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Cross-Cutting Issues 5310-JARC-New Freedom

Cross-Cutting Issues 5310-JARC-New Freedom. U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration SAFETEAU-LU Curriculum August 7, 2007. Learner Objectives.

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Cross-Cutting Issues 5310-JARC-New Freedom

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  1. Cross-Cutting Issues5310-JARC-New Freedom U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration SAFETEAU-LU Curriculum August 7, 2007

  2. Learner Objectives • Provide accurate information, interpretation and guidance to FAQ’s about the cross-cutting issues of the 5310, JARC and the New Freedom Program’s: • Overall intent • Entities eligible for funding • Eligible activities • Required elements for participation • Eligible capital and operations expenses • Support your independent use of resource materials on these cross-cutting issues • Share knowledge about the cross-cutting issues with FTA Headquarter and Regional staff colleagues

  3. Cross-Cutting Issues • Designated Recipient • Eligible subrecipients • The Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan • Competitive Selection Process • Grants Development & Management

  4. Designated RecipientStates5310-JARC-NFP • Selected state agency administers for • JARC and NFP: for small urbanized (<200,000) and rural areas • Section 5310: statewide • Governor selects state agency • There can be single recipient for JARC, NFP and 5310 or separate recipient for each

  5. Designated Recipient Large Urbanized Areas >200,000 JARC and New Freedom • In each large urbanized area (>200,000) designated recipient administers for local projects including awards to subrecipients • Governor selects recipient using same selection process as for 5307 in coordination with local officials • Designated recipient can be an existing 5307 recipient, MPO, State, or other public agency

  6. Designated RecipientLarge Urbanized Areas >200,000JARC and New Freedom • There can be a single recipient for JARC and NFP or separate recipient for each • If governor designates multiple recipients in an area: • Split letter submitted to FTA • Each designated recipient responsible for local projects / subrecipients

  7. Eligible Direct Recipients JARC and New Freedom • Eligible direct recipients under 5307/5311 may also qualify under JARC/NFP • If selected through designated recipient’s competitive selection, the eligible direct recipient then applies directly to FTA • >200,000: supplemental agreement • 50,000-199,999: transferred to 5307 • <50,000: direct or transferred to 5311 (tribe)

  8. Eligible Direct Recipients JARC and New Freedom • Eligible direct recipients under 5307/5311 may also qualify under JARC/NFP • If selected through designated recipient’s competitive selection, the eligible direct recipient then applies directly to FTA • >200,000: supplemental agreement • 50,000-199,999: transferred to 5307 • <50,000: direct or transferred to 5311 (tribe)

  9. Eligible SubrecipientsJARC and New Freedom • Private non-profit organizations • State or local governmental authorities • Operators of public transportation services including private operators of public transportation services

  10. Coordinated Public TransitHuman Services Transportation Plan5310-JARC-NFP Elements of the plan: • An assessment of available services • An assessment of transportation needs of target population • Strategies, activities and/or projects to address the identified gaps • Priorities for implementation based on resources, time, and feasibility

  11. Coordinated Public TransitHuman Services Transportation Plan 5310-JARC-NFP • For FY 2007, FTA will accept coordination plans developed prior to the published circular if they meet these minimum criteria: • an assessment of available services • an assessment of needs • strategies to address gaps for target populations • coordinated development in good faith

  12. Coordinated Public TransitHuman Services Transportation Plan 5310-JARC-NFP Tools and Strategies: • Community Planning Session • Self-assessment Tool • Focus Groups • Survey • Detailed Study and Analysis • Charrette • Framework for Action (on your Toolkit CD)

  13. The Price is Right • It’s time for an exercise • Turn to worksheet 1 • Select a partner • Take 20 minutes to answer the questions • Be prepared to share your ideas with the group

  14. Coordinated Public TransitHuman Services Transportation Plan 5310-JARC-NFP Stakeholder involvement: • Adequate outreach • Broad representation (transportation partners, passengers and advocates, human service partners, others) • Opportunity for participation & involvement (time, location, transportation available)

  15. Competitive Selection Process JARC and New Freedom • Designated recipient develops: • Frequency of competition • Competitive approach • Public notification • Open competition • Evaluation criteria and project selection • Certification of fair and equitable distribution

  16. Competitive Selection ProcessJARC and New Freedom • Designated recipient develops: • Frequency of competition • Competitive approach • Public notification • Open competition • Evaluation criteria and project selection • Certification of fair and equitable distribution

  17. Where in the World is the Missing Competitive Selection Process Element? • It’s time for an exercise • Turn to worksheet 2 • Assemble into small teams • Listen to the scenario and then discuss recommendations with your team • Be prepared to share your ideas with the group

