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MLD TALKS II THE BIG FIVE. Reyhan Atasever METU 2012. Resilient? Responsive? Reactive?. Introvert? Ambivert ? Extravert?. Preserver? Moderate? Explorer?. Challenger? Negotiator? Adapter?. Flexible? Balanced? Focused?. The Big Five. What is Five Factor Model? Why / not FFM?

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  1. MLD TALKS IITHE BIG FIVE ReyhanAtasever METU 2012

  2. Resilient? Responsive? Reactive?

  3. Introvert? Ambivert? Extravert?

  4. Preserver? Moderate? Explorer?

  5. Challenger? Negotiator? Adapter?

  6. Flexible? Balanced? Focused?

  7. The Big Five What is Five Factor Model? Why / not FFM? Related Areas

  8. Factor 1: Negative Emotionality(Neuroticizm) Number of stimuli to elicit negative emotions • Resilient (N-) • Responsive (N) • Reactive (N+)

  9. Factor 2: Extraversion Number of relations one is comfortable with • Introvert (E-) • Ambivert (E) • Extravert (E+)

  10. Factor 3: Openness Number of interests and depth pursued • Preserver (O-) • Moderate (O-) • Explorer (O+)

  11. Factor 4: Agreeableness Number of sources from which one takes one’s norms for right behavior • Challenger (A-) • Negotiator (A) • Adapter (A+)

  12. Factor 5: Conscientiousness Number of goals focused • Flexible (C-) • Balanced (C) • Focused (C+)

  13. why BIG? Five dimensions Individual personality traits Experience vs. Theory Various Applications

  14. WHY NOT big? Experience +Individual differences Vague Individualizm – Collectivizm

  15. Related Areas Psychology Human Resources Education

  16. References Busato, V.V., Prinsm J. F., Elshout, J. J., & Hamaker, C. (1998). The relation between learning styles, the big five personality traits and achievement motivation in higher education. Personality and Individual Differences, (26), 129-140. Retrieved from http://www.scribd.com/doc/28366533/The-Relation-Between-Learning-Styles-The-Big-Five-Personality-Traits-and-Achievement-Motivation Howard, P.J. & Howard, J. M. (1995). The big five quickstart: An introduction to the five-factor model of personality for human resource professionals. Retrieved from http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED384754.pdf McAdams, D.P. (1992). The five factor model in personality: A critical appraisal. Journal of Personality, (60:2), 355. Retrived from http://www.sesp.northwestern.edu/docs/publications/1653395009490a41d57920e.pdf Miserandio, M. (2007). Heeeere’s Johnny: A case study in the five factor model of personality. Teaching of Psychology, (34:1), 37-40. Retrieved from http://teachpsych.org/ebooks/tips2011/III-08-04Miserandino2007.pdf Vogt, L. & Laher, S. (2009). The five factor model of personality and individualism / collectivism in south africa: An exploratory study. PINS, 39-54. Retrieved from http://www.pins.org.za/pins37/pins37_article04_Vogt_Laher.pdf

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