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Become Your Own Stress Manager

While a little stress can help us excel at a demanding job and in handling responsibilities in family and social life, chronic or acute stress can impact our physical and mental health badly. Online counselling or telehealth allows you to avail therapy for stress and anxiety using digital devices like mobile or laptop on apps like zoom to access counselling online with online appointments from the comfort of your home.

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Become Your Own Stress Manager

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BetterLYF.com BecomeYour OwnStress Manager

  2. Stresshasbecomeanunavoidablepartofourlivesinthis fast-pacedworld. Whilealittlestresscanhelpusexcelatademandingjob andinhandlingresponsibilitiesinfamilyandsociallife, chronicoracutestresscanimpactourphysicalandmental healthbadly.

  3. Sometimesourlifestyleandthecircumstancesthatleadtothis chronicstressmayinclude: Lackofregular, qualitysleep Excessiveconsumptionofprocessedfoodsorrefined carbohydrates Overuseoralcoholorover-the-countermedications Reducedrelaxationofmindandbodyadailybasis Lackofmeditation, regularprayerorpositivefocusonspiritual matters

  4. HowcanyoubeyourownStressManager : 1. MakeYourSelfBeliefStronger

  5. 2. MakeSMARTGOALS Specific (simple, sensible, significant) Measurable (meaningful, motivating) Achievable (agreed, attainable) Relevant (reasonable, realisticand resourced, results-based). Time-bound (time-based, time-limited, time/costlimited, timely, time-sensitive)

  6. 3. HealthisWealth Tofightstress-releasinghormoneslikecortisol, itis importanttotakecareofyourphysicalhealth. Workingoutonadailybasisreleaseshappyhormones likeendorphins, whicheasesstressandanxiety.

  7. 4. BurstYourBalloon Peoplefeellessstressedwhentheytalktosomeone supportive, itcanbeaclosefriend, relative, oratherapist.

  8. 5. OppositeAction Understress, wearemorelikelytocausedamageinour livesaswedisplaceouremotions, doingtheopposite actionhelpyouchangeyouremotion. Forexample - If yougenerallystartyellingwhenyouareangry, trytalking quietlyandpolitely

  9. 6. Saynotocatastrophe Understress, wetendtomaximiseourdifficulty10times morewhichiscalledcatastrophizing. Wheneveryoufeelthisishappening, askyourself “Will thismatterinthelongrun? Whataretheaspectsofmy concernthatareundermycontrol?”

  10. OnlineCounselling (Audio, Video, chat) OnlineCounsellingorTelehealthallowsyoutoavail therapyforstressandanxietyusingdigitaldeviceslike mobileorlaptoponappslikezoomtoaccess counsellingonlinewithonlineappointmentsfromthe comfortofyourhome.

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