many entrances with various signs The Intelligent Enter Here This Way to Nirvana

  8. The Gates and the PathsMatthew 7:13-14 Find Your Spirit Guide Here This Way to God’s Blessing$ Bring Your Buddies & Bring Your Beer & Y’all Come Through Here

  9. The Gates and the PathsMatthew 7:13-14 Allah says, “Enter Here!” This Way to Self-fulfillment This Is the Way Jesus Went This is None Other than the Gate to Heaven

  10. The Gates and the PathsMatthew 7:13-14 This Is the Way of Life, Enter However You Please

  11. The Gates and the PathsMatthew 7:13-14 The wide gate leads to a wide gently sloping path which is filled with people doing what they like The narrow gate leads to a narrow, difficult path with few people on it - and some people are leaving it

  12. The DestinationMatthew 7:13-14 The narrow path winds upward into the clouds where angels are singing and shining being is sitting The wide path slopes downward and then abruptly drops off into a dark pit from which smoke is rising Knowing the destination changes the choice

  13. The DestinationMatthew 7:13-14 The Biblical doctrine of Hell makes us uncomfortable, but it is true and must be taught Destruction, ajpwvleia / apoleia, is ruin and loss - it does not mean extinction or annihilation

  14. The DestinationMatthew 7:13-14 Hell is characterized by ruin and loss - Matthew 3:11-12; 2 Thessalonians 1:9; Matthew 25:31- 46 If Hell is not real, then neither is heaven and everyone not on the narrow path is heading to Hell

  15. The Narrow Gate, the Narrow Way The context sets the contrast between the righteous and the self-righteous - both are religious It is a contrast between God’s grace to those who believe and man’s self-righteous works of flesh

  16. The Narrow Gate, the Narrow Way Doing good things does not equal genuine righteousness John 14:6 - Jesus is the only way to God the Father Only in Biblical Christianity is salvation dependent on the work of God instead of the human effort

  17. Entering the Gate Reality: Unless you have entered the narrow gate, you are already on the broad way to destruction Isaiah 53:6, Romans 3:12, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23 It is a command to enter, not an appeal or suggestion – those who love Christ will obey (John 14:21)

  18. Entering the Gate Entrance is by repentance, a change of mind about yourself, sin & the Savior resulting in a change in you If there is no change in direction, there is no change of mind - no true repentance Without a change of direction to follow Christ, the path still goes to the original destination of destruction

  19. Entering the Gate The gate is narrow It restricts it to one person at a time Second hand faith does not save The narrow gate does not allow baggage - Matt. 16:24-25 You must enter poor in spirit

  20. Entering the Gate Salvation comes only by God’s grace, not man’s works - Ephesians 2:1-10; Luke 19:10; Romans 3:10-11 The path is difficult (qli;bw / thlibo) - trouble and hardship - Matthew 5:11-12; John 16:33; John 15:19-20

  21. Entering the Gate Few find it - Luke 13:23-24 (Strive is ajgwnizomai / agonizomai - “agony”) Only the meek & those who hunger & thirst after righteousness will walk the hard path of following Jesus

  22. Conclusions Those on the broad path to destruction need to repent - believe and seek after God - Hebrews 11:6 2 Corinthians 13:5 - Test / examine yourself and be sure you are in the faith and not self-deceived

  23. Conclusions Don’t sell fire insurance - Proclaim the whole gospel! Trying to get people saved without calling them to follow Jesus is a false gospel

  24. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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