  18. #1 Rural and Small Urban Projects Selected by State • State publishes an announcement for project proposals • State evaluates projects using selection criteria stated in the announcement. • State selects projects to be funded

  19. #2 Rural and Small Urban Projects Selected by State Followed by Projects Selected Locally • State solicits applications for eligible activities identified in each area’s local coordinated plan.   • State evaluates the applications based on criteria (regarding planning process) • State selects areas to receive funding for projects derived from the local coordinated plan

  20. #3 Urbanized Areas > 200,000 Based on Priorities in the Coordinated Plan • DR publishes solicitation for grant applications • DR conducts competition w/MPO • DR selects subrecipient proposals to fund that implement projects in the plan

  21. #4 Urbanized Areas > 200,000Based on Specific Need in the PlanSelection Process • DR publishes announcement for project proposals to address a specific need • Applications may include varying strategies • DR evaluates proposals using selection criteria • DR selects the project(s) to be funded

  22. #5 Urbanized Areas > 200,000, Based on Specific Strategy to Meet Need in the Plan • DR competes specific projects to meet the needs described in the coordinated plan • DR evaluates proposals submitted using the selection criteria • DR selects the subrecipients to be funded

  23. Grants Development & Management5310-JARC-NFP • Funding for Administration • Program of Projects • State/Program Management Plan • Data Collection and Reporting • Oversight • Performance Measures

  24. Grants Development & ManagementFunding for Administration 5310-JARC-NFP • 10% of allocation may be used. No coordinated plan or competitive selection is required to spend admin funds. • Designated recipient can use or pass through • No local match is needed • 5310, JARC, New Freedom all allow use of non-DOT funds for match

  25. Grants Development & ManagementProgram of Projects 5310-JARC-NFP • Lists subrecipients and type of organization • Designates urbanized/nonurbanized • Indicates for each project: • Brief description • Total project cost and Federal share • Reference in local plan • Planning/program administration budget

  26. Grants Development & ManagementState/Program Management Plans 5310-JARC-NFP • Program goals and objectives • Roles and responsibilities • Coordination • First plans are due Nov. 1, 2007 • Subsequent plans are due

  27. Grants Development & ManagementState/Program Management Plans 5310-JARC-NFP • Eligible subrecipients • Local share and local funding requirements • Project selection criteria and method of distributing funds

  28. Grants Development & Management State/Program Management Plans 5310-JARC-NFP • Annual POP development and approval process • Administration, planning and technical assistance • Transfer of funds • Private sector participation

  29. Grants Development & ManagementData Collection Reporting & Oversight • Data Collection and Reporting • Streamlined reporting as part of annual report • Decreased number of data elements • Oversight • Urban areas: triennial review • States: state management review

  30. Grants Development & ManagementData Collection Reporting & Oversight • Data Collection and Reporting • Streamlined reporting as part of annual report • Decreased number of data elements • Oversight • Urban areas: triennial review • States: state management review

  31. Grants Development and Management—Performance Measures • Government Performance Results Act (GPPRA) requires FTA to establish performance goals and indicators. • The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Performance Assessment Rating Tool helps identify a program’s strengths and weaknesses. • FTA performance analysis will not be used to assess individual grants.

  32. Grants Development & ManagementTechnical Assistance and Training • Project ACTION • Job Links • RTAP • National Transit Institute (NTI) • ITS Peer to Peer • Transportation Planning Capacity Building Peer Program • USDA Rural & Tribal Technical Assistance Programs • Mobility Service for All Americans • National Center on Senior Transportation • National Resource Center for Human Service Transportation Coordination

  33. Summary • If a governor designates one recipient for the three programs then the designated recipient will be responsible for conducting the required ____________. • The purpose of a ____________ is to outline the geographic and financial distribution.

  34. Summary 3.One element of the Coordinated Public Transit Human Services Transportation Plan includes priorities for implementation based on ______, time, and ________. 4.For FY 2007, FTA will accept project selection plans developed prior to the published circular if they meet four criteria. Name them.

  35. Summary 5. The Certification of fair and equitable distribution will be addressed as part of the ________ for state-administered programs and the ________ for programs administered by designated recipients in Large Urbanized Areas (> 200,000). 6. Designated recipients evaluates proposals using selection criteria stated in the ________.

  36. Summary 7.We’ve covered five Grants Development and Management commonalities between the 5310, JARC and NFP today. Name them. 8. POP is FTA-talk for ______________. 9. A State/Program Management Plan is a tool to help the ______ and ______ monitor the grant.

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