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动态模型与静态模型. UML 交互图. UML 交互图. OO 设计的原则比画图更重要 交互图包括:顺序图和协作图. lifeline box representing the class. Font. ,. or more precisely. ,. that. Font. is. lifeline box representing a. lifeline box representing an. an instance of class. Class. –. an. named instance.

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  1. 动态模型与静态模型

  2. 2

  3. UML交互图 3

  4. UML交互图 • OO设计的原则比画图更重要 • 交互图包括:顺序图和协作图 4

  5. lifeline box representing the class Font , or more precisely , that Font is lifeline box representing a lifeline box representing an an instance of class Class – an named instance unnamed instance of class Sale instance of a metaclass «metaclass» : Sale s 1 : Sale Font List is an interface lifeline box representing an lifeline box representing instance of an ArrayList class , one instance of class Sale , in UML 1 . x we could not use an parameterized ( templatized ) to selected from the sales interface here , but in UML 2 , this ( or hold Sale objects ArrayList < Sale > collection an abstract class ) is legal sales : x : List sales [ i ] : Sale ArrayList < Sale > related example 常用交互图的表示法(续) • 生命线框图 5

  6. 常用交互图的表示法(续) • 消息表达式的基本语法 return = message(parameter : parameterType) : returnType 6

  7. 1 : Register : Store the ‘ 1 ’ implies this is a Singleton , and accessed via the Singleton pattern doX doA 常用交互图的表示法(续) • 单实例类对象 • Singleton模式 7

  8. : Register : Sale doX doA doB 创始消息 a whose sender will not be specified doC doD execution specification bar indicates focus of control sychronous typical message shown with a filled - arrow line 顺序图的基本表示 • 生命线、消息和活动条 8

  9. 顺序图的基本表示(续) • 表示应答或返回 9

  10. 顺序图的基本表示(续) • 发送给自身的消息 10

  11. 顺序图的基本表示(续) • 实例的创建 11

  12. 顺序图的基本表示(续) • 表示循环 12

  13. 顺序图的基本表示(续) • 有条件消息 13

  14. lineItems [ i ] : : Sale This lifeline box represents one SalesLineItem instance from a collection of many t = getTotal SalesLineItem objects . lineItems [ i ] is the expression to select one element from the loop [ i < lineItems . size ] collection of many st = getSubtotal SalesLineItems ; the ‘i” value refers to the same “i” in the guard i ++ in the LOOP frame action box an may contain arbitrary language statements ( in this case , incrementing ‘i’ ) it is placed over the lifeline to which it applies 顺序图的基本表示(续) • 对集合的迭代 14

  15. 15

  16. 顺序图的基本表示(续) • 关联交互图 16

  17. message to class , or a static method call doX 1 : locs = getAvailableLocales «metaclass» : Foo Calendar 顺序图的基本表示(续) • 对类调用静态方法的消息 17

  18. 顺序图的基本表示(续) • 多态消息的案例 18

  19. a stick arrow in UML implies an asynchronous call active object a filled arrow is the more common synchronous call System : : ClockStarter Class In Java , for example , an asynchronous call may occur as follows : startClock // Clock implements the Runnable interface Thread t = new Thread ( new Clock () ) ; create : Clock t . start () ; the asynchronous start call always invokes the run method run on the Runnable ( Clock ) object runFinalization to simplify the UML diagram , the Thread object and the start message may be avoided ( they are standard “overhead” ) ; instead , the essential detail of the Clock creation and the run message imply the asynchronous call 顺序图的基本表示(续) • 异步和同步调用 19

  20. 协作图的基本表示法 • 消息及导航路径 20

  21. 协作图的基本表示法(续) • 自身传递的消息 21

  22. Three ways to show creation in a communication diagram create message , with optional initializing parameters . This will normally be interpreted as a constructor call . 1 : create ( cashier ) : Register : Sale 1 : create ( cashier ) : Register : Sale { new } «create» 1 : make ( cashier ) : Register : Sale if an unobvious creation message name is used , the message may be stereotyped for clarity 协作图的基本表示法(续) • 实例的创建 22

