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High Precision Automated Machinery Parts

Dongguan BIE Hardware Co.,Ltd is the leading Manufacturer and supplier of high precision CNC machining parts and milling parts in China. We offer our perfect products at most reasonable price to the clients in domestic and abroad.<br><br>Source : http://bie-machiningparts.com/

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High Precision Automated Machinery Parts

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  1. MILLING PARTS & ACCES SORIES DONGGUAN BIE HARDWARE CO.,LTD http://bie-machiningparts.com/

  2. ReportOverview Scope of thisReport About The Company Automated MachineryParts PowerFeedAPF-500Z-AutomatedMachinery Features ContactUs DONGGUAN BIE HARDWARE C O., L TD

  3. ABOUTTHE COMPANY DongguanBIEHardwareCo.,Ltdisamanufacturer specialized in developing and producing high precision CNC machining parts and milling parts according to customers' requirements and productsaremainlyusedinHomeAppliance,Body Care,Consumer Electronics,Tools,Automated Machineryetc. DONGGUAN BIE HARDWARE C O., L TD

  4. Certification We got certificationof ISO9001:2008and certification ofCE,FCC andRoHs. JoyceChen

  5. AutomatedMachinery Parts What wemeasure Dongguan BIE Hardware Co.,Ltd offers wide rangeofautomatedmachinerypartstoChina andglobalmarket.Wemadedifferenttypeof aluminiumpartsforflatglassscreenprinting machinery. DONGGUAN BIE HARDWARE C O., L TD

  6. Power FeedAPF-500Z Application &Performance Itisusedformillingmachine. Volumeissmall,installationisconvenient. Getstablecontinuouslyvariablespeedbyswitch. Simpleoperationofthecurrentprotectiondevice,the feedercanberesumedwithasinglepush. Largeoutputtorqueandlownoise. Voltage:110V50HZ/60HZ Current:2.8amp Maximumtorque:155/cm*kg135/in*lb Rotating speed:0-210

  7. FEATURES: Our plan forsuccess Thenewclutchdeviceprotectsthedevicefromrapidimpactwhenthetoolcollides withtheworkpieceorwhentheleftandrightmomentsarereversed. Thequickknobdesignismoreconvenientandquickerincomparisonwiththeleftand rightswitchinghandles.Itismoreaccurateatthefeedspeed,andtheinchingfunction caneasilymaketheworkpiecereachthemachiningposition. Theleftandrightlimitswitchesarewaterproof,oil-proof,dust-proofandtheswitchis not easilydamaged. Thefeederhasthecharacteristicsoflownoise,largetorque,highspeed,convenient installation and flexible operation, beautiful appearance, etc. It meets the requirementsofergonomics.Itisinstalledonthemachinetooltoprovidesmooth powertothemachinetoolandgreatlyimproveworkefficiency. DONGGUAN BIE HARDWARE C O., L TD

  8. Wemade Precised MetalParts forIndustry System.

  9. COMPANYPHILOSOPHY OurPolicy With the policy of "integrity, quality, service and win-win situation",weofferourperfectproductsatmostreasonable price to the clients in domestic and abroad. Quality and service are superior,customer could find us at any time,as well asholidays. DONGGUAN BIE HARDWARE C O., L TD

  10. ContactUs Mailingaddress 1stFloor,No.2,BinheSouthRoad,Guanjingtou, FenggangTown,Dongguan,Guangdong,China Emailaddress joycechen.chp@bie-machiningparts.com Phonenumber +86076981900639/+8613412163649

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