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Support services for employers companies

Assist flexible forms of employment procedures by developing models that can secure careers in order to reach “ flexisecurity ”. Support services for employers companies. FROM A PLANNED LOCAL MANAGEMENT OF JOBS AND SKILLS concerning skills: assessment of qualitative needs,

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Support services for employers companies

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  1. Assist flexible forms of employment procedures by developing models that can secure careers in order to reach “flexisecurity” programme Léonardo Da Vinci 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19731 3 Projet 2012 : une ingénierie de formation pour accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail

  2. Support services for employers companies FROM A PLANNED LOCAL MANAGEMENT OF JOBS AND SKILLS • concerning skills: assessment of qualitative needs, • concerning jobs: assessment of quantitative needs, TO A PLANNED TERRITORIAL MANAGEMENT OF JOBS AND SKILLS • Build a territorial map of jobs and needs of skills, • Pool the employers’ needs on an employment market. programme Léonardo Da Vinci 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19731 3 Projet 2012 : une ingénierie de formation pour accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail

  3. Support service for seasonal workers and job-seekers BUILD THE PLANNED MANAGEMENT OF CAREERS, JOBS AND SKILLS • Identify, with any worker and job-seeker their existing skills portfolio • Validate each one of these skills in support with the existing devices (skills assessment, device of Validation of Experiences Acquirings,….) • Develop a construction course of skills to be acquired in order to optimize access to qualified jobs • Assist each stage of the course, through employment, training courses, waiting periods in between each contractual actions (employment or training period) This would include the goals of a PUBLIC SERVICE career guidance, created and dedicated to those specific types and forms of employment programme Léonardo Da Vinci 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19731 3 Projet 2012 : une ingénierie de formation pour accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail

  4. Within the company, witheachemployers • Support the implementation of the jobs and skills managment • Help to specify each job skills and identify the needed qualification for each office, • Help withrecruitment, • Training of the tutors, • Develop train the trainers sessions among workers and tutors in order to set up training modules in work places. programme Léonardo Da Vinci 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19731 3 Projet 2012 : une ingénierie de formation pour accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail

  5. Concerningworkers • Device of validation of experience acquirings • Develop the use of Individual Training Leave • Implement skills passport • Identification of transferable skills allowing an access to the pluriactivity (flexibility) • Implementation of support to secure careers programme Léonardo Da Vinci 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19731 3 Projet 2012 : une ingénierie de formation pour accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail

  6. Concerning job-seekers • Support to work out a career project including the pluriactivity (flexibility) • Identification of the relevant qualifications for the targeted jobs (flexibility) • Set up career plans alternating the different periods of employment, training in workplaces, training courses, other situations: build security • Contracting the stages and engineering of the careers (security) programme Léonardo Da Vinci 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19731 3 Projet 2012 : une ingénierie de formation pour accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail

  7. About eachof the targeted qualifications • Identify the différent types of qualification(diploma, title, professional qualification certificate,….) • Identification of the various methods of qualification and their benefits for employment (more profit) • Deconstruction of standards of qualifications or certification into specific skills units, • Proposal on a territorial level of an adapted answer to workers needs of qualification. programme Léonardo Da Vinci 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19731 3 Projet 2012 : une ingénierie de formation pour accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail

  8. Identification of cross competences to several profession jobs • Some technical, organizational, social, behavioral skills are common to several profession job For example reception quality of service, time management, communication, cashing up procedures, current use of information and communication technologies, languages knowledges ...... • Enable the socio-professional agents to identify those cross competences and therefore help workers to think, enroll, in a multi-activity career, • Enable training centers to pool the needs and offer a close training solution on territories • Towards a cross competences common-core of the professions with a wide variation of offers linked with seasonality programme Léonardo Da Vinci 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19731 3 Projet 2012 : une ingénierie de formation pour accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail

  9. TRAINING MODULARIZATION • In order to answer the job done in the stage of deconstruction of the systems of references, build a modularized training offer(by operational targets of profession job, by units of knowledge and piece of competences,…) • Identify the outstanding conditions of apprenticeship (in training centers, within working structures, from a distance, on a mixed training course,…) • Work out the qualifications progress in the alternating employment / trainings. programme Léonardo Da Vinci 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19731 3 Projet 2012 : une ingénierie de formation pour accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail

  10. QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS • Intermediate validation • by competences (professional competences certificate) • By training courses units (continuous appraisal during training course per competences Units), • Final validation • CQP : Certification of Professional Qualification (by the occupationals) • Professional titles through certification (issued by a jury of professionals) • Diploma of technical training (final exam training) • Through the Validation of Experience Acquirings programme Léonardo Da Vinci 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19731 3 Projet 2012 : une ingénierie de formation pour accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail

  11. Some working leads : Three possible relaying on the existing common law devices programme Léonardo Da Vinci 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19731 3 Projet 2012 : une ingénierie de formation pour accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail

  12. How to use the EmploymentOperationalPreparation programme Léonardo Da Vinci 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19731 3 Projet 2012 : une ingénierie de formation pour accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail

  13. How to use the Training Action Prior to Recruitment programme Léonardo Da Vinci 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19731 3 Projet 2012 : une ingénierie de formation pour accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail

  14. How to use the Prior to RecruitmentAppraisal in Workplace programme Léonardo Da Vinci 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19731 3 Projet 2012 : une ingénierie de formation pour accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail

  15. Objective of the action Ensure Flexicurity means organizing an engineering which gives access to measures that would preserve careers from breaking up: • By anticipatingeachstep, • By the involvement of all the employment and training actors, • Assistance throughout life career and therfore secure any professional transition. programme Léonardo Da Vinci 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19731 3 Projet 2012 : une ingénierie de formation pour accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail

  16. Synopticviewof the device EDUCATIONAL ENGINEERING FINANCIAL ENGINEERING programme Léonardo Da Vinci 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19731 3 Projet 2012 : une ingénierie de formation pour accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail

  17. Firstexemple Job Center services Training course Job searching Long termcontract FTC < 4 FTC > 4 ACJO (OPCA ) RegionRCforUT programme Léonardo Da Vinci 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19731 3 Projet 2012 : une ingénierie de formation pour accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail

  18. Second exemple Fundingarrangments ACJO UNCOMPENSATED JOB-SEEKER AISF FTC > 4 ITL FTC LTC FTC < 4 No rightsallowedrequestedregionalsupport Fundingarrangmentsgovernment /job center Regional Cheque for Universal Training programme Léonardo Da Vinci 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19731 3 Projet 2012 : une ingénierie de formation pour accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail

  19. The case of seasonality : long term contracts with the same employer programme Léonardo Da Vinci 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19731 3 Projet 2012 : une ingénierie de formation pour accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail

  20. Seasonaljos situation: short termcontractswithseveralemployers programme Léonardo Da Vinci 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19731 3 Projet 2012 : une ingénierie de formation pour accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail

  21. Partnershipwithgrouping of employers programme Léonardo Da Vinci 2011-1-PL1-LEO04-19731 3 Projet 2012 : une ingénierie de formation pour accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail

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