  23. 协作图的基本表示法(续) • 消息的顺序编号 23

  24. 协作图的基本表示法(续) • 有条件消息 24

  25. lineItems [ i ]: t = getTotal 1 * [ i = 1 .. n ]: st = getSubtotal : Sale SalesLineItem This lifeline box represents one instance from a this iteration and recurrence clause indicates collection of many SalesLineItem objects . we are looping across each element of the lineItems collection . lineItems [ i ] is the expression to select one element from the collection of many SalesLineItems ; the ‘i” value comes from the message clause . lineItems [ i ]: t = getTotal 1 *: st = getSubtotal : Sale SalesLineItem Less precise , but usually good enough to imply iteration across the collection members 协作图的基本表示法(续) • 迭代或循环 25

  26. message to class , or a static method call doX 1 : locs = getAvailableLocales «metaclass» : Foo Calendar 协作图的基本表示法(续) • 对类调用静态方法的消息 26

  27. 协作图的基本表示法(续) • 多态消息 27

  28. 协作图的基本表示法(续) • 异步和同步 28

  29. UML类图 29

  30. officially in UML , the top format is used to distinguish the package SuperclassFoo name from the class name or SuperClassFoo { abstract } unofficially , the second alternative is common - classOrStaticAttribute : Int + publicAttribute : String 3 common - privateAttribute compartments assumedPrivateAttribute isInitializedAttribute : Bool = true java . awt :: Font 1 . classifier name aCollection : VeggieBurger [ * ] or attributeMayLegallyBeNull : String [ 0 .. 1 ] java . awt . Font 2 . attributes finalConstantAttribute : Int = 5 { readOnly } / derivedAttribute plain : Int = 0 { readOnly } 3 . operations bold : Int = 1 { readOnly } + classOrStaticMethod () name : String + publicMethod () style : Int = 0 assumedPublicMethod () ... an interface - privateMethod () shown with a # protectedMethod () getFont ( name : String ) : Font keyword ~ packageVisibleMethod () getName () : String «constructor» SuperclassFoo ( Long ) ... methodWithParms ( parm 1 : String , parm 2 : Float ) methodReturnsSomething () : VeggieBurger methodThrowsException () { exception IOException } «interface» abstractMethod () Runnable Fruit abstractMethod 2 () { abstract } // alternate dependency run () finalMethod () { leaf } // no override in subclass ... synchronizedMethod () { guarded } ... interface implementation and subclassing SubclassFoo PurchaseOrder 1 ... ... order run () ... ... association with multiplicities - ellipsis “…” means there may be elements , but not shown - a blank compartment officially means “unknown” but as a convention will be used to mean “no members” 30

  31. 属性文本和关联线 31

  32. Register «method» // pseudo - code or a specific language is OK ... public void enterItem ( id , qty ) endSale () { enterItem ( id , qty ) ProductDescription desc = catalog . getProductDescription ( id ) ; makeNewSale () sale . makeLineItem ( desc , qty ) ; makePayment ( cashTendered ) } 类图中表示方法体 32

  33. socket line notation Timer Window 1 uses the Timer dependency line notation Window 1 interface Window 2 has a dependency on the required interface it has a Timer interface when it collaborates with a Clock 2 object «interface» Clock 2 Timer ... Window 2 Timer getTime () getTime () ... Clock 1 implements and provides the Clock 3 Timer interface ... Timer Clock 1 Window 3 getTime () ... ... getTime () socket line notation ... lollipop notation indicates Clock 3 implements and provides the Timer interface to clients Window 3 has a dependency on the Timer interface when it collaborates provided interface Timer is a with a Clock 3 object 接口 33

  34. 组合 34

  35. 单实例类 35

  36. the attribute type may be expressed in official UML , with the template binding K parameterized or template «interface» syntax requiring an arrow interfaces and classes List or in another language , such as Java template parameter K is a clear () ... Board squares : List < K Square > anonymous class with or template binding complete squares : List < Square > T ArrayList ... elements : T [*] ArrayList < T Square > ... clear () clear () for example , the elements attribute is an ... ... array of type T , parameterized and bound before actual use . there is a chance the UML 2 “arrow” symbol will eventually be replaced with something else e . g . , ‘ = ’ 模板 36

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