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What is PNI ?

What is PNI ?. A Chesapeake Bay Trust-funded collaboration among: Carroll County Public Schools Maryland Sea Grant The Society for Ocean Sciences Morgan State University, Estuarine Research Center

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What is PNI ?

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  1. What is PNI ? • A Chesapeake Bay Trust-funded collaboration among: • Carroll County Public Schools • Maryland Sea Grant • The Society for Ocean Sciences • Morgan State University, Estuarine Research Center • An inquiry-based learning program to build an understanding of the sources, impacts and possible control strategies for nutrient enrichment of the Patapsco and Patuxent River watersheds Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience Grant

  2. What is a Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience? An MWEE: • is investigative or project oriented • is an integral part of the instructional program • is part of a sustained activity • considers the watershed as a system An MWEE consists of three parts: The preparation phase focuses on a question, problem, or issue and involves students in discussions about it. The action phase includes one or more outdoor experiences sufficient to conduct the project, make the observations, or collect the data required. The reflection phase should refocus on the question, problem, or issue; analyze the conclusions reached; evaluate the results; assess the activity and the learning; and include sharing and communication of the results.

  3. Nutrient Enrichment and Limitation in the Sub-estuaries of the Chesapeake Bay The PNI Issue • What are the different types of plankton and why are they important? • What is the impact of nutrient enrichment to the ecology of the Chesapeake? • What nutrient (N or P) controls the growth of algae at any particular point in time and location in the Bay? • What are the processes and mechanisms that cause the limiting nutrient to vary seasonally? • What nutrient sources are the most critical to control on local / regional scales in two watersheds: the Patapsco and the Patuxent?

  4. Learn about the different types of plankton and the role they each play in aquatic ecosystems • Collect a water sample from a local pond • Gain hands-on experience in identifying various types of plankton • Introduce the concepts of nutrient enrichment and nutrient limitation

  5. Locations – Patapsco or Patuxent Sub-estuary • Field Collection of : • Water quality data • Water samples • Plankton samples • Dredge samples • View estuarine plankton samples microscopically • Return to classroom and set up a nutrient limitation bioassay

  6. The PNI Open House • All classes participate • Attendees will include, students, educators, policy makers, scientists, media, the public • Poster presentations as well as other modes of communication • Photo competition

  7. Get ready to Guide your Students on an Exciting Watershed Investigation of Nutrient and Plankton Interactions!

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