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Sustainability Performance Assessment (SPA) at Farm level

Sustainability Performance Assessment (SPA) at Farm level. Smart Agrimatics - Paris, June 14, 2012 Emeline Fellus - Deputy Manager, SAI Platform. What is SAI Platform ? (1/2).

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Sustainability Performance Assessment (SPA) at Farm level

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  1. Sustainability Performance Assessment (SPA) at Farm level Smart Agrimatics - Paris, June 14, 2012 Emeline Fellus - Deputy Manager, SAI Platform

  2. What is SAI Platform ? (1/2) • A Platform created in 2002 by the food industry to communicate and to actively support the development of sustainable agriculture for the mainstream, involving stakeholders of the food chain. • Founders were Nestle, Unilever, Danone. • Work on a pre competitive basis.

  3. What is SAI Platform ? (2/2) • Today we have 40 members:- 30 food companies- 10 affiliates. • We coordinate 6 Working Groups:- 5 crop specific (beef, coffee, fruit, dairy, arable & vegetable crops)- 1 WG on water& agriculture • Wide variety of parallel activities such as R&D, developing training for food executives etc

  4. SAI Platform Members AFFILIATE MEMBERS

  5. Definition Sustainable agriculture is a productive, competitive and efficient way to produce safe agricultural products, while at the same time protecting and improving the natural environment and social/economic conditions of local communities.

  6. Some sustainability issues Volatile Ag. Prices Natural Resources Non-food use (fuels) Growing Demand for Food Climate Change Overgrazing Rural Livelihood Land Degradation Ensured Supply New technologies GMOs Soil conservation Water Scarcity Ecosystem-services & Biodiversity Improving Yields Reduced Extension Services Many challenges and opportunities for farmers, society & the food sector

  7. Good Practices 7

  8. How to measure progress? Metrics Indicators Relation to Farm Practices Many Experts & groups work on this Scientifically sound Tools, like CFT, Simpatica, Keystone, RISE, climate yardstick Purpose, objective, scope? Qualitative or strictly quantitative?

  9. SPA Phase 1 Benchmarked and rated existing farm metrics to help a farmer measure, understand, improve and report progress. Started from our list of Principles and Practices Looked for already available metrics (Not to reinvent wheel) Benchmarked over 100 of them Selected best ones: simple, scientifically sound, readily available@farm, measurable, comparable.

  10. Example

  11. SPA Phase 2 Benchmarked and rated existing sustainability measurement tools. Benchmarked over 100 of existing tools – some very specific (eg GHG emissions) and some very comprehensive Selected best ones: complete but simple, scientifically sound, providing user-friendly feedback to farmer, comparable.

  12. Example SPA Phase Two Example of tools: RISE

  13. SPA Phase 3 (1) Selection of methodologies (ToR) for computer-based tools measuring sustainable agriculture SPA 3 – priority issues included Climate & energy Water quantity Nutrient efficiency Soil quality Biodiversity Pesticides Waste Land use SPA 3 – priority issues to be developed later on Animal welfare Occupational health and safety Financial stability

  14. SPA Phase 3 (2) • For each priority issue: • Separate chapter (3 - 7 pages) • Summarizing flowchart • Contents: • Farm data (entered by farmer) • Background data needed (regional databases) • Methodology (calculations, boundaries etc) • Output indicator and units • Rationale behind choices made

  15. SPA Phase 3 (3)

  16. Example: land use

  17. Milestones and next steps SPA Phase One published in 2010 SPA Phase Two published in 2011 SPA Phase Three Version 1.0 published early May 2012 Piloting phase in 2012-2013 Review and additions mid 2013 SPA Phase Three Version 2.0 in 2014

  18. Thank you for your attention! For more information:http:/www.saiplatform.org efellus@saiplatform.org

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