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Lesson 13

Lesson 13. Trey Cuthbertson Tyler Blake Jarius Lewis Dashawn Cotton. Angi: Vessel (Usually Blood). Angiology: Angi (vessel) Logy (study of) Angiosperm: Angi (vessel) sperm (seed)-Flowering plants in which the seed is contained in a pericarp.

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Lesson 13

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lesson 13 Trey Cuthbertson Tyler Blake Jarius Lewis Dashawn Cotton

  2. Angi: Vessel (Usually Blood) • Angiology: Angi (vessel) Logy (study of) • Angiosperm: Angi (vessel) sperm (seed)-Flowering plants in which the seed is contained in a pericarp. • Angina Pectoris: Angi (vessel) pectus (breast)--Chest pain due to insufficient blood to the heart muscles.

  3. Bas: Low • Basement: Bas (low) Ment (result, process) • Bassoon: Bas (low)--Double-reed woodwind with long, curved mouthpiece. • Debase: De (down, from) bas (low): to lower in character, quality, or value.

  4. Clud (clus): close, shut • Exclude: Ex (out) clud (shut) • Preclude: Pre (before) clud (close)--avoid; prevent • Recluse: Re(back) clus(shut)

  5. Corn: Horn • Unicorn: Uni (one) Corn (horn) • Capricorn: Capri (goat) Corn (horn) • Cornucopia: Corn (horn) Copia (plenty)

  6. Crac(crat): Government, power, rule • Democracy: Demos (people) Crac (government) Y (result of) • Autocrat: Auto (self) Crat (power)--one ruler with unlimited power • Theocracy: Theo (god) Crac (government) Y (result of)

  7. Dom: House • Dome: Dom (house) • Domestic: Dom (house) ic (related to) • Domicile: Dom (house) ile (pertaining to)

  8. Ev: time, age • Inevitable: in (in) ev (time) able(able) • Medieval: medi(middle) ev (age) al (related to) • Primeval: prim (first) ev (age, time) al (related to)

  9. Frater: brother • Fraternal: frater (brother) al (related to) • Fraternity: frater(brother) ity (state, quality) • Fratricide:frater (brother) cid (kill)

  10. Gymn: Naked • Gymnasium: gymn (naked) sium (place) place to exerise in the nude • Gymnosperm: gymn (naked) sperm (seed) • Gymnophist: gymn (naked) soph (wise) ist (one who)---ancient hindu sect of ascetics who contemplated in the nude

  11. Hum: Earth, Ground • Humble: hum (earth) ble(related to)--- lowly; close to the ground • Humiliate:hum (earth) ate (make,cause)--- to make one feel lowly • Exhume: ex (out) hum (earth, ground)

  12. Lud (lus): laugh, mock, play • Ludicrous:lud (laugh) ous (full of) • Collusion: col (together, with) lus (play) ion(act of) ---conspiring for illegal purpose • Prelude:pre (before) lud (play)

  13. Mater(metr):mother • Maternal: mater (mother) al (related to) • Matromony: matr (mother) mony (state of) --state of motherhood • Metropolis: metr (mother) polis (polis city)---largest or most important city

  14. Meso: Middle • Mesoderm: Medo (middle) Derm (skin) • Mesopotamia: Meso (middle) potamos (river): An ancient country of Southwest Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. • Mesozoic: Meso (Middle) Zo (Animal) Ic (related to)

  15. Oo(ov):egg • Oogamy: oo(egg) gamy (marriage)--reproduction by union of egg and sperm • Ovicide: ov (egg) cid (kill)---killing eggs of insects • Ovoviviparous: ov (egg) viv (living) parous (produce)----eggs that hatch internally

  16. Ophthlam eye • Ophthalmic: ophthalm (eye) ic (related to) • Opthalmologist: ophthalm (eye) log (study) ist (one who) • Ophthalmoscope: ophthalm (eye) scop (look)- instrument for examining eye

  17. Pater (patri): Father • Paternity: pater (father) ity (state of) • Patriarch: patri (father) arch (rule) • Repatriate: re (back) patri (father) ate (cause)- return to fatherland

  18. Phag: Eat • Esophagus: oisophagos (eat)- tube for food from pharynx to stomach • Dysphagia: dys (bad) phag (eat) ia (condition)- trouble swallowing • Anthropophagous: anthrop (man) phag (eat) ous (full of)- cannibal

  19. Platy: Flat, Broad • Plateau: plat (flat) • Platypodia: platy (flat) pod (foot) ia (condition) • Platitude:plat (broad) tude (state of)- trite expression; lack of originality

  20. Polis (polit): City • Police: polis (city) • Acropolis: acro (high) polis (city)- built at highest point in the city • Megalopolis: megal (large) polis (city)- densely populated urban area, usually including one or more major cities

  21. Rod: Gnaw • Rodent: rod (gnaw) ent (that which) • Corrode: cor (together, with) rod (gnaw) • Erode: e (out) rod (gnaw)

  22. Soror: Sister • Sorority: Soror (sister) ity (state of) • Sororal: Soror (sister) al (related to) • Sororicide: Soror (sister) icide (kill)

  23. Term: End, Limit • Terminate: Term (end) ate (cause) • Interminable: In (not) term (end) able (able) • Terminology: Term (limited) ology (study)

  24. Test: Witness • Testify : Test (witness) fy (make) • Testimony: Test (witness) mony (result) • Intestate: In(no) test (witness) ate (cause)--dying without a will

  25. Tut (tui): Teach, Guard • Tutor: Tut (teach) or (one who) • Tutelage: Tut (guard) age (state of) • Intuition: In (not) tui (teach) tion (act of)--knowledge from within; not taught

  26. Vir: Man • Virile: Vir (man) ile (like, pertaining to) • Virility: Vir (man) ity (state, condition) • Triumvirate: Trium (three) vir (man) ate (make)

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