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SiD Tracker Concepts

This article discusses the evolution and design drivers of SiD Tracker for linear colliders, highlighting the importance of excellent momentum and φ measurement, as well as the use of Si strip detectors. It also explores the challenges and potential solutions in tracker layout, structure, and electronics.

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SiD Tracker Concepts

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  1. SiD Tracker Concepts • History • Evolution SiD Tracker Concepts M. Breidenbach

  2. Design Drivers • Excellent momentum measurement • E-Flow calorimetry costs push towards modest(??!!) radius – nominally 1.25 m • E-Flow and momentum measurement both push BR2 – nominally 5 T. • Ergo want tracker with excellent φmeasurement- Si Strip Detectors! • Excellent multiparticle resolution • Seems hard to beat Si Strips with ~50 μ pitch. • Jets and backgrounds pretty dense. SiD Tracker Concepts M. Breidenbach

  3. More Design Drivers • Robustness in a linear collider environment. • “This (a linear collider) aint LEP!” John Jaros, circa early 2000’s. • SLC/SLD experience indicates that Si leads directly to peaceful sleep at night. CCD’s were fine, wire and gas detectors were sensitive to beam blasts (that could not happen). • Keep the detector thin. • Experience indicates that endplates of barrel systems ruined forward tracking. (Even SLD!) • Experience indicates that measured stuff (from multiple scattering) much greater than early drawings. Note that cable have to exit some place. • We acknowledge that a profound physics case for thin in the LC context has probably not yet been made – so keep working at it! SiD Tracker Concepts M. Breidenbach

  4. Tracker Layout Choice Un-simulated and Un-engineered SiD Tracker Concepts M. Breidenbach

  5. Find tracks from Vertex Detector • Find tracks from 5 layer CCD VXD. SLD was quite successful with 3 layers. • Should extrapolate well into Tracker (Momenter?) • Demo in progress – e.g. Steve Wagner. SiD Tracker Concepts M. Breidenbach

  6. Make Structure of Long Ladders • Readout half ladders from ends. • Wire bond 10 cm square detectors in daisy chain as in GLAST. • Minimal electronics and power pulsing make gas cooling easy. No liquids, leaks, or associated mass. SiD Tracker Concepts M. Breidenbach

  7. What's Wrong? • We have no support to do anything, except maybe think a little bit. • The outer barrel half length is (nominally) 17 detectors. • This is a lot of capacitance. • S/N is problematic. • Timing tag is hopeless. • Detectors thinner than ~300 μ ~hopeless. • The detectors are wire bonded on a (almost) massless spaceframe. A wirebonding machine for this needs to be invented. SiD Tracker Concepts M. Breidenbach

  8. What else is wrong? • Forward Disks are quite problematic: • Occupancy too high. • Mechanics of making long multi-detector trapezoidal segments ugly. • Timing tag ~necessary. SiD Tracker Concepts M. Breidenbach

  9. Evolve • Ditch (romantic) notion of long ladders and read out each detector. • Detector has signals routed to rectangular grid for bump bonding to detector, analogous to design for Si-W Calorimeter. Strip Detector Bypass Caps Thin Kapton Cable Readout Chip SiD Tracker Concepts M. Breidenbach

  10. Space Frame “Sketches” SiD Tracker Concepts M. Breidenbach

  11. Cfl Cf Gain Sense Ref Range Bit Convert Convert Hold Reset End of Conversion End of Conversion Integrate Ccal VCal Reset (before train) Threshold Discharge Current Source Si-W Calorimeter Analog Section February 2004 Si-W Calorimeter 1024 channels of: SiD Tracker Concepts M. Breidenbach

  12. Cf Convert Convert Hold Reset End of Conversion End of Conversion Integrate Ccal VCal Reset (before train) Threshold Discharge Current Source SiD Tracker Analog Section February 2004 Proposed Tracker Electronics 2048 Channels of: SiD Tracker Concepts M. Breidenbach

  13. Advantages • Higher modularity & improved occupancy • Improved S/N • Easy time tag • No wire bonding • Very modular assembly • Possibility of thinner detectors. • Stereo (even large angle) is easy. • Most of these particularly advantageous for forward disks. SiD Tracker Concepts M. Breidenbach

  14. More • Barrel is ~7000 detectors. @40 mW (average, probably generous) per ROC, total power is 280 watts. Endcaps should be less. OK for gas cooling? • Put data concentrator on end of ladder, accept connector (!!) from detector cable. Concentrator output is on optical fiber. • Cable is kapton w copper traces. 20 micron copper 3 mm wide seems ok for chip power; other traces narrower. SiD Tracker Concepts M. Breidenbach

  15. Thickness Budget (Rough!) SiD Tracker Concepts M. Breidenbach

  16. (Tentative) Conclusions • Simple is better • Need to evaluate occupancy forward (and lots of other stuff) SiD Tracker Concepts M. Breidenbach

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