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The Mind and Cancer

Mind/Body-Body/Mind. How does the brain effect the body?How does the body effect the brain?Every thought, conscious or unconscious affects the physiology of the body.Every physiological reaction of the body affects the brain-subconsciously or unconsciously.Every thought affects the 60 trillion c

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The Mind and Cancer

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    1. The Mind and Cancer Dr. Rudy Kachmann

    2. Mind/Body-Body/Mind How does the brain effect the body? How does the body effect the brain? Every thought, conscious or unconscious affects the physiology of the body. Every physiological reaction of the body affects the brain-subconsciously or unconsciously. Every thought affects the 60 trillion cells of your body. Every one of your 60 trillion cells eavesdrops on your every thought.

    3. What is Holistic Medicine? Physiological Physical Spiritual Each person is unique Each person should be part of decision making team The person has self-healing abilities

    4. Mind/Body-Body/Mind How does the brain speak to the body? How does the body speak to the brain? Neuropeptides-CRH, TSH, FSH, ACTH Hormones-Estrogen, Testosterone Neurotransmitters-acetycholine, epinepherine

    5. Molecules of Emotion Doctor Candice Pert The emotional body Opiate receptor site Monocytes make every neuropeptide in the body. Mind/body-Body/mind

    6. Psycho-Neuro-Immunology (PNI) White cells, monocytes, T-cells, bone marrow, spleen, thymus Your Army, Navy and Air Force can be influenced by your thoughts, positively or negatively. “The will to live”

    7. History of the Mind and Cancer In the literature for 2000 years 1846 Dr. Walter Hyle Nature and treatment of cancer was very clear to him, questioning its reality would have seemed a struggle against reason. 1865 Dr. Claude Bernard-A human being must be considered a harmonious whole. 1870 Paget Depression plays a vital role in cancer as well as anxiety and hopelessness increase cancer growth

    8. History of the Mind and Cancer ctd. 1893 Snow – First statistical proof of increased rate of cancer in a group of 250 patients - in 156 there was recent severe stress – loss of relative, divorce, or death. Patients with severe mental disease like schizophrenic, idiots, or lunatics have low rate of cancer Paranoids – who think too much have higher rates of cancer than normal people.

    9. Carl & Stephanie Simonton “Getting Well Again” 78’ 80’ 92’ The first patient The Simonton study of 159 patients “It’s more important to know what kind of person has a disease – than what disease the patient has – very true, “My forty years of medical practice” Cancer patients live twice as long if they are taught mind/body medicine.

    10. Cancer 30%-45% are cured by modern medicine But one dies and the other doesn’t although they have the same disease. Patients taught mind/body medicine live twice as long They have a higher rate of spontaneous cures

    11. Spontaneous Remissions The placebo effect Placebo – Nocibo Immunology Will to live Love I believe Positive and Negative expectations

    12. Cancer A weak and confused cell – a reject Cancer begins with a cell with incorrect genetic information. We have a few cancer cells everyday. (white cells kills them) We make billions of cells daily – so a mistake wouldn’t be a surprise! Malignant cells are weak and disorganized

    13. Causes of Cancer Carcinogenic substances – Nicotine, Tar, Chemicals, Drugs. Loss of immunity Drugs, Stress, Depression, Genetic Predisposition, Diet, and Obesity 20% of cancer caused by the diet – Breast, Prostate, and colon. Japan – Little cancer, but when in the U.S. rate same as Americans, due to diet and stress.

    14. Cancer Causes Put cancer cells in humans and they are immediately destroyed. Transplant Story Surveillance Theory Stress and illness – strong link

    15. Mind Body Index Stress reduces immunity Dr. Hans Seley Christopher Reeve – Bereavement Dr. Holmes – Rahe – Stress test When life is too hectic and coping fails, illness is the unhappy result, including cancer All animal research stopped – linking cancer and stress – the proof is 100% certain.

    16. Hans Selye General adaptation syndrome – chronic stress Stress suppresses immune system – your army goes away Definition of stress – “Inability to cope with perceived – real or imaginary, threats to our physical, emotional, and psychological well being” Selye – “Nonspecific response of the body to stress”

    17. The Individual Increased level of stress, increase susceptibility to illness. Chronic, not acute, stress causes suppression of the immune system. Acute stress is over too quickly Chronic stress – loss of white cells enlarged adrenal glands, enlarged hearts, weight loss, and death.

    18. Psychological Evidence Dr. Lawrence LeShan – experimental psychologists – foremost theorist of the psychological life history of a cancer patient. Emotional factors in the causation of cancer

    19. Emotional Factors and Cancer Dr. LeShan Patients youth was marked by feelings of isolation, despair and intense interpersonal relationships Previous strong personal relationships removed (death, move, divorce, and retirement) Despair was bottled up – the zest left their lives simply wanting to die, ready for death

    20. Dr. LeShan 76% of 500 patients with cancer had a history of emotional problems or severe stress Only 10% of the control group without cancer had this pattern Other studies by Dr. Schmale – patients with cancer frequently had a history of hopelessness and frustration Dr. Green – Many patients with leukemia and lymphoma had history of dispair, hopelessness and discontinuity Dr. Kissen – Heavy smokers, the ones that have cancer were found to have high rates of chronic stress.

    21. Carl Simonton The ranch hand Six kids and off to college, now what? Breast cancer with metastasis Retirement, now what? Higher rates of cancer immediately after retirement Identity problem Loss of coping, no purpose Hopelessness, and helplessness – no control Death is the solution

    22. Recovery The purposeful life – Rick Warren, Dr. LeShan, Dr. Kachmann Power of positive thinking – Dr. Norman Vincent Peale “You can if you think you can”

    23. Upward Spiral of Recovery With cancer – the individual gains a new perspective on his/her problem – (Wake-up call) The new permission slip to act differently – suspend the rules New rules increase psychological energy Hope and renewed desire to live Change in psychological state as well as change in physiological state.

    24. “The will to live” Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker’s Positive or negative expectations very important You have only six months to live My son’s patient Voodoo affect Positive attitude was more important that the disease according to studies by Dr. Simonton

    25. Our Society Lot of negative thinking by medical providers and patients – “You have only six months to live” Cancer is synonymous with death – not true Drastic effects of surgery and chemo –That’s all wrong 30%-45% are cured by modern medicine Another 25% live many years At least 50% are helped by mind/body medicine – Many live twice as long and a higher spontaneous remission rate.

    26. Positive Expectancy Cancer may not be fatal Your body defenses are mortal enemies of cancer Modern medicine cures many patients Medical and psychological treatments are great help - This is not false hope Marriage has only 50% success rate – cancer is no different Hope very important in cancer survival

    27. Mind Body Index Depression, despair, hopelessness, helplessness – causes of mind/body diseases including cancer Limbic system – records depression and despair Hypothalamus – Metabolic center Neuropeptides control immune system through CRH – Pituitary gland – ACTH adrenal glands

    28. Recovery First step strengthening their belief in effectiveness of the treatment and potency of defenses and change in perception Teaching the will to live Pursue medical and emotional intervention Stress reduction and possibly psychiatric treatment

    29. Participating in Your Health Identify the major stresses six to eight months prior to their diagnosis Identify hopelessness and helplessness Identify benefits of illness Learning to relax and visualize recovery Value of positive mental images Overcoming resentment and releasing the past Creating the future and setting goals Increasing the will to live and creating a purpose in life Mental imagery – inner guide

    30. Participating in Your Health Pain management with biofeedback Teach yoga – mind control and exercises Meditation – “The Breath” Loving support system – My friend Andre Rieu says, “There is no greater force in the world than love.” “The heart beats in a rhythm of three, just like the waltz”

    31. First Week Read “The Will to Live” by Dr. Arnold Hutchneckers “Mind as Healer” by Dr. Kenneth Pellitier “Seeing the Minds Eye” by Mike and Nancy Samuels Practice relaxation/mental imagery x’s three daily for ten minutes – have an instructor teach you and have a CD

    32. Second Week Relaxation mental/imagery Fill out stress questionnaire – Holmes/Rehe and mine in “Welcome To Your Mind Body” Start yoga, meditation Art – Draw your perception of the illness 30 minute walk daily if possible and communicate with nature

    33. Learning to RELAX Meditation Visualization Massage Ti-Chi Chi-Gong Shiatsu Biofeedback Acupuncture

    34. Progressive Relaxation with Mental Imagery Imagery – The language of the sub and unconscious Relaxation/Mental imagery x’s three daily – ten minutes CD with above Many meditative techniques all based on the breath – bring yourself to the center – the “Now” – Not before or after Mantra – Mind energy – “Ong Guru Deve Namo” “Sat Namo”.

    35. Language of Motivational Psychology Imaging – Picture desired events, movies, odors, sensations dress it up with ALL the senses Positive expectations Purposeful life Will to live Shower of positive neuropeptides, hormones and neurotransmitters Biofeedback

    36. The Mental Imagery Process Meditation – Breaths centering – Quiet mind – Relax body – Mantra (Many methods) Think and visualize weak and confused cancer cells (Previously draw picture – art) Visualize your treatment entering your body Radiation – beams of millions of bullets of energy hitting your tumor cells Picture the chemo drug entering your blood – acting like a poison killing the weak tumor cells Watch yourself urinating out the dead cells

    37. The Mental Imagery Process Picture your white cells destroying your cancer – overwhelming them all over your body Picture the cancer shrinking Visualize yourself as well with no pain – a normal person Draw a real picture demonstrating what you did

    38. Value of Relaxation of Mental Imagery Remove hopelessness and helplessness Decrease fear – regain sense of control Increase the will to live – Create a purpose Effect physical changes Evaluating and altering beliefs Tool to communicate with the unconscious Decrease tension and stress

    39. Criteria for Effective Imagery Cancer cells are weak and confused The treatment is strong and powerful The healthy cells have no difficulty repairing any slight damage the treatment might do The army of white cells is vast and overwhelms the cancer cells The white cells are aggressive, eager for battle, quick to seek out cancer cells and destroy them The dead cancer cells are flushed from the body normally and naturally By the end of the imagery, your healthy and free of cancer See yourself reaching your goals in life, fulfilling your life’s purpose

    40. “The Secret of the Non-Diet” Complex carbs Whole Grain Vegetables Legumes Fruit Fish twice a week Omega 3 Multi-vitamin All you can eat

    41. My Goal Have Mind/Body medicine available to all cancer patients Almost all patients become more hopeful with this approach It increases the will to live Patients are happier It may double their life span and increase the chances of a spontaneous cure

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